Homelessness research paper thesis. The Social Causes of Homelessness, Research Paper Example 2022-10-21

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Homelessness is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects millions of people around the world. It is a phenomenon that is often misunderstood and stigmatized, but it is a reality that cannot be ignored. In order to address the problem of homelessness, it is necessary to understand its causes and consequences, as well as the various approaches that have been taken to address it.

One potential thesis for a research paper on homelessness could be: "Homelessness is a persistent and widespread problem that is caused by a combination of structural and individual factors, and can have severe consequences for the health and well-being of those affected. Effective strategies for addressing homelessness must take into account the unique needs and challenges faced by homeless individuals and communities, and must involve a range of interventions at the individual, community, and societal levels."

To support this thesis, a research paper on homelessness could examine the various factors that contribute to homelessness, including poverty, lack of affordable housing, mental illness, substance abuse, and trauma. It could also explore the impacts of homelessness on the health and well-being of those affected, including increased risk of physical and mental health problems, as well as social isolation and stigma.

In terms of addressing homelessness, the research paper could consider the various approaches that have been taken, including emergency shelters, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, and various types of social services and support. It could also consider the challenges and limitations of these approaches, as well as the potential for innovative and alternative strategies.

Ultimately, a research paper on homelessness could aim to provide a nuanced and comprehensive understanding of this complex issue, and to offer recommendations for effective and compassionate approaches to addressing it.

The Causes and Impacts of Homelessness

homelessness research paper thesis

The author also links the possible impacts of the current pandemic to the homelessness problem in America, noting that the economic upheaval, housing instability, and widespread joblessness caused by the coronavirus in the United States might result in a 45 percent increase in total homelessness in 12 months. The different forms of supportive housing differ greatly ranging from institutional arrangements for independent self-contained or shared accommodation programs. Many developers in Toronto together with other cities claim that construction of the low income rental apartments creates low profit and has compelled many residents of the Canadian city to choose older, inadequate and deteriorating housing. Third, to examine the link between being unsheltered and an elevated risk of dying. The condition is basically a consequence of the increasing poverty levels and lack of affordable housing which arise due to many other factors including the rise in the cost of rental housing. A lot of the problems associated with homeless is poor nutrition, unemployment, drug addictions, and violence.


Homelessness essay and homelessness research paper

homelessness research paper thesis

Where local interests are often dominant, they are hardly ever long-lived, organized or based on more than emotive responses to local policy problems. Ubuntu is welcoming, hospitable, warm and generous, willing to share. Furthermore, statistics show that families comprise 41 per cent of this population Shinn, 2009. After examining in the first section of the paper three different sociological perspectives I came to the conclusion that it is absolutely incorrect to blame only one certain force for the flourishing of homelessness. Knowledge generators, decision makers and knowledge brokers interact to enhance the rationality of the policy making process by means of policy analysis techniques Levinson, 2004. In Toronto, job losses and layoffs have highly contributed to increased homelessness Hargrave, 2005. The reasons why people become homeless may also be extreme poverty, mental health, or substance abuse problems in the family.


Homelessness Research Paper

homelessness research paper thesis

A simultaneous increase in poverty or not having an income can make a person become homeless. We as a community… In Canada, homelessness is a rapidly growing social injustice. They also use drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and then they become addicted to these very harmful things. The product is that such people may find themselves on the streets as they do not have a home where they can put up. In your paper, you should underline that sometimes a place to stay may become a decisive factor between life and death. The goals are to provide communities with funds to build, preserve, and rehabilitate rental homes that can be afforded by very low income families; provide homeless with comprehensive health insurance that can stabilize chronic healthcare issues; finally, to revoke unproductive ordinances that criminalize homeless people by arresting them for living, sitting, and sleeping in public places 2013 Annual Homeless Report Assessment to Congress.


Researching the Homelessness Issues

homelessness research paper thesis

A home provides an environment where an individual is able to set up important social relations with other people through accommodating them in his or her own premise or where the individual is able to choose not to relate to others if he or she decides to do so. They fight for our freedom and our rights and we repay them by becoming homeless. Impact of Homelessness on Cities and Society Challenges in controlling children Single parents experience the psychological challenge of being homeless and a greater challenge of raising their children without the essential basic needs. Becoming homeless is a complex series of events. Homelessness can be seen in many different ways. Richard Berry is the Mayor of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hunger in America; poverty statistics and facts.


Essay On Homelessness

homelessness research paper thesis

In several instances, in Toronto, the tenants are evicted when the Landlord owes the tenant some funds when the arrears are less than the deposit paid by the tenant at the start of the tenancy to cover the rent for the last month. For instance, the use of decommissioned military bases as homeless shelters as outlined by Morgan 2010 constitutes such a solution. Housing assistance, for instance, can help escape homelessness to young people who have grown out of foster care, or low-income people with mental illness who leave hospitals, or those individuals, who exit correction institutions. It has been estimated that in 1998 1. This not only ends homelessness and improves stable housing, but also improves health and reduces public costs. Mortgage arrears are said to significantly contribute to the homeless conditions. Some people became homeless after being laid off from the job, losing their family, or surviving a house fire.


Solutions to Homelessness, Research Paper Example

homelessness research paper thesis

Abuse is so prevalent with homeless single mothered families that around 92% of homeless mothers were either sexually or physically abused greendoors. All of these problems can be equated to the lack of access to consistent health care. In many situations, unexpected problems may incapacitate tenants to the extent that they are not in a position of paying rent. Individuals were undergoing homelessness from the phase of September 24th-30th 2018. It is common for people who are homeless to have had a life riddled with traumatic experiences like physical and mental abuse and drug use. This was a vigorous study with three main goals as follows.


The Social Causes of Homelessness, Research Paper Example

homelessness research paper thesis

Public Health challenge At the extreme end of poverty, many individuals and families crowd the streets due to lack of housing. When women and girls are homeless, they are more vulnerable to sexual abuse. Those who sell their homes to meet their drug addiction needs are prevented from getting their way into the streets. Housing and homelessness: a feminist perspective. New York: AJPH, 84, pp.


Homelessness in America Research Paper

homelessness research paper thesis

These people are incapable of handling the stress of living on their own. . The local governmental policy design, develop and execute public policies at all levels of the Canadian government. The findings showed that unsheltered homelessness was more likely among those who used drugs and alcohol and did not receive rehabilitation for those substances, as well as those who had mental health difficulties. .


Research Paper about Homelessness

homelessness research paper thesis

However, this argument overlooks the fact that logical, practical and financially feasible interventional programs have been proposed. Homelessness affects people from all walks of life with different stories of how they ended up homeless. Argumentative Essay: Helping Veterans 414 Words 2 Pages Is it the stresses of war and inadequate job training? The findings addressed the fact that most of the world still denies that invisible diseases such as depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorders, etc. Bad: iPods are devices that transport and play music. As a society, we also must self-reflect and value our own standpoint in correlation to the research being done.
