Funny boy shyam selvadurai themes. Funny Boy Quotes 2022-10-11

Funny boy shyam selvadurai themes Rating: 9,2/10 1205 reviews

Funny Boy, by Shyam Selvadurai, is a coming-of-age novel that explores themes of identity, sexuality, and cultural expectations. Set in Sri Lanka during the late 1970s and early 1980s, the novel follows the life of Arjie, a young Tamil boy who is struggling to understand and accept his own homosexuality in a society that is deeply conservative and homophobic.

One of the central themes in Funny Boy is the complexity of identity. Arjie is torn between his desire to fit in with his peers and his family's expectations for him, and his own sense of self. As he grows older, he becomes increasingly aware of his attraction to other boys, which conflicts with the traditional gender roles and sexual norms of his culture. This internal conflict is further complicated by the political turmoil in Sri Lanka, as the country is torn apart by civil war and ethnic tensions between the Tamil and Sinhalese communities.

Another major theme in Funny Boy is the power of love and acceptance. Despite the hostility and discrimination that Arjie faces because of his sexual orientation, he is fortunate to have a supportive family and a group of friends who accept him for who he is. Through their love and acceptance, Arjie is able to find the strength and courage to embrace his true identity and live his life authentically.

A third theme in Funny Boy is the importance of storytelling and the power of words. Throughout the novel, Arjie's grandmother tells him traditional Tamil stories, which serve as a way to connect with his cultural heritage and to understand the world around him. In turn, Arjie becomes a storyteller himself, using his writing to explore and express his own feelings and experiences. Through his writing, Arjie is able to find a sense of purpose and belonging, and to connect with others who share similar struggles and experiences.

In conclusion, Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of identity, sexuality, and cultural expectations. Through the story of Arjie, the novel illustrates the importance of love and acceptance, and the power of storytelling as a means of self-expression and connection with others.

Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Violence Theme in Funny Boy

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

Its narrative takes the form of six self-contained yet linked stories about a boy growing up in a wealthy Tamil family coming to terms with his own sexuality as well as the political turmoil surrounding him; they span the years as he matures from a pre-pubescent 7-year-old into a teenager. Through these conversations, Arjie starts to see his father differently. But when Ammachi hears about this, she is furious: after her father was murdered by a Sinhalese mob during race riots in the 1950s, Ammachi began hating the Sinhalese and supporting the Tamil Tigers, a separatist militant organization. In other words, the Chelvaratnams manage to survive because of Sinhalese people who put personal relationships and human connections before the bare fact of ethnic difference. India's secularism, could not wash this hatred, anguish and insecurity. This chapter marks the third instance of Arjie finding acceptance from an adult outside his immediate family.


Funny Boy By Shyam Selvadurai Essay Example

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

Later, Amma came out of her room and called Anula to give her instructions for the evening. So there was a riot and many Tamils were killed¡± Pp59-60. Shehan and Arjie also start spending time together outside school, although Diggy warns Arjie that Shehan is known for having sex with other boys. Appa shares that a local elite, Banduratne Mudalali, is very anti-Tamil and his people have done horrible things like beating and lighting Tamil families on fire. By Wei Wu, All Rights Reserved, 2006 Abraham And Schendel's The Making Of Illicitness Analysis A section of Tamil-speaking south wanted to form their own nation, the so-called Dravida Nadu.


Funny Boy “Small Choices” Summary and Analysis

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

The bride is not even seen as particularly female, as is evident in the scene where Arjie is dressing up as bride. Buy Study Guide Summary The children find it difficult to reconcile the childish nature of the oath with their serious father. His mother suggests that the Tamil Tigers might not be so radical in their call for a separate state. There is no language of gender or sexuality, only of idealized, neutral forms. I found myself thinking about that moment Shehan had kissed me and also of how he had lain on his bed, waiting for me to carry something through.


Funny Boy Themes

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

I felt bitter at the thought that the students he punished were probably the least deserving. As Arjie thought, ¡°It was so clear now that I was surprised I had not seen it before, that I had not understood the moment I saw Radha Aunty with that bloody bandage around her head that her relationship with Anil was over¡± 94. We all stared at him, angry and hurt that he would really believe this. In that passage, he considers the activity not dressing up as a woman, but rather as inhabiting the highly symbolic role of bride as "icon. In the earlier days of March, 2010 there had be seen tensions between Australia and India escalate with yet another attack on an international Indian student. This consequence of being Tamil forces his father to make a decision he does not want to make, Arjie realizes that his father has no choice in the matter and feels sorry for him 199.


