Gap between rich and poor countries essay. Gap Between Rich And Poor Essay 2022-11-09

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The gap between rich and poor countries is a significant issue that has persisted for centuries and continues to be a major concern in the modern world. This gap refers to the significant economic, social, and political differences between countries that are categorized as rich and those that are considered poor. The rich countries, also known as the developed countries, are typically characterized by high levels of economic development, advanced technology, and a high standard of living. On the other hand, poor countries, also known as developing countries, are characterized by low levels of economic development, a lack of access to advanced technology, and a low standard of living.

There are various factors that contribute to the gap between rich and poor countries. One of the main drivers of this gap is the unequal distribution of wealth and resources around the world. Many rich countries have a larger share of the world's wealth and resources, while poor countries are often left with limited resources and a small share of the world's wealth. This imbalance is often perpetuated by the global economic system, which tends to favor the interests of rich countries over those of poor countries.

Another factor that contributes to the gap between rich and poor countries is the unequal access to education and healthcare. In many poor countries, access to education and healthcare is limited, which hinders the ability of people to improve their circumstances and contribute to their country's economic development. As a result, poor countries often struggle to break the cycle of poverty and remain trapped in a state of economic underdevelopment.

The gap between rich and poor countries also has significant political and social implications. In many poor countries, there is often a lack of political representation and power, leading to a lack of access to decision-making processes and opportunities for social mobility. This lack of political and social representation can lead to further marginalization and exclusion, exacerbating the already significant economic disparities between rich and poor countries.

There are various efforts being made to address the gap between rich and poor countries. One approach is through international aid and development programs, which aim to provide resources and support to poor countries to help them achieve economic development and improve the standard of living for their citizens. Another approach is through trade policies and agreements that seek to level the playing field for poor countries and provide them with greater access to global markets.

Ultimately, addressing the gap between rich and poor countries will require a concerted effort from both developed and developing countries, as well as international organizations and civil society groups. It will require a commitment to equitable and sustainable development, as well as a recognition of the interconnectedness of the global economy and the importance of addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality. Only by working together and implementing targeted and effective policies can we hope to close the gap between rich and poor countries and build a more equitable and prosperous world for all.

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gap between rich and poor countries essay

This type of social structure is very unfair and discriminatory towards not only my friends family, but a large sample of the United States population as a whole. Income inequality is also driven by lack of education and training, discrimination, individual ability, and unequal distribution of wealth. Retrieved from Sheehey, E. As for poor people, it can be a tough situation for them to acquire a higher professional position. However, there are few measures that can be taken into consideration to address this problem. In many well-developed countries, corruption and political control are being reviewed by the UN and other governance, because they could be penalized or have sanctions. The internet allows many business activities to be done more efficiently from sharing and editing documents collectively to outsourcing and offshoring.


The Gap Between Rich And Poor Essay

gap between rich and poor countries essay

With the gaps existing between the rich and the poor, many governments have been seen to focus so much on national economic growth and overlooked the reality of life lived by real people Martha, p99. There limitations on internet technology in developing countries are discussed in this essay are discuss i. What Is Income Inequality The distribution of wealth in America has been unevenly distributed since 1970. How can they even live in rich countries? It clearly describes that income disparity can lead to the difference in educational level between the rich and poor. Though, government has formulated number of concepts as part of the five year plans, corruption always comes in the way of their execution and implementation. REF Their economies are subject to wide-ranging performance fluctuations due to factors beyond countries immediate control.


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gap between rich and poor countries essay

Even the citizen does not have any family dependents, he can still rely on the welfare aid system for basic living when he retired. Low income families tend to have low wage jobs so the parents will not be able to provide the perfect resources or environment for their children to learn and grow and due to the No Child Left Behind Act, standardized test scores are used to determine how much funding the school gets from the government. The internet is global in design as it jumps territorial boundaries Scholte, 2006 , because it provides standards for worldwide connectivity, and its impact on business and commerce has been quite enormous REF. This is not the case in countries like Finland and Sweden where people tend to improve at higher rates than any other country. There is the end of hungriness that is currently trying to be solved in the world, but there are still conflicts with political control that keeps the foreign aid to cause hunger in Advantages Of Bilateral Foreign Aid 1357 Words 6 Pages For example India is one of the biggest importers of Israel defensive weapons.


