Isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction. Extraction of Eugenol from Cloves Oil 2022-10-28

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Eugenol is a natural compound that is found in many plants, including cloves. It is known for its pleasant aroma and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and as a flavoring agent in food and beverages. In this essay, we will discuss the isolation of eugenol from cloves through a chemical reaction known as steam distillation.

The first step in the isolation of eugenol from cloves is to grind the cloves into a fine powder. This is done to increase the surface area of the cloves, which makes it easier for the eugenol to be extracted. The ground cloves are then placed in a distillation flask along with a small amount of water.

Next, the distillation flask is heated to a temperature of around 100°C. As the water boils, the steam that is produced carries with it the volatile oils from the cloves, including eugenol. The steam is then condensed back into a liquid using a condenser.

The liquid that is produced from the condensation of the steam is a mixture of water and the volatile oils from the cloves. To separate the eugenol from this mixture, the liquid is passed through a column filled with a chemical absorbent, such as silica gel. As the liquid passes through the column, the eugenol is absorbed by the chemical absorbent, while the water and other impurities pass through.

The eugenol can then be recovered from the chemical absorbent by eluting it with a solvent, such as ethanol. The resulting solution is then filtered to remove any impurities, and the eugenol is purified through a series of additional steps, including distillation.

The steam distillation method is a simple and effective way to isolate eugenol from cloves. It allows for the separation of eugenol from other compounds present in the cloves, yielding a pure and concentrated form of the compound. In addition to its use in traditional medicine and as a flavoring agent, eugenol has a number of other applications, including use as a natural insecticide and in the production of perfumes and other personal care products.

Extraction of Eugenol from Cloves

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

Collect another 60 ml of distillate. The process was repeated 3 times. Observations: The limiting reagent in this experiment was the clove oil since it the substance where we tried to extract the eugenol from. When the water boiled to high the heat was decreased to prevent bumping. The solvent was stored to the next lab. The opening closest to the 500ml round ball flask, the water will be exiting into the drain. Reaction between Eugenol and FeCl3 7 Ferric chloride works for phenol Ar-OH and for positive results, it gave purplish color from the original color, yellow.


Extraction of Eugenol from Cloves Oil

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

The experiment conducted, isolation of eugenol from cloves, is the extraction of the essential oil. Note that stopper size is printed on the flask. Combine the CH2Cl2 extracts in a 125-ml Erlenmeyer flask and add just enough anhydrous magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate drying agents so that the solid no longer clumps together. Hint: McMurry describes some important properties of phenols How can the eugenol be separated from the aqueous base layer? Eugenol will dissolve in aqueous alkali to generate its conjugate base since it is a phenol a phenolate ion. Same works for an organic acid, if you extract with an organic acid, the organic base will dissolve in the aqueous phase as its conjugate acid. See "Experimental Organic Chemistry," Baldwin, J. Clove oil contains two basic compounds: eugenol and acetyleugenol.


Isolation of Eugenol & Acetyleugenol from Cloves , Hive Chemicals & Equipment

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

The CH2Cl2 solution was kept as well. The solution was poured into the separatory funnel. We will add the solvent being hexane. Gently shaking the separatory funnel will fail to remove the acetyleugenol, however vigorous shaking will produce a boundary layer that is a visible organic- aqueous emulsion. Substances 25 g whole cloves 350 g per lab section 100 ml DI water 1.


Isolation of Eugenol

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

Then then they will drain the aqueous phase and we will pour the organic phase into acidic compounds. The CH2Cl2 was then discarded and the aqueous solution was capped and left for next lab. We also learned that the solution with lower density will rest on top. Set up for a simple 2. Other constituents include flavonoids, carbohydrates, lipids, oleanolic acid, rhamnetin, and vitamins…. The recovered clove oil will be analyzed by Infrared Spectroscopy.


Isolation of Eugenol from Cloves Lab Report

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

Next the thin-layer chromatographic analysis takes place, but the experiment did not proceed to that step due to the incorrect amount of NaOH. Then drain and add hexane and drain aqueous phase again, add sodium sulfate again and repeat as before. Caution -Pressure typically builds inside separatory funnel when shaken! After one week, the isolation of the eugenol actually takes place. Second part was active solvent extraction by hexane extraction where the eugenol isolated from other constituents pertaining to eugenol acetate and beta — caryophyllene. These data are consistent with the structure of eugenol.


Isolation Of Eugenol From Cloves Report Example

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

Began heating with a Bunsen burner to create a steady rate of distillation. Extract the distillate twice with 10 mL portions of CH2Cl2. It shows the characteristic of Eugenol having an aromatic compound. The remaining solution of Eugenol in Dichloromethane can be removed using a disposable pipette and placed into a clean pre-weighted vial. Then we had to place in rotary evaporation and test its acidity one we added hydrochloric acid, where we noticed a change in on color red on the paper test.



isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

Poured the Ch2Cl2 into the steam distillate, then gently swirled. We will add the solvent being hexane. Sage leaf contains tannic acid, oleic acid, ursonic acid, ursolic acid, niacin, nicotinamide, flavones, flavonoid glycosides, cornsole, cornsolic acid, fumaric acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and estrogenic substances Akhondzadeh et al. Reaction: See flow chart attached Data and observation Substance Amount isolated g. The most common being steam distillation followed by alcohol absolutes, cold pressing, and carbon dioxide extractions. Calculations Percent recovery of eugenol Amt. For the separation of the two major components, extract the chloroform solution with 3 portions of 25 ml 5% sodium hydroxide solution.


Steam Distillation of Eugenol from Cloves.

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

Yield of acetyl eugenol: 0. Place used drying agent in the waste jar. Pressure was released from the separatory funnel and tipped over 3 times. Isolation and Characterization of Eugenol from Cloves Alyssa Lynn P. Actual Yield Basis: Report the recovered mass divided by the theoretical yield. He plunged his hand into the nearest container which happened to be lavender oil instead of Water.


Isolation And Characterization Of Eugenol From Cloves [19n0zzj1624v]

isolation of eugenol from cloves reaction

The pentane solutions will then be dried over magnesium sulfate, remove the magnesium sulfate by vacuum filtration and remove the pentane from the filtrate by evaporation on a water bath in the hood. The goal of this experiment is to isolate the natural product of eugenol from clove oil. During the process, Eugenol is extracted from the distillate with dichloromethane and analyzed using The challenge for the students involved in the clove experiment is to extract sufficient quantities of eugenol. The only difference is eugenol has a slightly higher melting point and lower boiling point than isoeugenol by a couple of degrees Celsius; this is most likely because of some impurities in isoeugenol. Eugenol and its acetyl derivatives are the most important components in clove oil. The principle component of oil of cloves is an aromatic compound, which is identified by thin layer chromatography TLC.