Funny Boy Themes & Motifs

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

Although his idealization of her is shattered when he meets her, they become close friends because she is willing to indulge his excitement for weddings. What had happened between us in the garage was not wrong. Alok Rai who is also known as a critical thinker, theorist and also the grandson of Premchand makes his readers aware of the process of modernization in the case of language. Her Fatness gets her mother, Kanthi Aunty, to march the sari-clad Arjie in front of all the uncles and aunties, who are horrified. In this way, the world of the adults intrudes into the pretend world of the children and requires them to even play in ways that are socially proper. Yet ethnicity never means anything to Arjie, who is no more attached to Tamil than Sinhalese identity; he shows how it is not at all inevitable for ethnic identities to take on political weight.


Funny Boy

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

Set from the late 1960s to the early 1980s in Sri Lanka, Funny Boy follows the childhood and adolescence of Arjie Chelvaratnam as his nation hurdles toward civil war. Radha Aunty returns with a bruised face and, although she soon recovers, she cannot bring herself to continue seeing Anil or participating in The King and I. These coming-of-age stories lead inexorably toward what was also a defining historical moment in the life of the author: the 1983 explosion of simmering tensions between Sinhala and Tamil ethnic cultures into full-blown violent rioting, which came to be known as Black July. One can surmise that up until this moment the familial policy of being unobtrusive is no longer a valid option. He also introduces tension into the family, and after Arjie recovers from a brief bout of hepatitis, he and Amma take him for a stay at a bungalow in the hills.


Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai Plot Summary

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

And without your family you are nothing. Her insistence that "A boy cannot be the bride. When Arjie becomes very ill, Amma decides to take Arjie from Colombo to the countryside to recover. I now knew that the kiss was somehow connected to what we had in common, and Shehan had known this all along. In the world they construct, gender does not play a part until Her Fatness, a cousin who has recently returned from time overseas, intervenes.


Funny Boy Study Guide

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

One reads about Kashmiris who felt deceived by the Indians and considered themselves anything but a part of this country. This concept is a precursor of his later recognition of his homosexuality, but in the innocent, simplified terms of a child. Funny Boy is informed by the autobiography of its author. On this vacation, it becomes clear that Daryl and Amma used to have a relationship, but could never marry because they were from different ethnic groups. Sunderalingam to convince Black Tie to release them one day, Shehan and Arjie suddenly kiss. I thought of how unfair this was and I was reminded of things I had seen happen to other people, like Jegan, or even Radha Aunty, who, in their own way, had experienced injustice.


Marriage as a Predominant Theme in Funny Boy

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

Her Fatness looked at all of us for a moment and then her gaze rested on me. Which is further illustrated by the departure of Jegan due to the slur written on his hotel door 192. Before coming to Colombo, Jegan worked with the Gandhiyam movement in Jaffna and he later admits briefly joined the Tamil Tigers. In a Sri Lanka apparently unable to see past ethnicity, Arjie stubbornly insists on doing so, and in his last reflections on immigration he expresses hope that Canada might be able to accept him in a way his own home country cannot. The violence in the head of department's words reveals just how much language was such a massive issue in post-Partition India, and how expressing even a love of old Urdu poetry was seen as a mark of betrayal and being a traitor.


Funny Boy Quotes

funny boy shyam selvadurai themes

Jegan arrives at their gate a few days later. Arjie is both in awe and slightly frightened by this new side in Jegan. I looked down at my plate, feeling my heart clench painfully at the contrast between the innocence of her smile and the dreadful act I had just committed. The next day, the women and children go to the beach, and it is clear Amma has been crying. And yet Selvadurai presents this ethnic conflict from the perspective of a boy who scarcely cares about ethnicity. Funny Boy, a novel by Shyam Selvadurai, tells us a story through the eyes of a growing Tamil homosexual boy, Arjie. As his awareness of the political problems in Sri Lanka grows, so does the severity of the conflict until it finally culminates in violence.
