Introduction of early marriage. Child marriage 2022-10-10

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Early marriage refers to the practice of marrying at a young age, often before the legal age of 18. This practice is prevalent in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries where cultural and economic factors play a significant role in determining the age at which individuals marry.

One of the main reasons for early marriage is cultural and societal pressure. In some communities, marriage is seen as a rite of passage and a necessary step towards adulthood. Families may encourage their children, particularly daughters, to marry at a young age in order to protect their honor and ensure that they are financially stable. In addition, early marriage may be seen as a way to secure a partner for life, prevent premarital relationships, and maintain social norms and traditions.

Another reason for early marriage is economic. In many developing countries, early marriage is often driven by poverty and a lack of economic opportunities. Parents may see marriage as a way to provide for their children and secure their future, and may therefore encourage their children to marry at a young age.

However, early marriage can have serious consequences for both individuals and communities. Girls who marry at a young age are often unable to complete their education, which can have long-term negative impacts on their personal and professional development. In addition, early marriage often exposes girls to violence and abuse, as they may not have the skills or resources to negotiate for their rights within their marriage. Early marriage can also have negative impacts on the health of young girls, as they may be at higher risk for complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Despite the negative consequences of early marriage, it is a deeply ingrained practice in many parts of the world and can be difficult to eliminate. Efforts to address early marriage must therefore be multifaceted and address the root causes of the practice, including cultural, economic, and social factors. This may involve educating communities about the negative impacts of early marriage, improving access to education and economic opportunities, and promoting the rights and empowerment of girls and women.

In conclusion, early marriage is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects many parts of the world. While it may be driven by cultural and economic factors, it can have serious negative consequences for both individuals and communities. Addressing the root causes of early marriage and promoting the rights and empowerment of girls and women is essential in efforts to eliminate this practice and ensure a brighter future for all.

Early Marriage Essay

introduction of early marriage

Marriage results in less risky behavior therefore increasing the probability of better health for a person. This is because younger people have not yet formed rigid perceptions concerning life. In the countries which are getting developed , every year 10-12 million girls get married in very early ages. Globally, the prevalence of Child marriage robs girls of their childhood and threatens their lives and health. During this marriage, girls face extreme hardships including the lack of education, emotional adversity, and poor social skills.


Early Marriage

introduction of early marriage

The important point of early marriages is child marriages. For over sixty-four years National Council on Family Relations NCFR has linked multi-disciplinary family professionals through its journals, conferences, state affiliate councils, and special interest sections. In addition to this, there is a positive correlation between marriage and the increased mental and physical well being of an individual Smith, 1999. Therefore, when girls get married while in school, they are further interrupted, and thus they get an excuse to drop out of school. Some communities believe in taking responsibilities of personal own choices. There are several problems a couple can face when marriage happens at an early age. As well as there precautions should be taken to decrease the amount of child marriages.


Child marriage

introduction of early marriage

There should be a key in order to fix this problem. While the importance of marriage is universally appreciated, there are many differing opinions as to the age at which a person should get married. Advocacy should be carried out to reduce the prevalence of early marriage by empowering the less privileged sections of the society and ensure that societies develop the culture of learning for all individuals regardless of their gender. The mainstream perception that learners should marry after completion of their education process creates identity crises and the actual perception of social selves hinders these girls from socializing or conducting discussions in classrooms. The current statistics Table 1 below shows data on trends in the occurrence of child marriage for girls below the age of 18 years. Victims of early marriage in school are likely to experience gender-based violence and discrimination by fellow students or even teachers Cherubini et al.



introduction of early marriage

Child marriage is defined as marriage before 18 years of age, and it affects 15 million girls each year. The digest deliberately focuses on unions that are recognized as marriages in either statutory or customary law. Young girls are most often the ones affected by these practices. Apparently, schools currently have been hit by a myriad of complex emerging issues and challenges. Counterargument and Refutation One of the most potent argument raised by opponents of early marriage is that marrying young may result in poverty for the couple. NCFR was founded in 1938. The influence of peer pressure is increasingly forcing school going boys to engage in teen sex.


Early Marriages and Consequences

introduction of early marriage

The next day she was nine years old and a bride. DEFINITION-The act of being married early in hopes that one can benefit marriage through financial and social problems. In our Arab Muslim society early marriage is very common especially among the earlier generations but this phenomenon has diminished a bit because of education. Developmental cognitive studies indicate that early brain development forms the basis of intellectual progress and learning Egbo, 2009. But that idea must change because women and men have the same rights.


Early Marriage and Its Impact on Education

introduction of early marriage

Sampson, Laub and Wimer 2006, p. This is despite the many benefits that are to be gained by early marriage. CA: Russell Sage Foundation. Learn More This argument fails to consider that divorce rates are on the increase for all ages Harvey, 2006. It exercised an agreement between two people that showed how wealthy their family would become.


Introduction of early marriage Free Essays

introduction of early marriage

These changes imply cultural diversities and integration to new lifestyles in marriage and new environments of learning. However, studies have shown that poor performance in school is related to socio-economic, racial, linguistic, and regional disparities. On the other hand, boys gradually turn into fathers while in school. Until more is known about their situation there can be no reliable estimates of the scale of their predicament, or of the social damage that is carried forward in the upbringing they give to their own children. Bruce J, Clark S. Girls who are married early are vulnerable to Early Intervention In Marriage Therapy Hence, divorce rates have climbed from past numbers, but couples are still seeking for help from marriage therapists. Such marriages are spread all over Palestine.


Early Marriage Advantages

introduction of early marriage

. According to Nguyen and Wodon 2012 , demographic and health surveys indicate that girls and boys below 18 years of age are too young to be involved in marital and reproductive transitions. Natural Disasters And Wars After disasters , there is no way to stay alive. Some communities even give out girls immediately they are born. While the prevalence of child marriage has decreased worldwide — from one in four girls married a decade ago to approximately one in five today — the The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call for global action to end this human rights violation by 2030. Therefore, the following study considers girls in both. Termination of education Some cultures gold that girls are for marriage and school should be for the boys.


Introduction of Early Marriage

introduction of early marriage

Opponents of early marriages state that the young are more likely to resort to divorce than older couples. It is imperative to clear that forced marriage and arranged marriage are completely two different practices. This aspect affects their social life since they cannot interact with their educated peers. INTRODUCTION Early marriage is one of the most controversial topics nowadays, that 's basically the main reason we decided to choose this topic. While they are still very young, sometimes even at birth, their family chooses the husband to whom they will be married as soon as they reach puberty and can bear children.
