Importance of endangered species. Endangered Species Importance 2022-11-04

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Premchand's "The Road to Salvation" is a poignant tale of love, sacrifice, and the enduring power of faith. The story follows the lives of two young lovers, Sitaram and Lali, who are separated by their respective social and economic circumstances. Sitaram is a poor, lower-caste village boy, while Lali is the daughter of a wealthy landowner. Despite the many obstacles that stand in their way, Sitaram and Lali remain deeply devoted to each other and determined to find a way to be together.

As the story unfolds, we see how Sitaram's faith in God helps him overcome the many challenges he faces. When he is forced to leave his village and seek work in the city, he finds solace in the teachings of a wise and compassionate guru. The guru helps Sitaram see that his suffering is a necessary part of his journey towards enlightenment and that by accepting his circumstances, he can find true inner peace.

As Sitaram grows in wisdom and spiritual understanding, he becomes a beacon of hope and inspiration for those around him. His love for Lali becomes a source of strength and inspiration, helping him to overcome his own fears and doubts. Despite the many trials and tribulations that he faces, Sitaram remains steadfast in his belief that love and compassion are the greatest forces for good in the world.

In the end, Sitaram's faith and devotion are rewarded when he is reunited with Lali and they are able to marry and start a new life together. Through his journey, Sitaram learns that the road to salvation is a difficult and often treacherous one, but that with faith, love, and determination, it is possible to overcome any obstacle and find true happiness and fulfillment.

Overall, Premchand's "The Road to Salvation" is a beautifully written and deeply moving tale that speaks to the enduring power of love and faith in the face of adversity. It is a story that will inspire and uplift readers of all ages, and one that will remain with them long after they have finished reading.

Endangered Species

importance of endangered species

When a species becomes endangered, it is a sign that the ecosystem is slowly falling apart. Why is it important that we practice conservation and protect endangered species? This targeted Boosting — helps us to reach wider audiences— aiming to convince the unconvinced, to inform the uninformed, to enlighten the dogmatic. But there are also issues of capacity. Generally, these four frameworks serve as important examples for directing donor resources. This frightening situation occurs all too frequently.


Importance of the Endangered Species Act

importance of endangered species

Agricultural Benefits Only a small proportion of the world's plants have been cultivated for food on a large-scale basis. The Importance of Endangered species in our world Importance of Endangered Species in our world INTRODUCTION The term endangered is used by international and national organizations to define plants and animals currently in danger of becoming extinct. Species can be endangered due to the lack of importance that people have for animals. However, there stands a great chance for its recovery through captive breeding programs. The Hawaiian Monk Seal is one of the top marine specie endangered in the United States. This paper will investigate two endangered species, the Arizona agave plant endemic of Arizona, and the Mexican Wolf Lobo of the Southwest.


What is the 1973 Endangered Species Act?

importance of endangered species

The total impact of extinction is not always apparent, and is difficult to predict, but it is clear that conserving biological diversity is essential for maintaining intact ecosystems. Protected species fall under one of two categories: endangered or threatened. It also includes species that resemble other listed species and must be regulated to effectively control the trade in those other listed species. Because we can no longer attribute the accelerating extinction of plants and animals to natural causes. The IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature is the authority that keeps a close watch on different species and determines what species care lose to extinction. The endangered species that are still living do not have much of a future if something is not done about it. The most important resources that humans need daily are: water, food, and shelter and it… Is Biodiversity Overprotected Debate Extinction and evolution are a normal part of the life cycle on Earth.


Endangered Species

importance of endangered species

Why is It Important to Preserve Endangered Species? In many countries that provide habitat for endangered species, there is limited technical capacity to protect such species. Since herbivores consume plants and trees as their food resources, in turn it will cause repercussions on tree regeneration and seed dispersal. However, the Lion which is a vulnerable species faces being hunted for sport and being in conflict with humans because of cattle farming. Today, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN The story of the Persian leopard is the story of many species pushed by human action to the brink of extinction. Unfortunately, the species that are about to be extinct will not be available for future generations. Recommendation 30 emphasizes drawing attention to the situation of animals endangered by their trade value.


