Jesus ceo book. Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones 2022-10-31

Jesus ceo book Rating: 9,2/10 1916 reviews

The concept of Jesus as a CEO may seem unusual at first glance, but the principles and teachings of Jesus as depicted in the Bible can actually be applied to the world of business and leadership. In the book "Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership," author Laurie Beth Jones explores the ways in which Jesus' leadership style and decision-making can serve as a model for modern business leaders.

One of the key principles of Jesus' leadership was his focus on relationships. He was known for his ability to connect with people on a deep and meaningful level, and he always put the needs of others before his own. This emphasis on relationships is something that is often lacking in the business world, where profit and productivity are often prioritized over people. However, as Jones argues in the book, cultivating strong relationships with employees, customers, and partners can lead to increased productivity and success in the long run.

Another aspect of Jesus' leadership that Jones highlights is his ability to communicate effectively. Jesus was known for his clear and concise communication style, and he was able to convey complex ideas in a way that was easily understood by his followers. This is an essential skill for any business leader, as it allows them to clearly articulate their vision and goals to their team and stakeholders.

In addition to his emphasis on relationships and effective communication, Jesus was also known for his ability to inspire and motivate others. He had a way of bringing out the best in people and helping them to see their full potential. This is another important trait for business leaders, as it allows them to create a positive and empowering work culture that can drive productivity and success.

Overall, the book "Jesus CEO" provides an interesting and thought-provoking perspective on leadership and how the principles and teachings of Jesus can be applied to the business world. It offers valuable insights and practical advice for modern business leaders who are looking to lead with compassion, authenticity, and integrity.

Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones

jesus ceo book

Jones has an excellent command of how to communicate a point concisely, creatively, and with humor. If this was stated as a caveat I don't recall seeing it! You have to do something about it. This book is in a class by itself. I enjoyed the format of the book - each small chapter focused on a key characteristic and tied examples from scripture to modern circumstances. He gave them a vision of something larger than themselves.


Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones

jesus ceo book

The Lord God warns us not to edit His commands in the Old Testament Deuteronomy 4:2 and the New Testament Revelation 22:18-19. I had to read this book for whatever reason for my American History class. A better use of this concept would be a deeper study of Christ's humility, inclusiveness, sacrifice, generosity, complexity, political engagement etc and how his example can inform leaders at all levels of society. We must search for an all-inclusive terminology. I can't keep it in my library because I give it away almost as soon as I get a new copy Each chapter is one leadership topic, and no more than two pages long. Easy to read and understand.


Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership

jesus ceo book

Captured my interest and a valiant attempt to tie in Jesus' principles of leadership into today's corporate environment; after all we should try to understand Jesus' leadership style considering his following! I also came away thinking that if you cut out all the Biblical references she could have truthfully called the book "What I Learned About Being A Leader". I believe that she's a believer. It was the realization that we all want to be successful in business but are… show more. This book is a easy but powerful read. For example, the book supposedly explores, through corporate leadership clichés, the dynamics of Jesus Christ's leadership, and why he was good at what He did. It was unprofessional and caused her credibility to dimension. Jones divides this advice into three sections: strength of self-mastery, strength of actions, and strength of relationships.


‎Jesus, CEO on Apple Books

jesus ceo book

Imagine me pleasantly surprised when I read the book and enjoyed the read. This is a book that I probably wouldn't have picked up on my own, but was recommended to me. This is a book that I probably wouldn't have picked up on my own, but was recommended to me. I recently ordered a copy for a friend who is rebounding from some devastating blows in life. Each section such as "Relationships" have short sub-sections that are examples of that section heading. With the twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Jesus, CEO, Jones revises and updates her original modernized guidance, ensuring that everyone can continue to apply the ancient wisdom pulled straight from the Bible.


Jesus CEO PDF Summary

jesus ceo book

How and when have you turned back to help someone else cross the finish line? This book is written in 1995 but I can still walk away with many of these concepts on leadership, visionary, and Jesus' concept on discipleship. Geared to the business world, but has many applications in dealing with people in general. One of the best leadership books I have ever read. Use your gifts and make disciples of Jesus Christ. A great leader is able to do both! Again, adding to, subtracting from, paraphrasing, twisting, and misapplying Scripture are tactics of the enemy see Matthew 4:5-6.


Why read Jesus, CEO?

jesus ceo book

I was also an ordained Church Minister. Lance Wallnau speak on the opportunities to shape culture in the workplace by living out to the full the giftings that God has bestowed to a believer, it is quite timely to read about a book on leadership which talks about the practical techniques that was modeled by Jesus through his disciples. About Laurie Beth Jones Laurie Beth Jones is a bestselling author and motivational coach. This book I would definitely add to my library. I enjoyed the format of the book - each small chapter focused on a key characteristic and tied examples from scripture to modern circumstances.


Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership

jesus ceo book

Recommend for leaders in any sector. These are concepts that are already in the Bible. He drove our the money changers, He walked into the temple and taught as 12 years of age, not out of arrogance, but out of boldness and clarity. This book I would definitely add to my library. It is ridden with ballpoint underlinings! Again, the book was ship and delivered right on time.

Next Customer reviews: Jesus, CEO

jesus ceo book

I read it when it first came out in the mid-1990s. When the book was introduced, I was working in corporate America--the everyday rat race and moving fast. You can actually read a sub-section a day and absorb it and hopefully use these concepts. Each chapter is short and to the point, but causes you to reflect and develop yourself as a leader. See also Genesis 1-3, 1 Corinthians 11, and 1 Timothy 2 for more details about how easily women are deceived by the wrong kind of "empowerment" one sub-section is titled "He Empowered Women" , especially those who yearn for top leadership positions because they weren't valued as females by their earthly fathers! Since the authors uses her opinion as facts, and I don't really agreed with many things.
