Hosea 11 1 3. Hosea 11:1,Hosea 11:3 2022-10-23

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Hosea 11:1-3 is a passage from the Old Testament of the Bible that speaks to the relationship between God and the people of Israel. In these verses, God speaks through the prophet Hosea, saying:

"When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. But the more I called them, the further they went from me. They sacrificed to the Baals and they burned incense to images. It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I who healed them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love; I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them." (Hosea 11:1-3)

In this passage, God reflects on the history of the Israelites and their relationship with Him. God speaks of loving Israel as a child and calling them out of slavery in Egypt, but despite His efforts to guide and protect them, the Israelites have turned away from Him and worshiped other gods. God speaks of His role in teaching and caring for the Israelites, but despite His efforts, they have not recognized His presence in their lives.

The passage speaks to the theme of disobedience and faithlessness in the Israelites. Despite God's love and care for them, the Israelites have strayed from His path and worshiped other gods. This is a common theme throughout the Bible, as the Israelites frequently turned away from God and engaged in idol worship. However, this passage also speaks to the enduring love and grace of God, as He continues to reach out to the Israelites and offer them guidance and support.

The passage also highlights the idea of God as a loving parent, caring for and guiding His children even when they are disobedient. This imagery is often used throughout the Bible to describe the relationship between God and His people, with God taking on the role of a loving and nurturing parent and the people of Israel as His children. This imagery serves to underscore the deep love and commitment that God has for His people, and the importance of recognizing and responding to His presence in our lives.

Overall, Hosea 11:1-3 is a powerful reminder of the enduring love and grace of God, and the importance of recognizing and responding to His presence in our lives. Despite our failures and shortcomings, God continues to offer us guidance and support, and calls us to turn back to Him and follow His path.

Hosea 11:1,Hosea 11:3

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The dispersed Jews were carried eastward, to Assyria and Babylon, and those that returned came from the east; therefore this seems to have reference to the calling of the Gentiles that lay westward from Canaan, for that way especially the gospel spread. One day, they would pursue Him. Here is Israel very ungrateful to God. Jehovah had dealt with them, no doubt, punishing them in His retributive righteousness. They were childlike in many ways. Even though they've turned their back on Him, even though they won't acknowledge Him, even though they're worshipping these other gods, God is unwilling to let them go. Their professions and promises were all a cheat, and yet with these they thought to compass God about, to enclose him as it were, to keep him among them, and prevent his leaving them.


The Message of Hosea 11

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Therefore he will not return shub to destroy them 9e. Verse 8 — In this verse we see that God is a reluctant judge. They will humbly come and God will restore them to their place in his kingdom 11. This is no inconsiderable help to interpretation; because if the prophets had only employed each his own peculiar phrases, it would have been incomparably more difficult to understand scripture. Hosea 11 is only an illustration that might be adapted for ethical instruction.


Hosea 11 Commentary

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We should continue to teach that God is the source of all blessings, of every good gift, of the spiritual healing and nourishment that we all need, of the help that we need with our burdens. He still has concern and compassion and a commitment to his people 8e-f. Then, though he meant them ultimately and finally to come out of Egypt, he did not uproot them from their adopted land all at once, roughly and without previous loosening. How can he cast his children completely away? This appears to be the ground taken here. They only know it whom the Lord has set apart for himself: "Whom he did predestinate them he also called. Hosea 11:2 shows us that warnings calling the children back to right conduct should come before more severe discipline; love should be shown throughout. He did not drive them by force into his service, whether they would or no, nor rule them with rigour, nor detain them by violence, but his attractives were all loving and endearing, all sweet and gentle, that he might overcome them with kindness.


Hosea 11 KJV;NIV;ESV

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The punishment will be, in judicial terms, commuted. You go to Israel today and you still see those tremendous mind-boggling monuments that were left by Herod the Great. They have made the king glad with their wickedness, and the princes with their lies. The meaning of Hosea 11 is that God continues to love his people. We will now leave the seed of Israel, and think of ourselves a while.


Hosea 11:1

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God's prophets and ministers called them to return to the God from whom they had revolted, to the most high God, from whom they had sunk into this wretched degeneracy; they called them from the worship of the idols, which were so much below them, and the worship of which was therefore their disparagement, to the true God, who was so much above them, and the worship of whom was therefore their preferment; they called them from this earth to high and heavenly things; but they called in vain. The spies said, "It is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof". Ephraim contrasted with Judah — Ephraim was virtually sold out to idols for a long time already. Or, They would not exalt themselves, would not rise out of that state of apostasy and misery into which they had precipitated themselves; but there they contentedly lay still, would not lift up their heads nor lift up their souls. Though he is the most high God they would not acknowledge him to be so, would do nothing to honour him nor give him the glory due to his name.


3: Further Charges against Unfaithful Israel (Hosea 11:1

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Before punishment, the wayward children should be assured of love and desire for reconciliation, just as the Israelites were given a promise of restoration. The whole of this terse prophecy ends with the searching question of the closing verse "Who is wise, that he may understand these things? But I do not enjoy it. The ancient Jews referred it to the time of the Messiah; the learned Dr. Here He assures not only of His intervention, but of their submission and answer to His summons, from the west, south, and north-east; for the Assyrians represent the north as decidedly as the east. For in a future day I s rael would respond to His call and they would return to their homes and His bles s ings vv. Nevertheless we have a new burst of sorrow on God's part, who grieved though compelled to strike, and would not utterly destroy the people He had chosen.


Hosea 1

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They cannot eat it all, and they lie down in the midst of a superabundance, which infinite mercy has provided. Not that there are any such struggles in God as there are in us, or that he is ever fluctuating or unresolved; no, he is in one mind, and knows it; but they are expressions after the manner of men, designed to show what severity the sin of Israel had deserved, and yet how divine grace would be glorified in sparing them notwithstanding. The latter situation is perhaps the most significant contemporary ethical implication of Hosea 11. Acts 1 and 2 were clearly judicial in nature; Act 3 becomes less typically like a court of law. I have loved strangers, and after them I will go. Christ is called the lion of the tribe of Judah, and his gospel, in the beginning of it, was the voice of one crying in the wilderness.


Hosea 11:3

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All built by Herod. When that time comes, all difficulties of this kind will disappear. Act 2: Punishment pronounced vv. He led them with kindness, caring about them. Whatever the Spirit may hold out to Israel, Christ is the One fixed and guiding star to which we are directed by the Spirit of God. None at all would exalt him.


Bible Study on Hosea 11 With Discussion Questions

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Our hopes and hearts need to be in the eventual restoration of our brothers and sisters. The calling of Christ out of Egypt was a figure of the calling of all that are his, through him, out of spiritual slavery. God has the same feeling towards us today when we stray. There is often difficulty, because we are ignorant, and it may be added, because we do not read with the feeling and on the ground of Jews; for this prophet is intensely Jewish. The Holy Spirit grant it, for whosoever believeth in the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved. Their punishment is threatened to the last extremity out of the land, slaves of the heathen, which they assumed never could be; for so superstition dreams, as once in Israel, no less in what calls itself the church. He uses figurative language because the images it invokes in our minds are powerful.
