In psychology the term personality refers to. Glossary of Psychology Terms and Definitions 2022-10-31

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Personality is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been studied extensively in the field of psychology. The term "personality" refers to an individual's characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that are relatively enduring across an individual's life span. Personality is thought to be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, and it is often used to explain why people behave the way they do in different situations.

There are many different approaches to studying personality in psychology, including trait theories, psychoanalytic theories, and behavioral theories. Trait theories, such as the Five Factor Model, propose that personality can be described by a set of broad traits that are relatively stable over time. These traits include openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Psychoanalytic theories, such as Freud's theory of psychoanalysis, propose that personality is shaped by unconscious conflicts and desires that are the result of early childhood experiences. Behavioral theories, such as the social learning theory, suggest that personality is shaped by reinforcement and punishment that an individual experiences throughout their life.

Personality is an important concept in psychology because it helps to explain why people behave the way they do in different situations. For example, an individual who is highly extraverted may be more likely to seek out social situations and be more outgoing, while an individual who is high in neuroticism may be more likely to experience negative emotions and be more anxious. Personality can also be used to predict how individuals may behave in different situations, such as how they may respond to stress or how they may approach problem-solving.

In addition to being studied for its own sake, personality is also of practical importance in a number of fields, including clinical psychology, counseling, and business management. For example, personality assessment tools are often used to help diagnose mental health disorders and to inform treatment plans. In the field of business, personality assessments are often used to help match individuals with jobs that are well-suited to their personality traits and to help with team-building and leadership development.

In conclusion, the term "personality" in psychology refers to an individual's characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that are relatively enduring across an individual's life span. Personality is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors and is studied using a variety of approaches, including trait theories, psychoanalytic theories, and behavioral theories. Personality is an important concept in psychology because it helps to explain why people behave the way they do in different situations and has practical applications in a number of fields.

In psychology the term personality refers to?

in psychology the term personality refers to

C the extent to which an individual is warm vs. Generalized Anxiety Disorder A disorder which is characterized by uncontrollable, irrational and excessive worry with respect to daily life activities is termed as generalized anxiety disorder. Sport Psychology Sport psychology is a domain in psychology which deals in the scientific study of people and their behavior in the context of sports and the practical application of this knowledge. After a great deal of publicity, however, the newspaper published photos of the same man frequenting strip clubs and patronizing prostitutes in a neighboring state. Adaptability and affability are great traits that can help a person get along well with others.


In psychology what is personality? Explained by FAQ Blog

in psychology the term personality refers to

Knowledge It can be defined as the process through which an individual tries to learn or understand with the help of complex cognitive processes such as perception, communication, reasoning and association. Spontaneous Recovery The reemergence of a conditioned response which had been previously extinguished owing to various factors, including injury. The creation or production of these tools makes the mental processes to be communicable and accessible to people easily. Bicameralism It is a hypothesis which presents the argument that the human brain is in a state called bicameral mind. The bicameral mind operates in such a manner that one part of the brain gives orders while the other one listens to it. What is the difference between behavior and personality? It helps gain confidence, self-esteem, positive impact on one's communication skills and the way one sees the world.


Chapter 10 Flashcards

in psychology the term personality refers to

There are many side-effects of alcoholism including stress, degeneration of emotional health, etc. Personality refers to the long-standing traits and patterns that propel individuals to consistently think, feel, and behave in specific ways. A person with no personality does not express their opinions. Personality can be understood using theories developed by psychologists from various schools. Adolescent Psychology The interests and issues pertaining to adolescents are addressed in the discipline of adolescent psychology. The extreme form of this agitation is termed as psychomotor agitation. New York, Harper and Brothers.



in psychology the term personality refers to

Maslow believes all who are interested in growth move towards self-actualizing growth, happiness, satisfaction views. T Talking Cure Talking cure or talking therapy is a therapy used in psychiatry to relieve the subject from the hysterical symptoms referred to as somatoform disorders. Affectional Bond It is the term used for the attachment between two individuals, and which is displayed through their behavior. Selective Distortion The term selective distortion refers to the tendency of the individuals to interpret a piece of information in a particular way which will support their existing beliefs. Delirium The state in which a person loses his focus and perception followed by cognition in a sudden manner is referred to as delirium. The experimental psychologist usually deals with intact organisms although studies are often conducted with organisms modified by surgery, radiation, drug treatment, or long-standing deprivations of various kinds or with organisms that naturally present organic abnormalities or emotional disorders.


