Juxtaposingly. US20030008744A1 2022-11-06

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Juxtaposingly is a term that refers to the act of placing two or more things side by side, often for the purpose of comparison or contrast. This can be a powerful technique in various forms of communication, as it allows for the highlighting of similarities and differences between the items being juxtaposed.

In literature, for example, juxtaposing elements can be a useful way to create tension or conflict, or to draw attention to certain themes or ideas. A writer might juxtapose two characters with opposing viewpoints, or contrast a peaceful setting with a dramatic event. Juxtaposing elements can also be used to create irony, as when a character's actions or words are at odds with their intended meaning.

In visual art, juxtaposition can be used to create contrast and to draw the viewer's attention to certain elements. For example, an artist might place a bright, colorful object next to a dull, monochromatic one to create a sense of vibrancy and energy. Or, they might place a small object next to a larger one to create a sense of scale and proportion.

Juxtaposing elements can also be used in design and advertising to create visually appealing compositions and to draw the viewer's attention to certain elements. For example, a designer might juxtapose a large, bold font with a small, subtle one to create a sense of hierarchy and emphasis.

Overall, the use of juxtaposition can be a powerful tool in various forms of communication, allowing for the creation of contrast, tension, and emphasis, and helping to convey meaning and ideas in a more effective and engaging way.



We adopt a user-centric testing approach, delivering continuous value improvement in our engagements. The lid can also include an outwardly protruding peripheral lid closure bead adjacent the junction of the wall and the central panel for coacting with a juxtaposingly abutting circumferential groove in the interior surface of the container sides. In creating his stage production, Tasmanian playwright and director Scott Rankin consulted heavily with the Namatjira family. Both the container sides and the generally vertical wall of the lid extend substantially verti- 5 cally downward from their respective rims and extend inwardly toward the center of the central panel to form a substantially horizontal step and then extend downwardly and outwardly from the central panel to where they adjoin their respective groove and bead. Overall the collection is strong, sophisticated and elegant all at the same time.


Namatjira Project


The lid can include a generally vertical wall peripheral to the central panel and integral with and adjoining the central panel and the rim. Stacking lugs 38 in lid 24 allow many such lids to be nested on one another because they prevent the central panels of overlying lids from becoming blocked or lodged within the substantially vertical wall W or underlying lids. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed. Kevin McHale, who played Artie Abrams on the show, took to Twitter today to address the issue himself. Hurrell goes on to describe fandom disputes that occurred in the early 2010s that played out on the social media platform of Tumblr.


Juxtapose Definition & Meaning


As we looked into it, it became clear there were many contemporary issues contained in the story and it could provide a prism through which we could see our world and relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous people today. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list. The ventscan vertically feed into and allow air to escape into, i. In other words, when the content of carbon black is less than 45 weight parts, the strength is not sufficient, and in contrast, when the content of carbon black exceeds 80 weight parts, resistance to heat build-up is lowered and thus the deterioration of adherence with respect to the cord is disadvantageously promoted. It did take time, but eventually, she won them over.


asif khan just created the darkest building on earth


The container package of claim 15 wherein said inwardly extending substantially horizontal step and said lid wall extending downwardly and outwardly from said step include a plurality of slightly further inwardly protruding stacking lugs for supporting the central panel of an overlying nested lid and preventing the central panel of said overlying lid from lodging within an area defined by said horizontal step and stacking lugs of said supporting lid. Four aggressive stop signs and a reinforced fence is probably just a strong suggestion, right? It seems to be paying off with the young artists staging a modest exhibition at Ntaria. The sole objective is celebrating what my legs will let me get away with and extracting an Alaska-esque adventure from the tri-state sea of human infrastructure. I like to think most closure signs refer to cars or bikes. Social media has just made it easier for folks not in those fandoms to access the discourse and subcultures that grow within those spaces. Meaning, bring on all of the physical stresses of running long distances, but let your brain ease off and enjoy the ride.


Glee was a cultural phenomenon, not an epidemic


A tight fitting reclosure of the lid is obtained by the coaction of an outwardly protruding lid closure bead adjacent the junction of the lid central panel and its peripheral substantially vertical wall, and of a juxtaposing groove surrounding the inside of the container. The grooves can, but need not, result in or impress a corresponding protruding bead 19 same figures on the outside of container sides 16. Constant, frequent changes and enhancements to the systems and applications has become critical. It is also advantageous that the container be reusable and include a secure lid reclosure feature and that the container be a low cost item that is chemically inert in relation to the contents stored therein. When the value is below 55, the rigidity is insufficient, and when the value is 85 or more, the stress is disadvantageously concentrated.




The most notable detail in the Gucci Spring 2014 menswear collection is the use of raised textured patterns. The driver and passenger look back at me with straight faces. Skipping over my European chapter, including a year in Switzerland running trails a few levels above paradisiacal, I now live on the shore in New Jersey. In season 6 Coach returns to McKinley High School as a man. The bead can be continuous around the panel and the groove can be continuous around the interior surface 0 of the container sides. The container package of claim 12 wherein the continuity of said score line along each side of and defining said tab is broken adjacent the junctions of said lid rim and lid flange by a window which provides a skip in the score line for increasing any force exerted therethrough to facilitate severance of said score line around the rest of said container lid rim. It does, but in an annoyingly roundabout way.


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When lid 24 interior of score line 46 is removed from container 12, lid flange 32 remains sealed to container flange 22. Without another word, they drove North with the excavator, and I carried on running South. To ensure an optimized return on investment, it is critical to have a successful roll-out with the desired features and benefits. Lugs 38 can be of any practical number or size. Pack light but look cute at the finish, right? I deeply respect race directors for the difficult decisions they regularly have to make, and I get the macabre value in suffering through impressive feats in horrible weather with fellow racers nearby.


"The status of the word


Unfortunately, most people, and now me as well, are likely going to be in this holding pattern for a lifetime. Coming-out scenes have been handled with varying degrees of success over the years on Hollywood screens. I try to disguise this by forgoing a thermal layer for a button down shirt. Abstract Past experimental and theoretical research have argued that phonological devoicing as a word-final phenomenon only has inherent phonetic motivation to exist utterance-finally and that its presence at lower domain levels is due to analogy Hock 1991, 1999; Hualde and Eager 2016. We ensure complete traceability of the business requirements to the test cases designed and executed for extensive test coverage.