Gap Between Rich and Poor Countries

gap between rich and poor countries essay

This reaction paper discusses three articles with different perspectives on income inequality: Income Inequality Is What 's Destroying America Gilani , U. In a recent article, Robert Lucas, a prominent economic theorist and Nobel laureate, developed a model predicting that economic inequality in the world would be far lower a hundred years from now than it is today Lucas, 2000. Indonesia has obtained enormous benefits from their investment in e-commerce. Society will enter a vicious circle like corrupting other profit and attaking the fair distribution. And more money could come in, in that country and it would go directly to the people who are selling their Foreign Aid Persuasive Speech 804 Words 4 Pages The US is more than 66 trillion dollars in debt, has more than 560,000 people that are homeless and poverty rates are up to 13. These children have little access to formal education and governments frequently neglect them.


The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor Essay

gap between rich and poor countries essay

For social, political, and economical reasons, children are not able to receive a proper… Poverty In Lean On Me The schools that have bad test scores are caused by ineffective teachers. Class Inequality In America Essay Today we live in a country that is full of struggles and no hope. I am confident that there is more constituent of widening the gap between rich and poor, in fact, discrimination on background and criminal history is a crucial unfairness for ex-convicts to get back to their normal lives in the society after incarceration. Many reasons could be a result for immigrants to endure poverty and can even be extreme poverty. REF The control aspect is different in Kenya, while there is no control on the information that can be downloaded, the government controls the information that can be uploaded from Kenya. REF Telemedicine breaks down geographic barriers and can be cost effective by treating patients on numerous remote sites who may not have good access to a comprehensive hospital.


Rising Gap Between Rich And Poor Essay

gap between rich and poor countries essay

Trade has increased and the movement of people between countries is greater than ever before. REF Ayieku 2008 argues that the skills required for the establishment and operation of internet links and network, depend on the complexity of the telecommunications structures, data communication hardware and protocols and the ability to deal with them. Introduction Income inequality has grown significantly during this past decades and this phenomenon continues to increase over the years. They are not able to produce valuable products. There are numerous factors which are a cause of rising gap between the rich and the poor, major issues being The Gap Between The Rich And The Poor In The United States There are many opinions on why the gap between the rich and the poor is so wide in the US. Gap Between Rich and Poor Countries By Amira Delas. Interestingly, among developing countries, the effect of technological progress is stronger in Asia than in Latin America, possibly reflecting the greater share of technology-intensive manufacturing in Asia REF.


Gap Between Rich And Poor Essay

gap between rich and poor countries essay

The author mentions all the statistical studies recorded by reliable sources during different time periods, stories of young lives that have been affected by the economic inequality. The aspect of aid can take many forms, ranging from goods and services or capital from foreign country to country in need. Due to the issue of the boom and bust cycle, the periods when a country is thriving and when they are in poor conditions, the two main ways a government can choose to run a country, keynesian and supply side The Evident and Growing Wealth Gap in the US What seems to go unnoticed by many Americans is the evident and growing wealth gap. However, compared with the extent of economic development, social security undertakings and social transfer payments clearly show a lag, add the uncomplete tax system, which will become a huge lag. The Internet has considerable potential in developing countries, it is important that government supports and allocate finances for internet infrastructure in their budget. This event changed John and forced John to lose his innocence. Many reasons could be a result for immigrants to endure poverty and can even be extreme poverty.


Essay On Gap Between Rich And Poor

gap between rich and poor countries essay

Moreover they suffer from global economic system which is capitalism. Besides, people should not be allowed to have insufficient food and even risk suffering from starvation in an affluent society as it is a human right to maintain basic living. It is not only related to the ability of hundreds of millions of people to live and work, but also to the stability of hundreds of millions of families and society. This becomes even more of a problem because with the system that the Americas uses only the rich get richer. Although now women are in the upper hand of education but pay wage is still a long way to be balanced, even though both genders should be equally distributed in wage but the reality is not that positive. This essay will look at the arguments for and against wealthy or rich countries helping poor countries as well as mentioning some examples and some causes of extreme poorness.
