Going blind rilke. Going Blind Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke 2022-10-17

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Going blind is a daunting and devastating experience for anyone to go through. It involves a loss of independence, a loss of the ability to engage with the world in the same way, and often a loss of identity. However, as the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke wrote, "The only journey is the journey within."

In Rilke's poem "Archaic Torso of Apollo," he writes about the transformation that can take place when one confronts their own limitations and learns to see in a new way. The poem speaks to the idea that even though we may be limited by our physical bodies, our inner selves can continue to grow and flourish.

This is especially true for those who go blind. While they may lose their ability to see the physical world, they can still find new ways to connect with the world around them and to connect with their own inner selves. This can involve learning new skills, such as braille or using a cane, and finding ways to engage with the world through other senses, such as touch, hearing, and smell.

Going blind can also be an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. It can be a time to reassess one's priorities and to focus on what is truly important in life. It can be a time to connect with others in a deeper way, as those who go blind often rely on the support and help of others in their daily lives.

Ultimately, going blind is a journey that requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change. But as Rilke's poem suggests, it can also be a journey of transformation and growth, as one learns to see in a new way and to connect with the world and with themselves in a deeper way.

Poem: Going Blind by Rainer Maria Rilke

going blind rilke

But Peter Van Toorn has a wonderful free adaptation of the poem in Mountain Tea: As one of those hairline cracks finds a way into a tea cup's wall, you find your way into town--by tickles and taps. They require less explication and dance away from the forensic. First I merely had a notion that this guest Held up her cup not quite like all the rest. I chose the poem Going Blind by Rainer Maria Wilke. Going Blind is written in a loose rhyme scheme that contributes to the relatable yet mysterious tone of the poem. It was almost painful.


Going Blind (Rainer Maria Rilke Poems)

going blind rilke

Rilke was never known for lightheartedness. The focus shifts to less of a judgement towards this unknown girl towards herself and a place of self-awareness. But on second glance, she seemed to hold her cup a little differently as she picked it up. The theme of Going Blind, from my perspective, is the complexity and the area of unknown within each blank face we see. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Now you feel how nothing clings to you; your vast shell reaches into endless space, and there the rich, thick fluids rise and flow. She sat just like the others at the table.


Rainer Maria Rilke

going blind rilke

Our mod philosophy is pretty simple. Louth takes a thematic approach, looking at Poetry and Technology, Sense and the Senses as well as Vera Oukama Knoop the putative addressee of the Sonnets and the marvellously inventive use Rilke makes of the sonnet form. She sat just like the others at the table. And when they finished and it was time to stand and slowly, as chance selected them, they left and moved through many rooms they talked and laughed , I saw her. She followed slowly, taking a long time, as though there were some obstacle in the way; and yet: as though, once it was overcome, she would be beyond all walking, and would fly.


Going Blind Poem by Rainer Maria Rilke

going blind rilke

She lagged behind, x reticent, more like a woman compelled to sing in front of a crowd of people. Here's the text of Mitchell's English version; She sat just like the others at the table. . But I love that late caesura, the pause of the act of deciding through "getting the feel of things first. She followed slowly, taking a long time, as though there were some obstacle in the way; and yet: as though, once it was overcome, she would be beyond all walking, and would fly. I haven't read Mitchell's trans.


Going Blind

going blind rilke

She followed slowly, taking a long time, as though there were some obstacle in the way; and yet: as though, once it was overcome, she would be beyond all walking, and would fly. But on second glance, she seemed to hold her cup a little differently as she picked it up. She was moving far behind the others, absorbed, like someone who will soon have to sing before a large assembly; upon her eyes, which were radiant with joy, light played as on the surface of a pool. But then the feeling changes during the last line and another feeling emerges, one of sparked curiosity and a slight shift of perspective. In her shining eyes, the light seemed to fall as if from outside, reflected in a pool. We can think we have someone figured out, when in reality, there is more than meets the eye, and specifically, there is more to the character of this poem than her disability. I feel this poem appealed more to the sight, as the description given painted, for me, a clear picture of the room full of people, the way she sat with her tea, how the guests ambled from room to room, the way her eyes looked.


How I wrote my first novel while going blind

going blind rilke

Leading up to that, the observer viewed the girl almost as weak and incapable, left of out the evenings events. The inner—what is it? A lot of his thinking there concerned images of man and landscape. Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted. She sat just like the others at the table. And when they finished and it was time to stand and slowly, as chance selected them, they left and moved through many rooms they talked and laughed , I saw her.


Poetry Analysis of Going Blind by Rainer Maria Wilke Essay Example

going blind rilke

She tries to follow along, laughs when cued, is left behind as partygoers start to wander. She tries to follow along, laughs when cued, is left behind as partygoers start to wander. She was moving far behind the others, absorbed, like someone who will soon have to sing before a large assembly; upon her eyes, which were radiant with joy, light played as on the surface of a pool. She followed slowly, and it took much trying, As though some obstacle still barred her stride; And yet as if she on the farther side Might not be walking any more, but flying. The way a blind person might stand up and start walking, I guess, a little hesitantly at first, until they were sure they knew what was next.


Going Blind

going blind rilke

And when eventually they rose and talked, and slowly, and as chance led, were dispersing through several rooms there, laughing and conversing, I noticed her. But then observer catches a glimpse of something else, a glimmer of deeper existence behind the milky eyes. These are the thoughts that preoccupied Rilke when he moved, in 1902, to Paris, in part to observe Rodin at work. And when they finished and it was time to stand and slowly, as chance selected them, they left and moved through many rooms they talked and laughed , I saw her. The poem 'Going Blind' was originally published in Rilke's New Poems 1907;1908.
