Hector tobar the tattooed soldier. The Tattooed Soldier (Héctor Tobar) » p.1 » Global Archive Voiced Books Online Free 2022-10-14

Hector tobar the tattooed soldier Rating: 9,6/10 1589 reviews

Hector Tobar's novel "The Tattooed Soldier" is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of love, loss, and the human cost of war.

The novel tells the story of Antonio Bernal, a Guatemalan immigrant living in Los Angeles, and his journey to find the man responsible for the death of his family during the Guatemalan Civil War. As he sets out on this mission of revenge, Antonio is forced to confront the complexity of the conflict and the ways in which it has shaped the lives of those around him.

At its heart, "The Tattooed Soldier" is a story about the power of love and the ways in which it can transcend even the most devastating circumstances. Antonio's love for his family drives him on his quest for justice, and it is ultimately this love that allows him to find redemption and a sense of peace.

Tobar's writing is rich and evocative, and he skillfully weaves together the threads of Antonio's story to create a powerful and moving tale. The novel is a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit, and it serves as a reminder of the enduring power of love in the face of tragedy.

In conclusion, "The Tattooed Soldier" is a deeply moving and thought-provoking novel that explores the complexities of war, love, and loss. Tobar's writing is powerful and evocative, and he has created a truly memorable and poignant tale.

The Tattooed Soldier by Héctor Tobar

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

He imagined himself being led away in handcuffs, his arms pulled behind his back, the public indignity of being marched past the neighbors. José Juan walked across the lot where they had slept and stood in a flat patch of red dirt. Antonio glared at him, then picked up a stack of unopened letters from his mother in Guatemala. In fact this book is painful to read: it demands close reading and is so objectively tragic that it burned my eyes. Through the narrow opening of a door pushed slightly ajar, he was speaking to the building manager who was about to evict him from his apartment, a Korean immigrant named Hwang. Everything was painted tan and gray, as if in imitation of the sky and earth. Antonio, once a middle-class government worker in his native land, is now homeless in L.


The tattooed soldier : Tobar, Héctor, 1963

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

Tobar expertly constructs his characters and narrative; the characters are fully realized, bearing nuance and complexity, and the narrative glides effortlessly to its climactic showdown. There would be some satisfaction in that. The two sides meet in Guatemala as Longoria kills Elena and the couple's young son, then again in Los Angeles some years later, when Antonio happens across Longoria and begins to plot revenge against him. It draws the connections between toxic performances of masculinity, shame, and gun ownership and violence well. On the hill, and on the flat plain that extended from its base, he could see a grid of city streets, blocks of land cut in rectangles and bordered with sidewalks, asphalt avenues with iron manhole covers for the sewers. ADVENTURE IN BEVERLY HILLS 18. Both lead characters are complex and believable, and the suspense of how their lives will intersect in the end is palpable.


The Tattooed Soldier by Héctor Tobar, Paperback

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

Hours later Antonio was lying on a mattress of crushed boxes, adrift in a timeless night. This overpass was higher than most, an underbelly of concrete covered with a fine network of leafless ivy branches that spread out like capillaries across the gray surface. I can't wait to read the rest of his books. They probably expected the police to arrive at any moment. There had been a crowd around the doorway when he got there. Antonio stared back at him and the other neighbors with his best impersonation of a madman, eyes ablaze, nostrils flaring.



hector tobar the tattooed soldier

Not an easy book to read, but it was informative to learn about the war in Guatemala as well as the life of Guatemalans living in during that time and later in the US. Ya vas a ver. The author and publisher have provided this e-book to you for your personal use only. As today, it held all of his possessions, although he could not now remember exactly what he possessed at the time. They walked a few hundred feet to a two-lane transition road where cars passed under a bridge and into a tunnel, the sound of their engines echoing into a fluttering roar. I did enjoy how Tobar's prose quite a bit.


Tattooed Soldier by Hector Tobar

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

No one bothered to cast them a glance. A chance encounter ignites a psychological showdown between these two men who discover that the war in Central America has followed them to the quemazones, the "great burning" of the Los Angeles riots. Behind the manager, a crowd of tenants had gathered again. I wish that the climax was more climactic, lol. It took me nearly a month to read because I found it to have such a slow start.


The Tattooed Soldier by Hector Tobar Literature review

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

No one bothered to cast them a glance. It felt like there was finally some world building happening. If she were alive, Elena would put her arms around Antonio and kiss him on the cheek and say, 'Of course you're confused, my love, you always were. They left a collection of newspapers, letters, books, immigration forms, and check stubs on the floor. The scent of burning wood wafted through the air.


The Tattooed Soldier by Héctor Tobar

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

Those men pushed their belongings around in shopping carts. He really would like to hit this coreano. The shaved head was the giveaway. This novel, admittedly, draws on a lot of the political issues I am most interested in. Antonio closed his eyes and tried to imagine what once stood on this barren land. That in itself was not an explanation for what was happening to him today.


The Tattooed Soldier

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

Antonio was living on the streets, carrying everything he owned in a plastic bag, and no one would look him in the eye. Detailing hardships both foreign and domestic and showing how violence can shape a society. Antonio had seen this sort of thing before, had been part of the crowd himself on more than one occasion. He remembered bridges that fell into rivers, asphalt and steel swallowed by white tongues of water. These characters cross paths when one of them murders the wife and child of the other, and the trauma that both these characters have gone through really becomes visible in their lives years later in Los Angeles. Now that they had stepped into the shadows, Antonio could see the shelters more clearly. I cannot recommend this book enough.


The Tattooed Soldier (Héctor Tobar) » p.1 » Global Archive Voiced Books Online Free

hector tobar the tattooed soldier

It seemed a bit anti-climactic for me, but maybe I just need to think about it more. It seemed a bit anti-climactic for me, but maybe I just need to think about it more. A mother pushing a stroller hurried past the scene. It gives her more life than Antonio's memories can provide, and it adds to Antonio's own characterization. I expected him to deal with guilt, but this turn to revenge seemed out of character.
