Hills like white elephants setting symbolism. Symbolism and Setting in Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway: [Essay Example], 1100 words GradesFixer 2022-10-22

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In Ernest Hemingway's short story "Hills Like White Elephants," the setting serves as a symbolic backdrop for the conversation and conflict between the two main characters, Jig and the American. The story is set in a train station in a valley between two hills in a rural area of Spain, and the hills are described as being "like white elephants."

The hills symbolize the impending decision that Jig and the American must make about Jig's pregnancy. Just as the hills are a physical barrier between the characters and the rest of the world, the decision they must make will also have a significant impact on their lives and their relationship. The hills also symbolize the weight and gravity of the situation, as white elephants were traditionally seen as symbols of burden and responsibility.

The train station itself also serves as a symbol in the story. The train station is a place of transition and movement, and the characters are waiting for a train to take them to Madrid. This symbolizes the crossroads at which Jig and the American find themselves, as they must decide whether to continue their relationship or go their separate ways. The train station is also a place of anonymity and detachment, as the characters are just passing through and do not have any real connection to the place. This detachment further emphasizes the disconnection and lack of communication between Jig and the American as they struggle to come to a decision.

Overall, the setting in "Hills Like White Elephants" serves as a powerful symbol for the characters' situation and the decisions they must make. The hills and the train station both represent the weight and gravity of the decision facing Jig and the American, as well as the detachment and anonymity that characterize their relationship.

Hills Like White Elephants Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

An American man and a girl are staying at a railway station in Spain. They argue back and forth never arriving at a decision—but life is coming and a decision must be made. But the twist in the story is that it seems as if Madam Lantin was living a double life as Mr. The meaning seems to be that since the trains run in both directions, at this particular train station, one direction leads to the place where the girl is to have her abortion, and the others do not. Hills represent the dilemma the couple is facing, they are an obstacle.


The Use of Setting, Symbolism, Imagery, Genre, in Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway Free Essay Example

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

Maybe because, although they are communicating well through the curtain, this moment still foreshadows the figurative curtain between Jig and the man when they try to communicate. The Uncharted Forest In Ayn Rand's Anthem 372 Words 2 Pages Symbolism is a way to enhance the reader's comprehension on the message they are trying to give. In the story, the pregnancy is the white elephant: she's got it, and it'll be difficult to get rid of it. The method does leave room for interpretation, but it is not a free-for-all, and it doesn't mean that Hemingway was trying to trick the reader. The American also intends for Jig only to see what he could benefit from the decision that she makes.


Symbolism and Setting in Hills Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway: [Essay Example], 1100 words GradesFixer

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

The girl seems torn between the two landscapes, not only commenting on the beauty of the hills but also physically walking to the end of the platform and gazing out at the brown emptiness around the station. However, Hemingway gives the reader several clues regarding what Jig feels about the situation. Hemingway always used symbols in his stories. They are trying to communicate but do not really know if the person on the other side of the curtain is listening or able to even hear them. They stand for people in stopping point for people that are traveling. Though her decision is not directly stated anywhere in the story, many critics have made their assumptions as to what she finally chooses to do bases on clues and symbols.


Analysis of Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants"

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

The title Hills like White Elephants is critical in this story. The story The Glass Castle contains a lot of different types of symbolic meanings. The American Though we may not be able to simply label the American as the story's antagonist, we can certainly tell that he does do a fair amount of antagonizing. Due to being unable to live comfortably and being in debt, Mr. The girl says the hills look like white elephants for a couple reasons. I said the mountains looked like white elephants. We see it in the first paragraph one, with the remark about the flies.


Symbolism, Setting, Irony in Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

She is tired of having a shaky relationship with the man. Jig questions his reason behind the comment and insists that they would not be satisfied with their relationship even if she aborted the baby. The ethical dilemma weighs heavily on Jig as she is almost indomitably persuaded and manipulated to see just one of both sides: symbolically, the brown and dry hill and literally, having to give up her baby to appease the American. We love someone, so we do something for them; we value someone 's opinion, so we respect them; we dislike someone, so we avoid them. Not only does the greenness symbolize life, the hills do as well. At the beginning of the story, the author depicts brown, dry terrain and scorching, hot weather to symbolize the conflict between the American and Jig. However, after a closer second read one comes to realize that these assumptions about his character have come from simple miscommunication between characters.


Symbolism in the story "Hills Like White Elephants."

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

There are many elements in the story, such as disconnection, manipulation, dominance, innocence, and irresponsibility. Across the brown and dry hill view was a different hill view, lush with grain and flowing rivers. With each next month, it will grow bigger and will become more rounded. The two characters talk around and around the issue, repeating themselves and redeveloping their points, until finally the girl tells the man to stop. Moreover, the contrast between the white hills and barren valley possibly highlights the dichotomy between life and death, fertility and sterility, and mirrors the choice the girl faces between having the baby or having the abortion. The question is why do women decide to commit such a horrific crime? The man connects with her as he orders the drinks, but they aren't attached. The train station is a midpoint between that present time and the future time that they will move in the direction of on the train.


Hills Like White Elephant Symbolism Analysis

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

The white elephant image symbolizes the thing that cannot easily be gotten rid of and that comes with a great cost. One of the greatest American writers of the 20th century, Ernest Hemingway, is famous not only for his works but also for an astonishing talent to express a lot in just a few words. Although, the four page story takes place in a very short period of time, it tells a much bigger story disguised underneath. Jig has an attitude about her that makes seem childish. At the end of their conversation, the girl appears to have agreed to have the abortion, and they both board the same train to go to the same direction which means that there is no conflict of opinions between them. The white elephant was considered sacred, so on the surface, this gift was an honor.


Symbolism in Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants”

hills like white elephants setting symbolism

Jig's freedom of choice is threatened by the man's intensity. Both characters are travelers, transiting by train, and emotionally separated. Characters Aside from 'the woman' who brings the couple drinks and is only seen a few times, the American and the girl are the only characters who ever say anything. They share a great deal of words that go round and round but they never clearly identify what they are talking about. In the story you can clearly read that the relationship is on hard terms because the couple is only drinking not talking to each other; almost as if they are ignoring each… Analysis Of Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephants A tree can mean family roots, a bird can represent freedom, and light can mean hope or life. Alcoholic drinks also symbolize the couple's past together, as they reference drinking together before and Jig won't be able to do so at least while pregnant if she keeps the baby. Hemingway engages a variation of the old fork in the road scenario to symbolize the two possible paths for the characters and the verdict they must come to of which to follow.
