Identity theft thesis. Thesis: Identity Theft Using the Knowledge of Computer 2022-11-05

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Identity theft is a serious crime that affects millions of people every year. It occurs when someone uses another person's personal information, such as their name, social security number, or credit card information, without their permission to commit fraud or other crimes. The effects of identity theft can be devastating for the victim, as it can lead to financial losses, damage to their reputation, and a sense of violation and loss of control. In this essay, I will explore the various forms of identity theft, the impact it has on individuals and society, and ways in which people can protect themselves from becoming victims.

One of the most common forms of identity theft is financial identity theft, which occurs when someone uses another person's personal information to access their bank accounts or credit cards and make unauthorized charges. This can result in significant financial losses for the victim, as well as damage to their credit score and reputation. Another form of identity theft is criminal identity theft, which occurs when someone uses another person's identity to commit crimes or avoid detection. This can result in the victim being wrongly accused or convicted of crimes they did not commit.

Identity theft can also have a psychological impact on the victim, as it can cause a sense of violation and loss of control. Victims may feel violated that someone has taken their personal information and used it for their own gain, and they may feel a loss of control over their identity and financial situation. The process of recovering from identity theft can be time-consuming and emotionally draining, as victims may need to cancel accounts, dispute charges, and work with credit agencies to restore their credit.

The impact of identity theft extends beyond the individual victim to society as a whole. It can cost businesses and financial institutions millions of dollars every year to detect and prevent identity theft, and these costs are often passed on to consumers in the form of higher fees and charges. Identity theft can also lead to a loss of trust in online transactions and financial institutions, which can have a negative impact on the economy.

To protect themselves from identity theft, individuals can take a number of precautions. These include:

By taking these precautions and being vigilant about protecting their personal information, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of becoming victims of identity theft.

In conclusion, identity theft is a serious crime that can have significant financial and psychological impacts on victims. It can also have a negative impact on society as a whole. By protecting personal information and being vigilant about monitoring accounts and devices, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of becoming victims of identity theft.

Free Research Papers About Identity Theft

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Journal of Economic Perspectives 2008 22: 2. They would also become wary of shopping for credit or spend considerably to protect their personal details Anderson, Durbin and Salinger, 171-192. Thieves can obtain credit reports through fraudulent means. It is important to note that the fraudsters acquire personal information or rather personal identifiers through serious breaches Neal, 2002. This is basically known as risk avoidance Johnson, 2006.


Identity Theft Thesis

identity theft thesis

Keep your personal information safe. Explain how identity theft victims are emotionally harmed? Close any accounts that was open without permission or the identity theft has opened 3. Attention Grabber Research has shown that identity theft has become the fastest evolving crime according to the Ou Police Department Website. The differences lie in how the information is used. Computer Mediated Communication CMC has indeed redefined the way we communicate. You should also be aware of the signs of identity theft, such as receiving bills for products you did not purchase, or getting calls from collection agencies for debts you do not owe. First of all, there is the way that people get their identities stolen.


Identity theft thesis statement by Hall Darlene

identity theft thesis

According to the Federal Trade Commission, identity theft complaints have decreased since year 2008 314,521 to 250,854. Identity thieves can also observe as someone types their login details in an attempt to log into their private sites in publicly situated IT devices such as computers or even ATMs. The mail may also warn the victim that if this is not done within a stipulated time, the victim's account may be cancelled. It has been established that the losses associated with an identity theft is proportional to the time it took for its discovery. It is the fastest growing crime in the United States Reed, 2. McEwen; Fester; Nugent, et. Would you like this to happen to your family too? Alternatively, the thief can open an entirely new credit card account in the name of the victim.


Identity theft

identity theft thesis

More recently as in 2011, about 12 million Americans had been affected by identity theft, which is actually a 13% increase from the previous year. Another practice which has proved to be a good source of personal information for thieves is curbside recycling which can provide sensitive documents containing vital information. The second most common type of identity theft is the phone and utilities fraud which occurs when a thief signs up for services like cell phone services, long distance services, and other utilities in the name of the victim. The victims also faced the difficulty to prove themselves not involve or not fault. With the advent of technology, identity theft has been made even much easier to the fraudsters. There is need to be very cautious about IT systems that require or demand excess amounts of personal information such as national identification numbers or even social security numbers.


Identity Theft Research Papers

identity theft thesis

According to Margaret Rouse 2009 , identity theft is the biggest crime that related which the steal of the personal data or information. First, it is important to define what identity theft is. However, his days were numbered and he was caught while he was attempting to make one of the largest transactions. This and a multitude of various other cases occur every other day. There are two primary actions that you should take:. This may be done by a variety of methods such as trickery or even by circumventing legal methods.


Thesis: Identity Theft Using the Knowledge of Computer

identity theft thesis

New York, NY: Springer Publishing. And is some case it can be up to the interpretation of the individual. The third stage is one of discovery. Identity cloning takes place when another individual's personal details are used for posing as a false user. It has become the method of choice for identity theft on the internet Litan 2004. In this case, the thief calls up a credit card company claiming to be the victim and informs them about a change in the mailing address of an account which already exists.


identity theft Thesis

identity theft thesis

Works Cited Federal Trade Commission. Social and technological elements are the key aspects that have made identity theft so widespread. File a report to Identity Theft Essay Identity Theft What is identity theft? Retrieved from Tugent, A. The fear of identity theft may deter consumers from making easier and cheaper online options. There have been several legislative reforms to tackle identity thefts.


Identity theft thesis

identity theft thesis

Bots can even unearth supposedly hidden information and compile them together in a meaningful way to help in stealing identities. They become fully dependent on the service provider to ensure data security for the information, which could include personal records. Despite newer technologies facilitating people in many ways, they also carry with them the prospect of offering new ways for identity thefts. Answers should be 100-to 150-words each. The sheer scope of identity fraud crimes is enormous; it touches every sector, every industry, and every level of business from the tiny mom and pop shop to sprawling global corporations.


Identity Theft, Essay Example

identity theft thesis

Preview of Main Points: In doing so, I will talk to you about 1 reducing your risk, 2 early detection, 3 How to act quickly. According to Sally Driscoll, this is because almost anyone with a computer and a slight bit of computer knowledge can pull off identity theft. Ways of protection There are many ways of protection that banks and government use in order to escape the identity theft among the general population. Thus, it is vital to note some of the ways in which personal identifiers may fall in the hands of the fraudsters. Given the hectic life and the compulsions of the day, we have taken to the use of technology to communicate. If you think you may be a victim of identity theft, you should contact the Federal Trade Commission or the Identity Theft Resource Center for help. Learn More The departmental heads may in turn appoint monitors who would ensure that the agreed on steps are upheld and reports made on a daily or weekly basis.
