Hersey and blanchard model of leadership. Situational Leadership® Theory In Plain Language: The Landmark Model From Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard 2022-11-06

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Plastic surgery is a controversial topic that has garnered much attention in recent years. On one hand, some argue that plastic surgery is a legitimate way for individuals to improve their appearance and boost their self-esteem. On the other hand, others argue that plastic surgery is a superficial and unhealthy way to try to fix one's appearance, and that it can lead to dangerous and even deadly complications.

One argument in favor of plastic surgery is that it can help individuals who have physical deformities or scars from accidents or injuries to feel more confident and comfortable in their own skin. For example, reconstructive surgery can be used to repair facial or bodily abnormalities caused by birth defects, trauma, or disease. This type of surgery can be life-changing for individuals who have been self-conscious about their appearance and may have struggled with social interactions and self-esteem as a result.

Another argument in favor of plastic surgery is that it can help people to look and feel younger. As we age, our skin and bodies naturally begin to sag and wrinkle, and some people may feel self-conscious about these changes. Plastic surgery procedures such as facelifts, brow lifts, and neck lifts can help to tighten and lift the skin, giving the appearance of a more youthful appearance. Similarly, procedures such as breast augmentation or reduction can help individuals to feel more comfortable and confident in their bodies.

However, there are also valid arguments against plastic surgery. One concern is that plastic surgery can be unhealthy and even dangerous. Complications from plastic surgery procedures can include infection, scarring, and even death. In addition, some people may become addicted to plastic surgery, constantly seeking out new procedures in an attempt to achieve an unattainable standard of beauty. This can lead to financial ruin and can even have negative impacts on mental health.

Another argument against plastic surgery is that it reinforces harmful societal beauty standards that prioritize appearance over substance. Many people feel pressure to conform to certain beauty standards, and plastic surgery can be seen as a way to achieve these standards. This can lead to a focus on superficial characteristics rather than inner qualities such as kindness, intelligence, and compassion.

In conclusion, plastic surgery is a complex and controversial topic that has both proponents and opponents. While it can be helpful for individuals with physical deformities or who want to reverse the signs of aging, it also carries risks and can reinforce harmful societal beauty standards. It is important for individuals to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of plastic surgery before making a decision.

Hersey Blanchard Model

hersey and blanchard model of leadership

Transactional Leadership As a model, transactional leadership belongs to the transactional leadership theories. Leadership Theory and the Community College: Applying Theory to Practice. These leaders must have the insight to understand when to change their management style and what leadership strategy fits each new paradigm. Subordinates know very little about the task or they have very low levels of motivation to perform well. Followers are given more tasks and freedom than the two previous styles. They have a very clear vision of the endgame and how to reach it. Over time, this group made changes to the concepts of the original situational leadership theory in several key areas, which included the research base, the leadership style labels, and the individual's development level continuum.



hersey and blanchard model of leadership

Effective leadership varies, not only with the person or group that is being influenced, but it also depends on the task, job, or function that needs to be accomplished. Blanchard postulates that Enthusiastic Beginners D1 need a directing leadership style while Disillusioned Learners D2 require a coaching style. Journal of Applied Psychology. This model involves Relationship Behavior and a limited level of Task Behavior. But they attempt to sell their ideas to get people on board.


Hersey & Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model

hersey and blanchard model of leadership

New York, NY: Wiley. Both of these orientations can be found within the situational model of leadership where the approach towards the followers is adjusted based on their readiness to show enthusiasm and work independently without the close supervision. Readiness is the extent to which followers have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task. Communication is usually one way. They already have the motivation to do the tasks required, which lowers the need for supportive behaviour. According to this model, the leader has to match the leadership style according to the readiness of subordinates which moves in stage and has a cycle. The author finds that the students who have not been trained in situational leadership but who have studied leadership in general are more inclined to adjust their style to the type of the followers that those who have less knowledge about leadership behaviors Mwai, 2011.


Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory: A Study of the ...

hersey and blanchard model of leadership

Task oriented behaviour is the extent to which the leader engages in spelling out the duties and responsibilities to an individual or group. They can do so by finding the right balance between Directive and Supportive behaviour. In task behaviour the leader engages in one-way communication. This approach involves a high-task, high-relationship style where leaders coach and keep followers motivated throughout the task. .


Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Model EXPLAINED

hersey and blanchard model of leadership

They create the roles and objectives and expect others to accept them. Training and Development Journal. Hence, they can work independently and require very little or no supervision. A leader must pay extra attention and communicate with them; in doing this, he observes their mood, morale, and motivational fluctuations. Participating and Supporting In this style of leadership, supporting is high but direction is low. Usually a one-way communication exists which is meant to provide the direction to the followers.


Situational leadership theory

hersey and blanchard model of leadership

It emphasizes high amount of relationship behavior but low amount of task behavior. As a result, I chose to adjust my approach to the tasks and my role as a leader according to the performance of the followers. Controlling autocratic type of leadership is perceived as a less sophisticated and old-fashioned way to lead, while democratic and allowing styles that require delegating and supportive guidance are more preferable. This is because the leader believes that the follower is capable enough of achieving the required tasks largely independently. One of the keys to Situational Leadership® is adaptability. Leadership comes in a variety of different forms and styles.


Hersey Blanchard Model

hersey and blanchard model of leadership

What really happened was… Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard: The Lennon and McCartney of Leadership In the year that the Beatles would release Abbey Road, Dr. These behaviors are telling providing clear instructions and controlling the work done by the followers , selling guiding the followers in a persuasive but inspiring way , participating accomplishing common goals through the fulfillment of shared ideas , and delegating leaving the initiative to the followers and choosing them as decision makers Schermerhorn, 2010. It is also a complicated concept that denotes a clear action of leading a group of followers towards various goals, yet it has no fixed frames and boundaries as to how and by what means the leading is to be accomplished. Selling or Coaching This style is a combination of high supportive and high directive behavior. Emotional Intelligence The leadership based on emotional intelligence is characterized by an objective for the leader to be able to manage the emotions of their own, and also those of the followers. Therefore, the decisions are leader directed.


Situational Leadership Model: Hersey and Blanchard

hersey and blanchard model of leadership

Supporting behaviors include actions such as encouraging subordinates, listening, and offering recognition and feedback. Leadership styles matching evolving levels of followers' maturity Four distinct leadership styles are identified in the Hersey and Blanchard Leadership Model - each reflecting the evolving levels of maturity of the followers: 1 Directing - the leader provides clear instructions and specific direction. So they put all the professors on an island and each week they voted the most annoying leadership geek off the island until there was a single winner. Therefore, this theory is also known as the life-cycle theory of leadership. This style is good in an organization that is drifting aimlessly. A leader is to take into consideration such factors as the competence of their team, the character of the tasks and objectives that need to be fulfilled, the environment they are working with in order to make an effective decision as to the choice of the interaction style selling, telling delegating, or participating. Reference List Goleman, D.
