Increase in childhood obesity informative speech. Informative Speech Childhood Obesity 2022-10-21

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The increase in childhood obesity is a major health concern for many countries around the world. According to the World Health Organization, obesity is defined as an individual having a body mass index (BMI) greater than or equal to 30. This measure takes into account both a person's weight and height, and is used to determine if an individual is at a healthy weight. In recent years, the number of children and adolescents who are classified as obese has risen significantly, with some estimates suggesting that as many as one in three children in the United States are now overweight or obese.

There are several factors that have contributed to the increase in childhood obesity. One of the most significant factors is the increasing availability of high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods. Many children today have easy access to fast food, sugary drinks, and other unhealthy options that are high in calories but low in nutrients. These types of foods are often marketed specifically to children and adolescents, and they can be found in schools, after-school programs, and other places where young people spend their time.

Another factor that has contributed to the rise in childhood obesity is the increasing amount of time that children spend in sedentary activities, such as watching television or playing video games. Children and adolescents today spend less time participating in physical activities and more time in front of screens, which can lead to weight gain.

There are also socioeconomic factors that can contribute to the increase in childhood obesity. Children from lower-income families may be more likely to be obese, as they may have less access to healthy food options and may be more likely to live in neighborhoods with limited opportunities for physical activity.

The consequences of childhood obesity can be severe and long-lasting. Obese children and adolescents are at an increased risk for a number of serious health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. They may also face social and psychological challenges, such as discrimination and bullying.

There are a number of strategies that can be implemented to help address the problem of childhood obesity. These include improving access to healthy food options, promoting physical activity, and educating children and families about the importance of healthy behaviors. It is also important for schools, community organizations, and governments to work together to create environments that support healthy behaviors and make it easier for children to make healthy choices.

In conclusion, the increase in childhood obesity is a major public health concern with serious consequences for children's health and well-being. It is important for individuals, families, and communities to take action to address this problem and promote healthy behaviors in children and adolescents.

Informative speech child obesity Free Essays

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

Obesity in adolescents and children can be generational where the parents are obese and their habits are passed down to their children and they become obese. Words: 171477 - Pages: 686 Free Essay Geography. Sustainability of these interventions is a key factor, so that children can adopt these healthy behaviors as a lifelong practice and have a healthy life. This Document Is Strictly Prohibited For Commercial Purposes Without Authorization. Most of the day, kids are sitting around the house watching television, playing video games or on some type of a new device that has just been released. As they get older, they can develop heart disease, type II diabetes, stroke, and several types of cancers. Retrieved Bittman Premium Nutrition Obesity.


Childhood Obesity Informative Speech

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

It is now estimated that 1 in 5 children in America are overweight. . Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Palmer Childhood obesity alone is not the only issue facing children today, although being overly large may prevent the child from living life to the fullest. Many parents are getting worried about their children being obese. To tackle this giant, ever-growing problem, we need to start at the beginning, with children.


Informative Speech Childhood Obesity

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

This situation makes a big burden to the Public health system due to the expenditure of health promotions and interventions to increase healthy eating and physical activity in order to decrease levels of obesity Australia Government, 2009. People who are overweight should also try to increase their exercise levels and eat healthier in order to maintain healthy lifestyles and overcome obesity. Many children spend too much time indoors wasting away in front of the TV, playing video games, or spending time on the computer, and consuming high fat snacks, soft drinks and candy at the same time. Attention Getter: Hi, my name is Jill. What you will see is what has seemingly become the new trend among children. Words: 21609 - Pages: 87 Premium Essay Essay on Media Psychology.


Informative Speech about Childhood Obesity

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

Attention Getter: Hi, my name is Jill. . Healthier foods are also often way more expensive than unhealthy, fattening food. That is when weight gain occurs. Let me start off by saying that childhood obesity has become a deadly disease in united state it important thing that should know firstly over other thing in life.


Childhood Obesity: Informative Essay

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

According to CDC report, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. S 3 main issues are children eating too much ,excercising too litte and obesity producing diseases in childhood. It has now caused a major problem in the health of young children. S 3 main issues are children eating too much ,excercising too litte and obesity producing diseases in childhood. When you are overweight you have a much higher chance of becoming obese. An insufficient amount of physical activity is one of the leading causes of obesity in children. According to the World Health Organization, the rate of obesity, especially among children and teens has increased tremendously in the past three decades Koplan, 56.


Summary: The Increase Of Childhood Obesity

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

BODY …show more content… 2. It may not be about how much we eat or what we eat it is also about a balanced excercise and diet. This extra energy gets stored as fat. List 1 GRE Verbal 750 Quantitative 800, AW 5. Take a look around you the next time you go to the stores. To understand the true size of the American Obesity epidemic, we must first understand what it really means to be overweight. Argumentative Essay On Childhood Obesity 1650 Words 7 Pages The issue is childhood obesity, and it is only accelerating as a percentage of children in both America and all western nations of the world.


Informative Speech Outline

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

Specific Purpose: To educate the audience on the key causes of the increasing obesity rate in the U. . Childhood Obesity by Karen Luna General Purpose : To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the rising issues of childhood obesity Central Idea: While there are many reasons for childhood obesity rising in the U. However, the co-morbidities relating to childhood obesity are the real killers. In this class I noticed that the diversity in topics provided a variety of ways to convey my messages across. The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased over few years. If the problem is not tackled in good time, the world will continue losing the lives that would have brought important changes and solutions to other problems the current generations are undergoing.


Informative Speech Sample Outline

increase in childhood obesity informative speech

People throughout America are slowly being affected by this national problem of obesity. Obesity is a big problem in children because the only thing they want to do is sit inside all day and play video games and eating junk food which will cause obesity and make kids not want to move and the only thing they will want to do is stay inside and eat. Childhood obesity can also lead to poor self-esteem and depression. Use Promo "custom20" And Get 20% Off! The conclusion is increase in childhood obesity has become a public health crisis, not just in Indonesia but all over the world. Childhood obesity is a major public health crisis nationally and internationally. From this attention, new research and developments are achieved. Did you know this condition has affected millions of Americans throughout out the United States! Diabetes is on the rise, American kids are getting sicker, becoming sadder and getting fatter.
