Language varieties. Varieties of Language 2022-11-07

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There are thousands of languages spoken around the world, and within each language, there can be a variety of different dialects and variations. These language varieties can be based on geographical region, cultural or ethnic group, social class, or any combination of these factors.

One example of a language variety is a dialect. A dialect is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular geographic region or by a particular group of people. Dialects can vary in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. For example, there are many dialects of English spoken around the world, such as British English, American English, Australian English, and so on. Each dialect has its own unique characteristics and features.

Another example of a language variety is a creole. A creole is a stable, fully-developed natural language that arises from the mixing of two or more languages. Creoles often develop in situations where people from different language backgrounds need to communicate with each other, such as in colonial settings or in trade. Creoles tend to have a simplified grammar and vocabulary, and they often borrow elements from the languages that they are derived from.

In addition to dialects and creoles, there are also other types of language varieties such as jargons, slangs, and sociolects. A jargon is a specialized vocabulary that is used by a particular group of people, such as professionals or hobbyists. A slang is a type of informal language that is used by a particular group of people and is typically not considered to be standard language. A sociolect is a variety of language that is used by a particular social group, such as a group defined by age, gender, or social class.

Language varieties can be important for a number of reasons. For one, they can serve as a way for people to identify with and connect to their cultural or regional community. They can also be a source of pride and a way to preserve cultural traditions. Additionally, language varieties can provide insight into the history and development of a language and can help linguists to understand how languages evolve over time.

Despite the importance of language varieties, they can also be a source of conflict and tension. Some language varieties may be seen as inferior to others and may be discriminated against or marginalized. In some cases, language varieties may even be banned or suppressed in an effort to promote a dominant language or culture.

Overall, language varieties are an integral part of the linguistic landscape and play a significant role in shaping the way we communicate and understand the world around us.

Language Varieties

language varieties

EduBirdie does not believe that its academic standards are being violated. Standards, codification and sociolinguistic realism. It enables speakers to communicate in ways that are unique to their regions and cultures. In other words, jargon is a faux method of creating a sort of dialect that only those on this inside group can understand. Some examples of different languages include: French, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, and English. If you are interested in the development of language, and how it is used differently by different people, I strongly recommend looking into different vernaculars and creoles to see how other people speak. For example, 'Singlish' spoken in Singapore is a variety very different from standard English, and there are many other varieties of English used in India.


English in the world today: Languages, varieties and dialects

language varieties

In addition, subvarieties can be divided into even smaller groups, resulting in even more variety. He supported the replacement of Persian by English as the official language, the use of English as the medium of instruction in all schools, and the training of English-speaking Indians as teachers. . Varieties of language develop for a number of reasons: differences can come about for geographical reasons; people who live in different geographic areas often develop distinct dialects—variations of standard English. Welcome to the Language Varieties Web Site!! I know, I know. The fine stratification observed in New Zealand and in Sydney might fit with Australasian ideologies of social mobility, but we find similar patterns of broad social class stratification in Brisbane as we do in Norwich UK and Detroit USA. It is made up of a large number of words, which can be divided into two categories: concrete and abstract.


Language Varieties: Accents, Dialects + More

language varieties

What Is Dialect With Examples? All these factors are interconnected. As with similar dialects spoken elsewhere, Ugandan English has developed a strong local flavor. Some regional dialects clearly have stereotyped pronunciations associated with them. As a result, speaking and writing varieties and registers of language are concerned with both appropriateness and context. A pidgin is a simplified form of a lingua franca. In contrast to most of the Language Varieties in this site, its vocabulary comes mainly from French, not English.


Language Varieties

language varieties

Bahasa Indonesia, the name given to it by Indonesians, is a common term. Not all linguistic variation is the first step in language change. The English language is also used to educate people in all countries. Our language changes over time as it gets into contact with various idiolects of people who we interact with. All varieties of a language are systematic in their use, have a large number of speakers and thus have their right for existence.


The Different Ways People Use Language: Linguistic Variety

language varieties

North America Guatemala No 1 19th century North America Texas No 1 20th century North America Louisiana Some 1 1829 North America Newfoundland No 1 18th century? All families except in sub-Saharan Africa, New Guinea, Australia, and the Andaman Islands. Understanding various languages can be beneficial to a student in a variety of ways. Patois Patois is a term used to refer to minority, non-standard use of a language, so this could cover all dialects, creoles and pidgins, but this carries somewhat negative connotations as it implies an inferiority. It is easiest to define them in relation to one another, as they are used to highlight different systematic patterns in the way language manifests itself in society. The next chapter examines the differences between different language types, as well as their similarities in codes and code switching. Sometimes there are differences between the speech of men and women, different social classes, and differences between age groups. It is also possible that language will differ when he uses different topics because each subject has its own vocabulary.


Language Variation

language varieties

Furthermore, dialect can be offensive. We might feel that some speakers have very distinct or easily recognized types of accent while others may have more subtle or less noticeable accents, but every language-user speaks with an accent. It is becoming the language of international communication and is acquiring the status of a global language. South America East Brazil No 1 19th century? Stable variables and changes in progress have different profiles across different age groups of speakers. It is an important marker of ethnic identity. Obsolete; considered a linguistic convergence zone.


Varieties of Language

language varieties

The latter is often called a dialect, and people who speak it are considered to be inferior to the speakers of the standard variety. The first large wave of permanent English-speaking settlement in Canada, and linguistically the most important, was the influx of loyalists fleeing the American Revolution, chiefly from the Mid-Atlantic States — as such, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington, D. If you start with the language, dialect should probably be the first one you pick up. Do you identify as a native speaker of a language? The resident population at this time was generally speaking Common Brittonic—the insular variety of continental Celtic, which was influenced by the Roman occupation. English is a language that is defined by a combination of concrete and abstract words. South America East Brazil No 1? You are welcome to take a lesson from Edubirdie. This has always been of interest to me personally because where I grew up, in Northamptonshire, aka the middle of England, aka The Midlands that are always ignored in The North vs The South debate, I found myself using a mixture of both, often depending on the speed I speak or whether or not that word is at the start, middle or end of a sentence.


Language Variation

language varieties

Once a stable pidgin has emerged, it is generally learned as a second language and used for communication among people who speak different languages. Dialect The word dialect—which contains "lect" within the term—derives from the Greek words dia- meaning"across, between" and legein"speak. These kinds of linguistic misperceptions are among the reasons why sociolinguistics is important to everyone in our society. Canadian English Canadian English is the set of varieties of English native to Canada. African American Vernacular English AAVE , also called ' Ebonics ', is a minority dialect spoken by most African Americans thoughout the U.
