Impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf. 06 2022-10-12

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Recruitment and selection are two crucial processes that have a significant impact on organizational performance. The recruitment process involves attracting, sourcing, and identifying suitable candidates for a particular job, while the selection process involves choosing the most suitable candidate from the pool of applicants. Both processes are crucial for an organization as they help to identify and hire the best talent for the organization, which can have a positive impact on its performance.

One of the primary ways in which recruitment and selection impact organizational performance is by ensuring that the organization has a diverse and skilled workforce. A diverse workforce brings with it a range of perspectives, experiences, and skills, which can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving within the organization. In addition, a skilled workforce can help to improve the productivity and efficiency of the organization, leading to better performance.

Another way in which recruitment and selection impact organizational performance is by reducing turnover and improving employee retention. When an organization hires the right candidates for the job, it is more likely that they will stay with the organization for a longer period of time. This can help to reduce the costs associated with employee turnover, such as the costs of training new employees and the disruption caused by the loss of experienced employees.

Effective recruitment and selection processes can also help to improve the organizational culture and create a positive work environment. By hiring employees who align with the organization's values and culture, it is more likely that they will be motivated and engaged in their work, leading to improved performance.

However, it is important to note that recruitment and selection processes can also have negative impacts on organizational performance if not done properly. For instance, if an organization fails to attract a diverse pool of candidates or if it makes poor hiring decisions, it may end up with an unbalanced or underperforming workforce, which can lead to decreased productivity and efficiency.

In conclusion, the recruitment and selection processes have a significant impact on organizational performance. Effective recruitment and selection can lead to a diverse and skilled workforce, reduced turnover and improved employee retention, and a positive organizational culture. On the other hand, poor recruitment and selection can lead to an unbalanced or underperforming workforce, which can negatively impact organizational performance. It is therefore crucial for organizations to carefully consider and implement effective recruitment and selection processes to ensure that they have the right talent to achieve their performance goals.

(PDF) The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Criteria on Organizational Performance. GN Bank, Greater Accra Region of Ghana as the Mirror

impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

International business research, 12 3 , 66-78. However, from these works of literature, there is no mention employee selection process. It is instructive to note that out of the 3,756 full time employees at Fidelity Bank Plc , 1,315 35% of Fidelity Bank contract employees are engaged in Lagos State while the remainder are engaged in rest of the country. Human resource systems and sustained competitive advantage: A competency-based perspective. Therefore, this study sets to examine the effect of recruitment and selection criteria on performance using Fidelity Bank Plc as population of interest. Determinants of firm performance: A Subjective Model.


The Impact of Recruitment and Selection on Organizational Performance

impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

Personnel Today, IIPM, 28. A primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling PLS-SEM. Accurate screenings ensure that the candidates who possess the right traits and qualifications are hired Ekwoaba at al. Journal of Cleaner Production, 232, 1176-1186. Completive Advantage CA shows a positive satisfying level with a mean value of 3.


Recruitment And Selection And Its Effects On Organizational Performance: Case Study Of Njieforbi Buea

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Experience also shows that a successful appointment can produce results which impact favourably on the wider aspects of organizational life while a poor one can have damaging effects far outside the organization in which it is made. This can be attained through thorough recruitment and selection processes from a pool of candidates with varied skills and aptitudes. With the invention of the computer, arrived applicant tracking systems and candidate databases which made storage and access of the CVs much easier for recruiters. When the best people are selected for the job, productivity increases Osemeke, 2012. Michael 2019 explained that selection is actually the process of gathering and assessing details regarding the individual to expand the employment offer, they added that the process is executed under legal restrictions, and generally, it clearly shows the interest of the association and of the individual. This allows for a more experiential learning experience that is not only captivating but also informative to individuals partaking in a training and development program. Random sampling technique was used to select every element of the population in the business divisions.



impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

According to Ekwoaba et al. Therefore, it is inevitable for companies that want to enhance their performance to hire individuals with specific qualifications and abilities. In all, Sinha and Thaly 2013 noted that there is a variety of recruitment approaches e. More fundamentally, computers are equipped with advanced software that may be utilized for different functionalities such as data analysis, thus boosting the speed and efficiency of training and development programs. H6 Employee selection has a significant positive relationship to the competitive advantage in the UAE manufacturing industry. Locating such employees had remained an unsolved organizational mystery, while those located have a higher turnover rate. Personality traits and social media as drivers of word-of-mouth towards sustainable fashion.