What is Personality in Psychology: Definition and Theories?

in psychology the term personality refers to

What are The Theories of Personality? Personality traits are characteristic patterns in how you think, feel, and act. Cattell and Eysenck have proposed that genetics have a powerful influence on personality. Our personality is what makes us unique individuals. Their origins lie in the early history of personality measurement, when most tests were constructed on the basis of so-called face validity; that is, they simply appeared to be valid. In psychology, the term personality refers to: a. Guilt: 3-5 years old children- balance between spontaneity and restraint 4. Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence It is an intelligence test developed by David Wechsler in the year 1967.


What Is Personality?

in psychology the term personality refers to

Affect The feeling or experience that is associated with an emotion is termed affect. This course is offered under the Advanced Placement Program of the College Board, an examination board in the USA. Behavioral Science The science which deals with the exploration of different activities of living organisms and the interactions that takes place between them is termed as behavioral science. Your self-esteem, however, is something more fundamental than the normal ups and downs associated with situational changes. The panic attacks are associated with a variety of cognitive and somatic symptoms. Abnormality It is a behavioral attribute that reflects the deviation of mind from its normal state or typical behavior.


What Is Personality? Definition, Development, and Theories

in psychology the term personality refers to

In the process of abstraction, the original information is extracted or summarized to form a reduced, resultant content. Authoritarian Personality The type of personality which is characterized by the traits such as authoritarian submission, conventionalism, anti-intraception, authoritarian aggression, superstition, power, stereotypy, destructiveness, toughness, projectivity, cynicism and exaggerated concerns over sexuality is called authoritarian personality. . Retrieved 30 April 2012. Biology plays a very important role in the development of personality. F F-scale It is basically a personality test which is used in the measurement of authoritarian personality. The role of analogy is considered to be important in the areas like problem solving, perception, decision making, memory, explanation, emotion and communication.


The term temperament as used in personality psychology refers to A an

in psychology the term personality refers to

It holds importance from the point of view of interpersonal communication. Behavioral Communication The subject or discipline which studies various day-to-day behavior in communication is termed as behavioral communication. Behavior is categorized as being either unconscious, environmental or biological by various theories. Personality Psychology: Personality psychology studies the combination of biological, cultural, as well as personal factors influencing what is called "personality", one of those terms that actually has basically the same sense in science as among regular people talking about this subject. Id, ego and super-ego are the three parts of psyche as given by Freud. Read more on Availability Heuristic The phenomenon in which an individual tries to predict the frequency of a particular event or the proportion that is found in a population is termed as availability heuristic.


The term personality refers to a. the hereditary aspects of one's emotional nature. b. unique and enduring behavior patterns. c. favorable and unfavorable personal characteristics. d. charisma, character, or temperament.

in psychology the term personality refers to

Kleptomania A state or condition in which an individual is unable to resist the urge to hoard or collect things. The emotional issues faced in the phase of adolescence i. C a freely expressed pent-up emotion that emerges spontaneously during psychotherapy. He defined a peak experience as an "intensification of any experience to the degree there is a loss or transcendence of self". Schizotypal Personality Disorder Schizotypal personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by unconventional beliefs, odd behavior, thinking and a need for social isolation. Such actions are generally anti-social in nature, and the person might end up causing harm to himself or others. Insanity is a symptom of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders.


Glossary of Psychology Terms and Definitions

in psychology the term personality refers to

While different choices are made available by the genome, in the end, the environment is the ultimate determinant of what becomes activated. Even though Mary was not thinking about the events surrounding the day when she graduated from high school, she can easily bring memories about that day to conscious awareness. The term is generally used as a synonym for aggression or anger. Bereavement The feeling or response that a person exhibits upon losing something or someone is termed as bereavement or grief. Cathexis The process in which an individual invests or spends his emotional or mental energy in an idea, object or another person is referred to as cathexis.
