King lear quiz. King Lear Trivia Quizzes 2022-10-24

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King Lear is a tragic play written by William Shakespeare that tells the story of an aging king who decides to divide his kingdom among his three daughters, based on their professions of love for him. However, two of the daughters, Goneril and Regan, are deceitful and only flatter the king in order to gain power, while the third daughter, Cordelia, speaks honestly but is disowned by her father for not participating in the game of flattery.

As the play progresses, King Lear's decision to divide his kingdom and relinquish his power leads to a series of events that result in the loss of his throne, the death of several characters, and the eventual recognition of Cordelia's love and loyalty. The play explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of ego and pride.

To test your understanding of the play, try answering the following questions:

  1. Why does King Lear decide to divide his kingdom among his daughters?
  2. What do Goneril and Regan do to demonstrate their love for their father?
  3. Why does Cordelia not participate in the game of flattery?
  4. How do the events that unfold after King Lear's decision to divide his kingdom lead to the tragic end of the play?
  5. In what ways do the themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the consequences of ego and pride manifest in the play?

Answering these questions should give you a good sense of your understanding of the play, and you can use this quiz as a starting point to delve deeper into the themes and characters of King Lear.

King Lear MCQ's l King Lear Quiz l King Lear by Shakespeare

king lear quiz

What does Goneril order her servants to do to Lear? Who is in the hovel already? That he ordered Cordelia be killed Q. Regan and Goneril Q. Why does Kent defend Cordelia when her father banishes her? To whom are both Goneril and Regan attracted? To avoid seeing his father suffer Q. What does Regan ask Edmund not to do? For beating Oswald with the flat of his sword Q. Ambition: he wishes to be the ruler of Britain Q. Edgar, Kent, and Albany Q.


King Lear Trivia Quizzes

king lear quiz

The King of France marries Cordelia in spite of her banishment and lack of a dowry. . King Lear starts to notice his mistake when the two girls start to become rude and corrupt. He gives her share of the kingdom to her sisters Q. Visiting his daughters Q.


King Lear Quiz Flashcards

king lear quiz

How did the original audience respond to the ending of King Lear? A plot to kill Lear Q. Why does Lear take off his clothes? Goneril and Regan immediately begin to plot ways in which to usurp the power of the King, their father. When Lear tells Regan that Goneril has wronged him, what does Regan advise him to do? They put him in the stocks Q. What happens when Oswald tries to kill Gloucester? At what period in history does the play take place? Whom has Edmund sworn his love to? Justice; appearance versus reality Q. Who is married to Goneril? He is ashamed of how he treated her Q. Why does Goneril give Oswald a letter for Edmund? What excuse do Regan and Cornwall give for not speaking with Lear immediately? Iago is another character like that, I think.


King Lear quiz Flashcards

king lear quiz

When Lear visits Goneril, what does she demand of him? That he send away some of his knights Q. Which historical event may have influenced Shakespeare as he wrote the play? How does Edmund make Gloucester want to read the forged letter? Act rudely toward him Q. When Edgar is disguised and pretending to be insane, by what name does he go? Punish them severely Q. . The second is the date of publication online or last modification online. .


King Lear Short

king lear quiz

Took over his castle and ordered him not to mention Lear again Q. She wants Edmund to kill Albany, her husband Q. . . To be recognized as legitimate Q.


King Lear Multiple Choice Quiz

king lear quiz

Who encounters Edgar and Gloucester in a maddened state? Why is Gloucester accused of treason? Who does Kent reappear as after being banished by Lear? What happens to Cordelia? When Lear banished Kent he reached for his sword to attack Kent, showing that Lear cannot co. He wants to throw himself over the cliffs Q. She is hanged in prison Q. What did Regan, Goneril, and Cornwall do when Gloucester asked to go look for Lear? Lear is king of what country? What does the doctor say that Lear needs? Where does Gloucester ask Kent to take Lear? A servant defending Gloucester Q. Answer: Regan Gloucester was blinded by Cornwall, in his agony he cried for Edmund.


king lear quiz

Out of sympathy with Edgar Q. Who is searching for Lear on the heath? The 8th century BCE Q. He is being pursued and possessed by devils Q. In the beginning he easily angered, and rashly disowns Cordeli. Why does Gloucester want to reach the cliffs of Dover? They ultimately betray each other Q. What do Goneril and Regan demand of Lear? The second date is today's date — the date you are citing the material.


king lear quiz

Who does Edgar say was with Gloucester at the top of the cliff? What happens to Lear and Cordelia during the battle? Before the battle between the French and English armies, to whose camp is Lear brought? Sleep with Goneril Q. Because Edmund reveals letters showing that he knows of a French invasion Q. What does Gloucester overhear when gathering supplies? Edgar defends his father and kills Oswald Q. Who are the Duke of Albany and the Duke of Cornwall? Lear has been lowered to a level in which he can't banish the fool for "insulting him" so the fool can tell Lear what he needs to hear without punishment. Go to Goneril and ask her forgiveness Q. He had said earlier in the play "all's with me meet that I can fashion fit. What does Edgar give Albany? When he flees from his father, how does Edgar disguise himself? After he curses both Goneril and Regan, what does Lear do? What advice does Cordelia give to her sisters as she leaves with the King of France? He is sympathetic to Lear Q.
