If i were a bird i would. If I Were A Bird by Ryan Shupe & the RubberBand 2022-10-23

If i were a bird i would Rating: 7,3/10 151 reviews

If I were a bird, I would be a swift. Swifts are small, agile birds that are known for their speed and maneuverability. They are able to fly at speeds of up to 69 miles per hour, and are able to make sharp turns and abrupt changes in direction with ease.

One of the things that I would love most about being a swift is the freedom of flight. The ability to soar above the earth and experience the world from a completely different perspective would be exhilarating. I would be able to travel to far-off places and see new sights, all while feeling the wind beneath my wings.

Another aspect of being a bird that would appeal to me is the sense of community that many bird species have. Many birds are social creatures that live in flocks and work together to find food and protect their young. As a swift, I would have the opportunity to form close bonds with other members of my flock and work together to ensure our collective survival.

However, being a bird would also come with its own set of challenges. For one, I would have to be constantly on the lookout for predators, as birds are a common target for other animals. I would also have to be mindful of the changing seasons and the availability of food, as this can greatly impact a bird's ability to survive.

Despite these challenges, I believe that the benefits of being a bird would far outweigh the drawbacks. The freedom and beauty of flight, combined with the sense of community and connection with nature, would make it a truly unforgettable experience.

If I were a bird, I would fly to or If I was a bird, I would fly to?

if i were a bird i would

I would love to collect the twigs and build a small nest for myself and live peacefully inside that. Paragraph on If I Were a Bird in 150 Words We all want to be free from all restrictions of our life. However, in this article, I would like to focus on what I would do if I was one. These wings were later found on a motorcycle. The bird that was in the cage was used to represent the African American people. Through tough times, both Lena and Alex looked up at them for inspiration to persevere.


If I Were A Bird by Ryan Shupe & the RubberBand

if i were a bird i would

Eagles are able to fly higher than any birds and their sharp eyesight allows them to see even the tiniest of details on the ground. We want to relax and breathe in the lap of nature. If I were a Bird If I were a bird, I wish I could run away from the disturbing things in school or family. Not only do they fly but they also have the most beautiful voices and their pride never allows them to keep it to themselves. Being humans, we all are bound by some societal constraints. I shall collect my own grains and enjoy it with my friends.


Short Essay on “If I were a Bird”

if i were a bird i would

It is like taming a bird and keeping it inside a cage. I would collect the fish of my choice from the running rivers and have it as my lunch. Water droplets from your dewy leaves, fall on their wonderful, white, wings. I would also be able to assess first hand, the life of birds as a community, the advantages and the disadvantages they live with. This family would keep me closed in a cage lest I fly off.


If I Were a Bird

if i were a bird i would

I always more than enough reasons to give when am asked why I would like to be a bird. The many clips I have watched on YouTube have always made me jealous of the people who have had the opportunity to visit the place and witness the magnificent migration. All the beautiful and yet stressful moments during my stay at the university will also help me evolve as a person. Article shared by If I were a bird, I would like to be one of the small species, cute and beautiful. Paragraph on If I Were a Bird in 100 Words We all want to be free.


Paragraph on If I Were a Bird

if i were a bird i would

My master, mistress and some small children of the family would teach me how to speak and what to speak. I understand man keeps mainas and parrots just for this art of these birds, of talking like men. I think this poem is a great source to represent this… Understand The Future Research Paper To find yourself, one must understand the world first. Different bird species prefer different living areas. Their actual freedom is eating a variety of fruits, grains, and vegetables while remaining hidden from prying eyes. My ambition as a bird would be able to fly high as high can be, like any other bird. Hunting for food and being frightened of bigger birds attacking me would not be a care for me.


Freedom If I were a bird...

if i were a bird i would

Once I would get the training to speak, I would be able to chat with each of the family members and guests. If I ever get to be a bird, I shall not be dependent on anyone for my food and living. Although it is a fun and effective way to let your creative juices flow, there is one important fact that a person should know if they intend to actually have birds occupy their house. God, please grant me this life, that is, if I am not asking for too much. I would love to jump and touch the water of the sea and catch fishes from the rivers. Here, at home, I would be served food in a platter, water in a dish in a right royal style.


if i were a bird, i would fly or if i were a bird, i will fly?

if i were a bird i would

Singing songs all day. We all aspire to be free of all materialistic goods and live in peace at some time in our lives. ADVERTISEMENTS: While living with a family I would also be able to learn about the ways of men. If I Were a Bird Birds are the most free-spirited and independent creatures in the universe. I would share my experiences with my kin and understand the difficult ways of life. Since I have faced some difficulties of friendship and learning recently, I am eager to abandon everything and live a happy life.


if i were a bird, i would fly or if i was a bird , i would fly?

if i were a bird i would

Freedom If I were a bird I would fly myself Free of this place. I would attain knowledge of lives of birds big and small as I would move with them and conversing with them while flying high in the air, or sitting on trees with my other colleagues. At some point or the other, we all want to stay away from all the materialistic things and live peacefully. Oh, how I wish to be a bird. Lastly, if I were a bad, I would like to have the eyes of a hawk, the flying ability and sharp eyesight of an eagle, and still maintain the beauty of a flamingo.


If I Were A Bird, Essay Sample

if i were a bird i would

However, unlike the eagle which could also be scary, I would like to be beautiful like the flamingo. They love to fly, collect their own food and grains, sleep in the woods, and enjoy the sunsets. We have some social constraints and are bound to follow them, but birds are free. Previously, he had the belief that no a single soul in the society was able to acquire freedom; that everyone was controlled by the government. To understand the world, one must have experience. I would like to eat from various trees by hiding from the world.


Ryan Shupe & The Rubberband

if i were a bird i would

I would fly into the clouds and snooze there for a while. Instead of capitulating to the obstacle, the eagle uses it as a way to fly higher in the clouds, similar to how I persist through the many personal struggles I have had in my life; instead of letting the storm beat me, I beat the storm. Hawks have big eyes and while they might seem scary, they are also quite beautiful and look like they do not like to be tricked. How man lives, how he behaves, and what his attitude is towards birds I would be able to understand first hand, being so close to man. Because it makes them feel safe.
