John gatto against school essays. "Against School" By John Taylor Gatto (essay) 2022-10-27

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John Gatto was a controversial figure in the world of education. He was a high school teacher for 30 years, and during that time, he became increasingly disillusioned with the traditional model of schooling. In his 1991 book "Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling," Gatto argued that the education system is designed to produce conformist, obedient students who are not encouraged to think for themselves.

Gatto believed that the structure of schools, with their strict schedules and hierarchies, was designed to stifle creativity and individualism. He argued that students are trained to be passive, submissive learners who do not challenge authority or think critically. Gatto believed that this approach to education was damaging to students and hindered their ability to become curious, independent learners.

One of the main criticisms Gatto had of the education system was that it focuses too much on rote learning and memorization, rather than encouraging critical thinking and creativity. He argued that the emphasis on standardized testing and grades was stifling to students and that it promoted a narrow, unbalanced view of education. Gatto believed that students should be given the opportunity to explore their own interests and passions, rather than being forced to conform to a predetermined curriculum.

Gatto also argued that the education system is designed to produce compliant, obedient workers who are well-suited to the needs of the industrial economy. He believed that schools are more interested in producing good employees than in fostering intellectual curiosity and independent thought. Gatto argued that this focus on obedience and conformity was harmful to society, as it discouraged individuals from questioning the status quo and challenging authority.

Gatto's views were highly controversial, and they sparked a great deal of debate within the education community. While some people agreed with his critiques of the education system, others felt that his views were overly negative and that he was not taking into account the many positive aspects of schools and the important role they play in society.

Despite the controversy surrounding his views, Gatto's work has had a lasting impact on the way we think about education. His critiques of the traditional model of schooling have led many educators and policymakers to re-examine their approaches to education and consider alternative models that prioritize creativity, critical thinking, and individualism.

John T Gatto: Against School: Agree Or Disagree? Summary And Thesis Example (300 Words)

john gatto against school essays

Gatto concludes his article by calling for a revolution in education. To me, students need more than that. Three main functions discussed by Gatto are diagnostic and directive functions. John Taylor Gatto encourages us to teach our offspring to think critically, to be leaders and adventurers. Gatto has experience in teaching profession for twenty-six years in schools of Manhattan, he shares from his experience that he majored in boredom and could see that everywhere around him. He also points out the initial reason why schools came into existence and what the purpose it fulfils now. I believe what Gato is saying that the educational system and schooling has an issue involving the control and predictability of children.


John Taylor Gatto's Essay Against School

john gatto against school essays

Not only does Gatto provide credibility with his experience as a teacher, but he also presents historical evidence that suggests that the public school system is an outdated structure, originally meant to dumb down students as well as program them to be obedient pawns in society. Same as children where they are expected to obey the teachers. I feel it is not just the educational system but the teaching as well. The curriculum may harm a child intellectual John Taylor Gatto Rhetorical Analysis From my school experience I have seen many teachers who seem indifferent about their teaching. In order, to convey his appeal of the subject he uses rhetorical analysis to help drill in the audience. He questions the need for schooling.


"Against School" By John Taylor Gatto (essay)

john gatto against school essays

He starts by giving a definition to the word boredom and why they feel this way. The author also points out abolishing the fixed, required curriculum. If then, they could step closer to their future. Summing up his essay, Gatto states that he believes that the students should be able to manage themselves. He also stresses the responsibility of teachers and how important their roles are, not only for the future of their students but for the future of the nation as well. Not merely had Gatto been a instructor for 30 old ages.


John Gatto Against School

john gatto against school essays

For instance, we note its role in promoting boredom that is prevalent in our schools. During his time as a teacher he talks about how he wanted his students to get hands on experiences. They are also learning how to be accepted into society, independence, and stepping beyond only thinking about themselves Essay on Rhetorical Analysis: "Against School" Rhetorical Analysis: "Against School" In the essay, Against School, John Taylor Gatto, expresses his strong belief in middle diction of how students in the typical public schooling system are conformed to low-standard education in order to benefit the society much more than the student themselves; causing schooling to be unnecessary as opposed to education. Throughout the beginning of his article he questions himself why is schooling so boring and who is to blame. Some American citizens proclaim that they want a change in the school systems, but nothing results from it. Through the effective use of ethos, Gatto readies his audience for reliable applications of logos through the educated opinions of others and historical evidence.


Free Essay: Summary of 'Against School' by John Taylor Gatto

john gatto against school essays

Furthermore, he made a statement by saying the school can be boredom for many students and teachers as well, and I really agree with him on this. Fear of being dumbed down. They will make them understand the importance of a good education. He shows how 'penny-pinching school boards' p145 are the real ones to blame and not the teaches whom are the easiest to confront. Another suggestion is to let children learn from others. They must have the spirit to work among the masses and also give a sense of direction for the others to follow. Children develop at different times.


John Gatto’s “Against School” Essay

john gatto against school essays

However, the good thing is that it is not necessary to send your child to school as you can homeschool the kid. For Gatto, the system is intended to incapacitate students cultivate leadership skills and turn them into ordinary thinkers with a lack of passion. When thinking about my educational background, I think that I am lucky. He insists that the school is not a place for children to learn, grow and prosper. He writes about the pros and cons of homeschooling. Gatto was a teacher in Manhattan where he taught for thirty years. Gatto thinks the solution to this matter is to let people manage themselves.


John Gatto Against School Essay

john gatto against school essays

Fact and authority alone do not supplement his argument. He also educates us on the fact that all the great discoverers never attended. Is it possible to achieve or are we just holding on to an illusion and simply wanting economic stability? The first thing that Gatto does is put ethos to play by set uping this credibleness with the audience in a figure of ways. He notes that Americans have been conditioned to relate success with schooling. In his small town of 4500 numerous important people have been brought up there including: Joe Montana, the founder of the Disney channel and the inventor of the nerf football. Finally, he concludes by giving examples of how schooling does not help.


John Gatto’s “Against School”, Sample of Essays

john gatto against school essays

In the majority of the essay Gatto relies on personal anecdotes, historical examples that do not correspond with modern day society, and bold unsubstantiated claims. In other words, the students were bored because they were not being challenged. According to Gatto, these students were interested only in grades rather than learning the subject. The author shows us how we view the problems of the school system and explains how and why we place blame on teachers. This causes the children to become major consumers built on greed, envy, and jealousy.


Against School John Gatto Analysis

john gatto against school essays

Having competent teachers, will ensure the student has the best subject matter expert to be giving out the material. While both authors have different objections and problems with the system, both clearly feel that there needs to be major changes. In other words, school does not exist to educate, but rather to control. Throughout most of American history. He recounted his experience when he told his grandfather he was bored.


John Gatto’s “Against School”

john gatto against school essays

He also notes that throughout the history of America, people did not attend secondary schools, yet they were able to rise to prominent positions in the society. I believe that the public education system only influences us to conform to society and the government. Second, make good citizens. Although our educational system has served us as a nation very well, the author believes that it has failed to prepare people for what lies ahead after schooling. The schooling system aimed to make servants.
