Fun persuasive writing prompts. 4 Funny Persuasive Prompts 2022-10-21

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Persuasive writing is a powerful tool that can be used to advocate for a particular point of view or to convince readers to take a specific action. It involves presenting a strong argument and using logical reasoning, evidence, and emotion to support your position. Persuasive writing can be a lot of fun, especially if you choose a topic that you are passionate about.

Here are five fun persuasive writing prompts that might inspire you to write your own persuasive essay:

  1. Should the government provide free public transportation for all citizens?

This is a timely and relevant topic that touches on issues of accessibility, environmental sustainability, and social justice. You could argue that free public transportation would reduce traffic congestion, reduce air pollution, and make it easier for people who can't afford a car to get around. On the other hand, you might argue that free public transportation would be too costly for the government to fund and that people should be responsible for their own transportation costs.

  1. Is it fair to ban certain breeds of dogs?

Breed-specific legislation, which bans or restricts certain breeds of dogs, has been a controversial topic for years. Some people believe that certain breeds, such as pit bulls, are inherently aggressive and should be banned in order to protect the public. Others argue that breed-specific legislation is ineffective and that all dogs should be treated equally, regardless of their breed. This is a great topic for a persuasive essay because it allows you to take a stance on a controversial issue and present your arguments in a logical and compelling way.

  1. Should schools require students to wear uniforms?

School uniforms have long been a subject of debate, with some people arguing that they promote a sense of unity and pride among students, while others argue that they stifle creativity and individuality. In your persuasive essay, you could argue that school uniforms are necessary in order to create a sense of belonging and discipline among students, or that they are unnecessary and infringe on students' rights to express themselves through their clothing choices.

  1. Should the government increase funding for the arts?

The arts, including music, dance, theater, and visual arts, play a vital role in our culture and society. However, funding for the arts is often the first to be cut when budgets are tight. In your persuasive essay, you could argue that the government should increase funding for the arts in order to support artists and cultural organizations, or that the government has more important priorities and should focus on other areas.

  1. Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos?

Zoos have long been a source of entertainment and education for the public, but they have also been criticized for keeping animals in captivity. Some people argue that zoos are necessary in order to protect endangered species and educate the public about wildlife, while others argue that zoos are unethical and that animals should be allowed to live in their natural habitats. In your persuasive essay, you could take a stance on this issue and present your arguments in support of your position.

Regardless of which of these prompts you choose, the key to writing a successful persuasive essay is to thoroughly research your topic, present a strong argument, and support your points with evidence and logic. With a little bit of effort and creativity, you can write a persuasive essay that is both fun and effective.

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What did you do? They form new relationships, discover sports, drama clubs, start new adventures, etc. For extra fun, ask a parent for permission to use the 4. Read more: 100+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics for College Students If you are having difficulty finding funny persuasive speech topics, you can check out the list of topic suggestions mentioned below, and take inspiration from them. Someone you look up to makes an unexpected and hurtful remark about your body. You inherit a house and discover a secret door leading to a surprise your deceased relative clearly knew about. With these 54 new persuasive writing prompts, kids get the chance to think critically about persuasive arguments and to practice their persuasive techniques. An essential part of being a writer is daily practice—even if that practice is only a few minutes.


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Why do you enjoy it? Improving your skills takes lots of writing practice. With an understanding of persuasive tactics and practice in presenting their arguments, kids will improve their critical thinking skills and become better at expressing what they want. How does this approach contribute to or detract from the study of literature? Persuade your family to take you on holiday to a destination you want to go to. It will help you choose your words carefully. Need Some Persuasive Writing Prompts? Take a blank page, set a timer for 30 minutes, and start writing. One day the main character from your game knocks on your front door. One day you catch them with someone else.


8th Grade Persuasive Writing Prompts

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At their next meeting, you will have the chance to state your case. See examples of persuasive texts and learn about common tools used to write persuasively in Study. You become famous, and your life changes overnight. However, if you are trying to convince the teachers at your school that break times should be longer, they may feel stressed and unsure about this. And using creative writing ideas and prompts are the best ways to do just that. Persuade your friend to help you with your homework. Sports is another area in which people have strong opinions.


4 Funny Persuasive Prompts

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Keep pushing through, because something thrilling will start to happen. If you end up choosing a topic that does not adhere to those instructions and requirements, your speech may be considered disqualified. Journaling is a powerful way for students to think about subjects more deeply, as the act of writing gives them the chance to organize their thoughts and analyze their beliefs. How does the air feel? It is optional whether you want your persuasive speech to be funny or serious. There are several humorous, problem-solution persuasive speech topicsas well. We are all entitled to our opinion, and for many issues, there are pros and cons for each side that we take.


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Persuade your teacher to take a field trip. Be kind and respectful We can all have different ideas about what is right, wrong, correct and unusual. So, it is wiser to choose college persuasive speech topicsthat have an adequate amount of data available on them. Write an honest journal entry about how far you would be prepared to go to sacrifice your wealth, happiness, health, or safety for a person or principle. Describe the comedy of errors that happens next.


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Smoking Ban Medical statistics about the effects of smoking are more readily available than ever before. Use reason not emotion. Persuade your sister or brother to do a favor for you. Some questions may not be as straightforward as they seem. We should all learn how to grow our own fruit and vegetables. From the time kids learn to speak, they begin forming arguments and working to persuade others to give them what they want. Boy, are you stuck! On the advice of her therapist, you 7.


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Changing One Rule Schools all come with strict sets of requirements for students to obey. If you need to ignore your So, learn the grammar rules, but then 5. Hopefully, these topic ideas are going to be helpful. Would you enjoy it? Persuade your teacher to let the class bring snacks. Are you good at relatable comedy or anecdotes? As you will see, the writing topics are varied as our students are often varied in their interests.


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Dogs are better than cats. What strategies and language did you use? How different would things be now if you had made a different decision at the time? We hope you have enjoyed these free writing prompts! Persuade your parents to let you have a friend stay the night. Prepare an explanation telling why animals want to dress up, why the public wants pets to wear clothes, and what sorts of outfits pets might wear for different occasions or in various settings. Persuade your sister or brother to help you with your homework. Persuade your friend to stay the night at your house. Think about this time carefully. Driving tests should be mandatory every year after you are 65 years old.


100+ Funny Persuasive Speech Topics For College Students

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Brainstorm: The next step is to have a brainstorming session to generate ideas for persuasive speech topics. Get some ideas Use lists on the Internet or have an ideation session. Why should it be allowed as an alternative, or why should it be banned in favor of text only? As mentioned in my st Graders are encouraged to write 1 sentence for each section, 2 nd Graders 2 sentences, 3 rd Graders 3 sentences and so on. NOW FOR THE LESSON! School holidays should be longer. Research for possible arguments Analyze what evidence and facts you can find on the Internet. Persuade your teacher to let your class have a party.


100 Persuasive Writing Prompts for Writers aged 8 to 18

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Has there been a time where you were persuaded by someone? Persuade your friend to try something new together. Show that you understand the different sides to your argument A clear and coherent writer who is putting their argument forward will have taken the time to consider other points of view different to their own. Start with, say, a 300 or 500 word count in a daily session. Persuade your teacher to let the class work on an assignment with partners. This is the primary goal of a persuasive essay or a speech.
