How to cite a quote of a quote. How To Cite A Famous Quote In APA 2022-10-26

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When citing a quote of a quote, it is important to follow the proper formatting and attribution guidelines. This ensures that you are giving credit to the original source and helping your readers locate the information.

To begin, you should introduce the quote of a quote in your own words. This helps to provide context for your readers and helps them understand why you are including this information in your essay.

Next, you will need to include the quote within quotation marks and provide the appropriate citation. This will typically involve including the author's name and the page number where the quote can be found.

For example, if you are quoting a quote that appears in a book by Jane Smith, you might write:

According to Jane Smith, "In her research, Sarah Johnson found that 'the majority of participants reported feeling more relaxed after practicing mindfulness' (Johnson, 12)."

In this example, the quote of a quote is "the majority of participants reported feeling more relaxed after practicing mindfulness," which is attributed to Sarah Johnson. The citation includes both the author's name (Johnson) and the page number (12).

It is important to note that the way you format and punctuate your citation will depend on the citation style you are using. Different fields and disciplines have their own preferred citation styles, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago, so be sure to check with your instructor or refer to the appropriate style guide to ensure that you are citing your sources correctly.

In conclusion, citing a quote of a quote requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the proper citation guidelines. By following these guidelines, you can give credit to the original source and help your readers locate the information you are referencing in your essay.

APA Quote Citation

how to cite a quote of a quote

For publication outside of the U. My students have also benefited from white board practice and color coding each part of a direct quote. Personal communications like e-mail and interviews are not considered recoverable data, so they are not recorded in your References list at the end of the work. Make sure to use the same punctuation, capitalization, and styling as in the original text. A good way to do this is by taking a short break.


How to Cite Quotations in MLA Format: Teaching Ideas

how to cite a quote of a quote

Provide a reference Sometimes, however, you will come across a quote that seems too good to not include in your work or conversation. Simply take the quoted word from the sentence and match it with the appropriate bibitem entry before adding the rest of the citation. Place your citation outside the closing punctuation. These terms alert the audience that writers are going to cite evidence to support their ideas and opinions. It shows the reader that the mistake is from the quoted material, not a typo of your own.


How To Cite A Famous Quote In APA

how to cite a quote of a quote

Quotations Quotations are essential in sentences that are cited word-for-word from research. In this case, students should use three consecutive periods to indicate a word or phrase has been removed. Enclose the directly quoted material in double quotation marks. Note that the before the ending punctuation mark of the sentence. Block Quote: If you want to include a longer quotation from a source, start it on a new line: Indent the entire blocked quote one standard paragraph indention from the rest of your text. Paraphrased: Living without passion is like living without food — you may feel well enough while you're doing it, but at the end you'll be suffering badly.


How to Quote

how to cite a quote of a quote

Share the quote with your friends A famous quote does not have much content, so sharing it with someone is the best way to use it. This post offers some scaffolding ideas. Check for rules that pertain to your particular source before handing in your paper. Often you will name the poet and title in the main text as you introduce the quote. You can find a template of embedded references under the format section here at Student Writer Tips.


How to Cite a Poem in MLA

how to cite a quote of a quote

Use it only for typographical or grammatical errors, not to make editorial statements about the word choice of your source. This can make you feel discouraged about reading more books with similar content because you want to stay objective. Or perhaps you read an essay about why people should exercise more often. This method is deeply flawed. It is always recommended to locate and cite the original source whenever possible, but there are times when the original source is unavailable e. Darwin, The Origin of the Species, 510. Publications include books, newspapers, journal articles, magazines, etc.


4 Ways to Cite a Quote

how to cite a quote of a quote

International Business and Marketing Journal , 25. Citation Generators Yes, citation generators abound! If you only want to quote parts of a sentence, an ellipsis 3 dots or periods separated by spaces lets your readers know you've left part of it out. Generally, short quotations are enclosed in double quotation marks, while longer quotations are set off from the rest of the text in block quotes. However, you can change the first letter of a quote to upper- or lowercase to fit in line with your sentence. While it is acceptable to cite a famous saying from a website or a book that lists famous quotations, quoting from the original source provides readers with more context and could strengthen the argument you are making. So how do you write citations that properly tie in with your quotes? For this example, we will be using The Associated Press and the initial letter and bullet point style.


Direct Quotes

how to cite a quote of a quote

This article will help you choose the right style for your source text and citation method. You must look it up, underline it, and then repeat it out loud or write down what you hear yourself say. She goes onto say something that may surprise you—she suggests instead of giving up meat, we can try to do without sweets for one day every week. Shortening a quote If some parts of a passage are redundant or irrelevant, you can shorten the quote by removing words, phrases, or sentences and replacing them with an ellipsis …. You may need to modify a quotation so that it flows seamlessly into your own writing. The full citation in the reference list should be formatted the same way as for shorter direct quotations.


How do I cite a quote within a quote?

how to cite a quote of a quote

When used correctly, quoting also gives credit to the source of the quoted material while at the same time promoting literacy and education. However, if you want to emphasize certain words or phrases in the quotation, you can italicize them. When you are using a short direct quotation from a source, it should be enclosed in quotation marks. When it comes time to write an article or speech, you will have to provide a source for the quotation. Enclose your additions in square brackets. Polishing the sentence off with well-used punctuation marks adds clarity and professionalism. This is where you list all of the sources you have quoted in your paper.
