Inkheart summary. Inkheart (film) 2022-10-17

Inkheart summary Rating: 9,3/10 226 reviews

Inkheart is a fantasy novel written by Cornelia Funke. It is the first book in the Inkheart trilogy, followed by Inkspell and Inkdeath.

The story follows the adventures of Meggie, a young girl whose life is turned upside down when her father, Mo, is revealed to be a "Silvertongue," a rare individual who has the power to bring characters from books to life simply by reading aloud. This talent, however, comes with a heavy price: whenever Mo reads a character out of a book, someone from the real world must be sent into the book in their place.

Mo has been on the run from the villainous Capricorn and his henchmen for years, trying to keep his and Meggie's lives safe. But when Capricorn learns of Mo's ability, he will stop at nothing to capture him and use his powers for his own evil purposes.

With the help of their eccentric neighbor, Dustfinger, and a host of other colorful characters, Mo and Meggie embark on a dangerous journey to defeat Capricorn and restore balance to the literary world. Along the way, they encounter a host of beloved literary figures and must use their wits and courage to outsmart their enemies and save the day.

Inkheart is a thrilling and imaginative tale that explores the power of storytelling and the bonds of family. It is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure.

Inkheart — "Inkheart Trilogy" Series

inkheart summary

They try to calm their baby girl down for bed, so Mo picks a book to read: Little Red Riding Hood. Glad you think it looks pro. He has a calm and collected expression and attitude at almost all times. Mo sneaks into the castle. Being at times monotonous and bland, it lacks the emotion and punch that the book delivered. Mo and company climb into a truck and take off, headed for Alassio to find Fenoglio, the author of Inkheart.



inkheart summary

He has three grandchildren, Ricco, Paula, and Pippo. Mortimer Folchart Brendan Fraser is one of these "Silvertongues. Basta follows and recaptures Meggie, along with Fenoglio. Meggie says, "She loved us" and gets up and walks off. Meggie discovers later that he has the ability of bringing characters out of the books to the real world. When he is approached by a weird man called Dustfinger Paul Bettany , she overhears him calling her father "Silvertongue". He involves her in his deceit when he asks her to tell lies so she can miss school.


Inkheart by Cornelia Funke: Summary and reviews

inkheart summary

While a captive, Meggie realizes that she shares her father's gift. Roxane sang songs to make the giant sleep. Meggie learns that she has inherited her father's special skill and together, with the help of Dustfinger, Meggie's great aunt Elinor and Fenoglio, the writer of Inkheart, they defeat Capricorn and Meggie is reunited with her mother. Fenoglio throws a crumpled piece of paper and Toto runs and gets it. Allowing Alix to run away and eventually return on curiosity. When Capricorn learns of this, he decides to have her read his favorite assassin, the Shadow, out of Inkheart.


Inkheart (2008)

inkheart summary

While imprisoned, Mo tells Meggie and Elinor that he has a special ability to read characters and objects out of book and into real life. She comes riding in to the middle of the "reading" on the back of the unicorn. With this we most definitely DON'T need separate summary page s for the chapters! He says, "Then write! They are disappointed when they learn Fenoglio does not have another copy. That, and it'll be kinda unfair to only link the "indicated" ones, and not do it for the "obviously, plain and clear" ones. This book is beloved by teens, and young adults everywhere with good reason. Dare to read it aloud.


Summary Of Inkheart

inkheart summary

He runs into the woods, but realizes what a coward he is being and sneaks back in to the fortress where Mo catches him. Chapter 1 A Stranger in the Night The moon shone in the rocking horse's eye, and in the mouse's eye, too, when Tolly fetched it out from under his pillow to see. So this shows that even though Meggie is the main focus, we switch perspectives depending on the situation. And if it does nothing else, at least it may inspire kids to read, if for no other reason than to help make sense of it all. Secretly, however, Elinor had switched out the book for another one. Dustfinger helps them get to the maid's quarters, and Mo sneaks in and finds Resa's room; the walls are covered in Resa's pictures, and Mo recognizes her sketches, but not his wife.


Book Summary: Inkheart

inkheart summary

Dustfinger and Farid start dumping gasoline in the hallways in Capricorn's castle. I edited some of the links trying to minimum a link showing only once per box , but yeah, it does look rather smashing! Mo heads into an old shop while Meggie waits outside in the street looking at other books. While she is explaining how the characters have come to life, Dustfinger is in the market square observing a fire-eater. His performing, his homesickness, and his doubt. Glad you like it!! She inherits her love for books from her father.


Forum:Chapter summaries

inkheart summary

She soon learns some startling truths — about her mother's disappearance nine years earlier, and the mysterious book called Inkheart that her father tries desperately to hide at the book-filled home of Elinor, Meggie's great aunt. At Fenoglio's, Mo has a hard time explaining what is going on and why they want to see him, but Meggie just says it like it is. When a stranger named Dustfinger appears at their home, Meggie's world turns upside down. Her mother disappeared when Meggie was a baby. She asks if Elinor has ever been to Persia? Elinor asks if they have heard from Resa, which Mo says they haven't. He is described as a tall, broad man whose face appears as if a giant had pushed in his face with a thumb.


Inkheart movie review & film summary (2009)

inkheart summary

Dustfinger was read out of the book by Mortimer. Mo comes running out of the bookshop and upon seeing the strange man, calls him Dustfinger Paul Bettany , to which Dustfinger calls Mo "Silvertongue. Barry set about the task of tracking down the latest title from Cornelia Funke, Herr Der Diebe. Elinor grows angered when one of the men rips of a valuable Persian book, and punches him. Mo explain that he's afraid to meet him because of how his story ends. When he was a child, he was cruelly beaten if he cried or showed any types of pity towards someone, which produced his evil characteristics. But Mo loves old books.


Inkheart (Inkworld, #1) by Cornelia Funke

inkheart summary

Farid and Mo set Capricorn's house on fire. Mo lets him in, and seems to try to hide him from Meggie He had three slashes on his face, a furry martin with horns, plays with fire for a living, and his name, Dustfinger, seems oddly familiar,like from a forgotten dream. Thank you for the suggestion! By September 13, 2018 Inkheart is a teen fantasy story about a twelve year old girl named Meggie that lived peacefully with her bookbinding father, Mortimer or Mo for short. Gwin passes notes back and forth between Mo and Meggie, which are written in Elvish, to let them know what was happening. They start to leave, when Meggie notices that the book, Inkheart, is not in its place. Mo, Meggie, Elinor, and Dustfinger escape from Capricorn and travel to a nearby village where Fenoglio, the author of Inkheart lives. Meggie lives a quiet life alone with her father, a bookbinder.
