Good prompt ideas. 400+ Writing Prompts: 16+ Genres to Start Your BEST Story 2022-11-01

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Prompts are an important tool for writers, especially those who are just starting out or who struggle with writer's block. A good prompt can help spark creativity, get the writing process started, and even provide a sense of direction or focus for the piece being written.

So, what makes a good prompt? Here are a few key characteristics:

  1. Clarity: A good prompt should be clear and easy to understand. It should provide enough information to get the creative juices flowing, but not so much that it feels overwhelming or confusing.

  2. Open-endedness: A good prompt should be open-ended, meaning that it does not have a predetermined outcome or answer. This allows the writer to have the freedom to explore their own ideas and come up with their own unique take on the prompt.

  3. Relevance: A good prompt should be relevant to the writer and their interests or experiences. This can help the writer feel more connected to the prompt and make it easier for them to engage with the writing process.

  4. Specificity: While it's important for a prompt to be open-ended, it should also be specific enough to give the writer a starting point. For example, "Write a story about a character who goes on a journey" is too broad, while "Write a story about a character who goes on a journey to find a long-lost relative" is more specific and gives the writer a clear direction to start from.

  5. Flexibility: A good prompt should allow for flexibility in terms of the genre, tone, and style of the writing. This can help the writer feel more comfortable and allow them to explore different writing styles and approaches.

Overall, good prompt ideas are clear, open-ended, relevant, specific, and flexible. They provide a starting point for the writer and allow for creativity and exploration.

Writing Prompts By Genre: 250+ Creative Writing Prompts For Book Ideas

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Instead of thinking about what to write about, writing prompts give you a topic to start writing about immediately. On my bucket list 6: Have an excuse to get so angry that I can justifiably flip a table. Light at the End of the Tunnel: Write about a time when you saw hope when it seemed like a hopeless situation. After a devastating disease swept over the entire world, they wander aimlessly. .


122 Best Hinge Prompt Answers (That Make Her Reply)

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Alliteration: Use alliteration in your poem or in a sentence in a story. Ghosting Unfortunately, being ghosted is all too common these days. And how clever are the names they gave their pets? Everyone has a favorite type of food, whether it be international or local. Disconnect the internet, close your door, and write. Turns out, they are. The odds that any of these apply to you are small.


41 Good Writing Prompts •

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They float atop the ocean, traveling hundreds of miles a day, all while its citizens go about their everyday life. The door you had locked, is wide open. Why do you think sports are common across almost all cultures present and past? This could be lyrics about what you hope will improve or what you love about the world around you. Every member of a group has their duties. This will probably tell you a lot about what types of restaurants they like.


400+ Writing Prompts: 16+ Genres to Start Your BEST Story

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What was the last funny video you saw? Alone: Do you like to be alone or do you like having company? And who knows you might just find your next favorite snack by asking this question. Are you a believer or a skeptic? A compact list of 72 creative prompts. Now do the same for your other senses. What would be your perfect weekend? As the baby grows, she starts to notice that she has quite an extraordinary child on her hands, and she must protect him from those who know he exists. Time to learn about some cool mysteries! Use your dreams as ideas for future songs.


200+ Song Prompts: Quick Ideas to Help you Take Off

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Your dreams Document your dreams in a song or two. They both have their good points and drawbacks, and often people have a definite preference. Time to get nostalgic about how life was when you both were growing up! They know practically everything about each other. How do they hold on to one another when they live two very separate lives? Crossword Puzzle: Open up the newspaper or find a crossword puzzle online and choose one of the clues to use as inspiration for your writing. For example, empathy from the rooftops: what if you shouted something positive in public every day — or if everyone did so? Detective: Write about a detective searching for clues or solving a mystery. Everyone needs to blow off steam sometimes.


How to Write Good Prompts for AI Art Generators: Prompt Engineering Made Easy

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Selfishness Is there a time when you felt like you needed to be selfish? Your main character walks home one night to discover a brand-new electric car sitting idle in behind a forest tree line. Age gap relationships There are plenty of people who are attracted to relationships that may seem odd to the outside observer. Worst Fad I Participated In Did you use to wear a shell suit? Dialogue Writing authentic dialogue is notoriously hard to master, so this writing exercise will help. Fantasy — the beauty of this genre is that the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. Your favorite quote Do you have a favorite quote? We went to a bar.


365 Creative Writing Prompts

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You can write a song about how magical overrated you make the night out to be. They seem better than ever…until your character discovers their method of staying clean; a new addiction has taken its place. Write lyrics about your experience holding a grudge against a person, a way of life, or a transition in your life. How do you get there? Vacation: Write about a vacation you took. Best to get to know them a bit better before popping this one.


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Are the all about food and the kitchen? This prompt will make you seem arrogant. Lost and Found: Write about a lost object. Something misleading Have you ever experienced something only to find that it wasn't what you were expecting? Upon further inspection, your character finds a bottle in one of the baskets and in that bottle, a letter. What book has influenced you the most? Being bad at goodbyes Saying goodbye isn't always easy. Two friends have a disagreement. Probably a lot more to talk about in this question than the previous one. What do you wish your phone could do? How can others learn from your experience? How did you feel when you got it? A book character Book characters can come to life in a song.


50 Best Hinge Prompts Answers (Funny & Creative!) —

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They leave no trace. There are definitely some holidays that could use a bit of pruning, rebranding, or just be outright replaced. But what about being vulnerable? Random Song: Turn on the radio, use the shuffle feature on your music collection or your favorite streaming music service. Who is someone popular now that you really like? Who was the first band or musician you were really into? Shaping Up: Write somethingthat makes a shape on the page…ie: a circle, a heart, a square, etc. How much time do you spend watching sports in a week? My biggest date fail 8: I was skateboarding to my date. Where is the most awe-inspiring place you have been? Or even better yet more holidays where you can take off from work or school.


1100+ Creative Writing Prompts To Inspire You Right Now

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. He knew they were the stuff of fiction, or at least, he thought he knew, until tonight. When you probe your child for more details on who this woman is, and what she looks like, your blood turns to ice. Write a diss track towards the cause of your pet peeve. Fixing something that's too broken Have you ever stayed in a relationship when it was clear that it was over? Document your experiences in song. Your character is a private detective brought in to solve an unusual murder.
