Gattaca film summary. Gattaca 2022-11-07

Gattaca film summary Rating: 5,3/10 443 reviews

Gattaca is a 1997 science fiction film that explores the dangers of genetic engineering and the societal divide it can create. The film is set in the future, where genetic engineering is a common practice and parents can choose to have their children genetically modified in order to give them the best possible traits and characteristics.

The main character of the film is Vincent, a "natural" or unmodified human who is discriminated against and ostracized by society because of his genetic makeup. Vincent's older brother, Anton, was genetically modified and is considered a "valid," or genetically superior individual. Despite this, Anton is not healthy and is confined to a wheelchair, while Vincent is physically fit and athletic.

Vincent's dream is to work for Gattaca, a prestigious company that only hires genetically modified individuals. However, due to his "in-valid" status, he is unable to get a job there. Desperate to fulfill his dream, Vincent assumes the identity of Jerome, a valid who was recently paralyzed in an accident. Vincent is able to do this by purchasing Jerome's urine and hair samples on the black market, which he uses to pass the various genetic tests that Gattaca requires for employment.

Vincent's deception is eventually uncovered when a coworker at Gattaca is murdered and the police begin investigating. The police suspect Vincent, and it becomes clear that he will not be able to maintain his cover for much longer. In the end, Vincent is able to achieve his dream of going into space, but only by revealing his true identity and choosing to live as an outcast rather than continue living a lie.

Gattaca raises important questions about the ethics of genetic engineering and the impact it could have on society. The film suggests that a society where people are divided based on their genetic makeup is inherently flawed, as it creates a hierarchy where some individuals are considered superior to others based on traits that they had no control over. The film also highlights the dangers of relying too heavily on technology and the importance of embracing our differences and individuality.

Gattaca Movie Review

gattaca film summary

Finally, it is revealed that Gattaca's mission director Josef killed the administrator because he threatened to cancel the mission. Discouraged at his prospects for other employment, Freeman resigns himself to working the low-paying and low class jobs. Another alternative cure is heterologous hematopoiesis, which is related to stem cells. Of course we will see how significant the man-made vs the natural will become in this film. He may be paralyzed from the waist down, but after all, as the movie observes, you don't need to walk in space.


Gattaca Movie Summary and Analysis

gattaca film summary

This is a new form of grooming, and we are about to understand why. During this first flashback, a key scene takes place: the first swimming scene. Most patients can only consume a short life while waiting for a suitable match. In a film interested in space, the shapes used must have significance. That's how many, I suspect, would opt to have natural children. Before I thought if I had the opportunity to select special traits for my children I would do that. Will parents order children who are rebellious, ungainly, eccentric, creative, or a lot smarter than their parents are? Vincent is now an imposter, and although the legal ramifications would not be too extreme, if he was found out the social repercussions would be monumental.


Movie Summary

gattaca film summary

Anton turns back and begins to drown, but Vincent rescues him and swims them both back to shore. Now I realize how the genetic design leads to a new form of discrimination. Whether we are right in our analysis or not, the opening of the film provokes us to question: what is falling and, ultimately, why? There is then an extreme close up as he opens a jar and sprinkles its contents — skin, hair and nails — around his work station. Read also Rear Window Music Analysis The thing that makes this movie really interesting and applicable today is that some of these genetic screening processes already exist today. No one makes a sound, all employees are sat behind semi circular desks in rows. The sort of funny thing about this is that someone in his condition would be unable to become an astronaut today, not only due to his heart problems but also his myopia. Sound effects illustrate the lack of warmth within the institute, as repetitive loud footsteps emphasize the monotony and lack of individuality within the place.


Gattaca Movie Review & Film Summary

gattaca film summary

Societal inequality is a theme that persists in real life as well as Gattaca makes its story relatable even though it takes place in a fictionalized future. One way that a film can leave a lasting impression is by keeping viewers on the edge of their seats the entire time while watching it. We take a moment to go back in time to Jerome's conception, when he was called Vincent. Right now if I decide to have a child one day, I want my child to born in a natural way. PMC August, 2015 In fact, scientists had made such an attempt. The flashbacks have a sepia, nostalgic quality to them and the musical number that accompanies this first one is entitled 'In God's Hands'.


Gattaca Study Guide

gattaca film summary

Like sure you care for it and birthed it but, it carries none of your genes. Eugene had everything Vincent would need to get anywhere. His conception was natural rather than scientific. Our attention is quickly be drawn to the structure of Gattaca's office and workers. Everybody will live longer, look better and be healthier in the Gattacan world. He deserves equality and diversity. Generally speaking, the reason why the public opposes the use of gene editing technology in germ cell editing is predominantly focused on moral issues.


Gattaca and The Quality of Life

gattaca film summary

It is different from a fortune teller. If so, it will be a violation of human rights, and the editor was deprived of the right to have children. Aside from the intriguing premise of the movie, Gattaca endures as a sci-fi classic because of its message promoting the human spirit. Show more A film that tangles with the future and how humans will separate themselves and create their hierarchies in a stringent and highly regimented society. Opponents of gene editing might object that such technologies do not operate at the genetic level, like CRISPR, and are not passed heritably down to the next generation.


Gattaca Film Synopsis and Analysis

gattaca film summary

Jerome on the other had ends up committing suicide using an incinerator in his house, wearing his silver medal, as the rocket takes off. If you haven't seen it, you have a definite treat waiting for you. Shots of the outside world appear optimistic and lush, and the filter on the camera lens makes the world appear golden. Whether it is race, income, or geographical location, everyone on the planet has likely experienced the detrimental effect of inequality. Parents need to know that Gattaca is a 1997 sci-fi movie in which Ethan Hawke must outwit a society centered on genetic engineering in order to fulfill his dream to go into space. And to evade nostalgia for the life he has lost,he concentrates on the benefits education will bestow on him.



gattaca film summary

On the surface, it's the name of the space company that Vincent works for. During this flashback, we learn that genetic engineering is the norm in this futuristic society, and that individuals who are not genetically engineered suffer from discrimination. Vincent was always the softy. With aspirations of joining Gattaca, an elite space program, he enlists, but his physical limitations restrict him from joining. In which case how could you be expected to pay for all of your own medical expenses. Teenage Vincent appears scruffy and disheveled with unruly hair and a tattered grey shirt, a clear juxtaposition to his professional, polished appearance in the opening scene. Know there is truly nothing remarkable about the progress of Jerome Morrow, except that I am not Jerome Morrow.


Gattaca (1997)

gattaca film summary

He is not expected to live very long as he has a congenital heart defect, but he has a dream to become an astronaut, one which he can never attain. The Gattaca has stood the test of time. When he is born, doctors inform his parents of his numerous genetic shortcomings and he is given an estimated lifespan of 30. Get custom paper Gattaca starts out by depicting the type of world the viewer is going to be traveling in. The costuming and low-angle shots of the rising figures indicate that these are the elite in society. Vincent is then treated as being 'critically ill' and his parents ardently believe that any minor incident has the ability to take his life.