Why endangered species are important

importance of endangered species

The extinction of bees will leads to the extinction of various plant species that depends on this organism for pollination. Emphasis on the conservation of the endangered species of animals has been if importance in conserving the environment at large. Park Service logs over 200 million visitors to our National Parks every year. A species is considered endangered when a threat is relatively high and a population is rapidly declining in size. How can you help in the protection and conservation of biodiversity in your own locality? In Florida, largemouth bass and other sportfish have warned us of mercury contamination in freshwater ecosystems, and the spread of cattails into freshwater marshes formerly dominated by sawgrass warned us of nutrient problems in the Everglades. Will the species extinction greatly modify the food chain or have other long term effects etc. Example: The exploitation of renewable natural resources woods, nuts, oils in tropical rain forests may bring greater economic benefits than conversion to more intensive land uses.


Why Endangered Species Matter

importance of endangered species

These minuscule water-dwelling organisms are the foundation of the aquatic food chain. Ecological importance Healthy ecosystems depend on plant and animal species as their foundations. When an animal becomes extinct, it means the last of their kind has died many of these beautiful and ravishing animals that reside in the world may never be seen again. Under the ESA, individuals can submit a species for consideration and participate during the public review period of a listing petition. With a firm grasp of the importance of threatened and endangered species, we need to make sure that they are protected. Through the monitoring of state and federal actions concerning threatened and endangered species, citizens act as a voice for the voiceless to guarantee that the well-being of these species are considered. The solution to protecting endangered species is protecting the habitats before they are damaged It is evident that the creation of national parks and marine protected area has helped a lot in the protection of endangered species.


The Importance Of Endangered Species

importance of endangered species

It supports the implementation of major international environmental conventions including on biodiversity, climate change, chemicals, and desertification. Illegal and legal logging is also a major cause of these Tigers endangerment. CITES regulates international trade and therefore looks at the impact of trade on species conservation. Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. The Importance Of Endangered Species Many species are becoming extinct due to environmental issues, pollution, and change in habitats.


Protecting Endangered Species

importance of endangered species

Become informed, then involved. How can you help to protect and conserve its diversity and ecological integrity? Lions fall back to stock raiding behavior as a result of them losing their habitats. Just imagine if these animals get extinct how messed up will be our ecosystem. Only a few of the many species at risk of extinction actually make it to the lists and obtain legal protection like Pandas. Lack of transparency and accountability is compromising progress in tiger conservation efforts as they remain endangered. They are hunted for their meat, their hide, and as pets.


SSWIS14/UW064: The Value of Endangered Species: the Importance of Conserving Biological Diversity

importance of endangered species

The animals are threatened by many factors such as habitat loss, hunting, diseases, and a change in the climate, Such factors continue to decrease the number of such animal species. The assessments published in the IUCN Red List are used by governments, nongovernmental organizations NGOs , and multilateral environmental agreements. Benefits of Biological Diversity How does maintaining biological diversity benefit humanity? In general, benefits of species can be classified as ecological, economic, and social. Migratory species viewed as benefiting from international cooperation are listed in Appendix II of the Convention CMS, n. At least 25 per cent of all prescription drugs dispensed in the United States contain active principals that arestill extracted from higher plants. Such efforts should also create incentives for local communities to conserve them, including through sustainable use when that is recognized as the only or the most effective measure. The primary goal of the Endangered Species Act is to make species' populations healthy and vital so they can be delisted from the Endangered Species Act.


The Importance of the Conservation of Endangered Species Free Essay Example

importance of endangered species

The other species would have continuously displaced the endangered animals to extinction For instance, the destruction of the Ripian habitat in Mexico is progressing at an alarming rate. Animals are affected when humans damage and pollute the environment — their homes can be destroyed and Why do animals become endangered? Endangered Species Act Millions of dollars are spent on the often failed recovery efforts. On the federal level, the endangered species list is managed under the Endangered Species Act. Many factors Bibliography: Dist. Employing guards to protect endangered species such as the mountain gorilla could be a way of involving communities in the protection of their wildlife as well as the creation of employment to the community members.