Impact of Recruitment, Selection and Staffing on Competitive Advantages and Organizational Performance in the UAE Manufacturing Industry.

impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

Revista ESPACIOS, 41 07. The precedence for the relations based on the path coefficient value is employee selection 0. To this end, Sarkar and Kumar 2007 spoke of a holistic model of recruitment i. Journal of Artificial Inteligence Research, 62, 729-754. In similar vein, DeVaro 2008 demonstrated that recruitment strategies can lead to positive organizational outcomes.


The Impact of Recruitment and Selection Criteria on Organizational Performance Free Essay Example

impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

In essence, simulation is beneficial to organizations since it allows organizations to save training costs. H3 Employee staffing has a significant positive relationship to organizational performance in the UAE manufacturing industry. It's all about constructing your firm's recognition amongst talented professionals and enticing all of them that your organization is actually the ideal fit for their goals and capability set Gberevbie, 2010; Shammot, 2014. Available evidence indicates that there is a positive and significant relationship between recruitment and selection and the performance of an enterprise Gamage, 2014. On the contrary, unqualified employees are unmotivated and unproductive.


[PDF] The Impact of Effective Recruitment and Selection Practice on Organisational Performance (A Case Study at University Of Ghana)

impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

According to Sarkar and Kumar 2007 organizational performance is hinged on the approach which the organization adopts in the recruitment and selection of employees. By the same token, under-achievement can be a result of workplace failures. HRM sophistication and SME performance: A case of readymade garment manufacturers and exporters in Lahore. It encompasses recognition in the market in which they operate. LITERATURE REVIEW Recruitment and selection are vital functions of human resource management for any type of business organization. Recruitment and selection procedures. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK This study rests on Human Capital Theory, Resource Based View Theory and Equity Theory.


Impact of Recruitment and Selection Strategy on Employees’ Performance: A Study of Three Selected Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria

impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

In Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. As revealed in Djabatey 2012 this scenario lends credence to the increasing attention being paid to the people aspect of organizational wealth… Expand The creators of the Balanced Scorecard draw on its tools and framework--in particular, a tool called the strategy map--to present a step-by-step way to determine "strategic readiness," which refers to the alignment of an organization's human, information, and organization capital with its strategy. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1. The six 6 business divisions in Lagos State include Apapa Division, Ikeja Division, FESTAC Division, Mainland Division, Island Division and Victoria Island Division. Ruhuna Journal of Management and Finance, 1 1 , 37-52 Healy, G. International Journal of Business Administration, 2 3 :45-60. Thus, companies need employees who are more capable of adjusting, depending on the business market's change and the customer's needs Ashraf, 2017.


impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

The study used a questionnaire for data collection. The three antecedents have significant relation, in which the p-value scores are above 0. Surveys have shown that the most innovative organizations record high organizational performance because of their ability to compete effectively with other corporations Ekwoaba at al. Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurationally performance predictions. Journal of International Human Resource Management, 9. H10 Competitive advantage has a significant mediating impact on the relationship between employee staffing and organizational performance in the UAE manufacturing industry. The research framework illustrates the relationships between the exogenous variables employee recruitment, employee selection, and employee staffing and the endogenous variables, competitive advantage and organizational performance.


impact of recruitment and selection on organizational performance pdf

Int'l J Soc Sci. Universitara House of Publishing: Bucharest. London: Institute of Personnel Management. Moreover, the selection process is important because organizational success is predicated on the flexibility and adaptability of employees. Talent deficiency syndrome: Effective executive.
