French classroom commands. French Classroom Commands 2022-10-31

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French classroom commands are a set of phrases and expressions that teachers use to communicate with their students in a French language classroom. These commands help to create a structured and organized learning environment, as well as to establish clear expectations and rules for behavior. Some common French classroom commands include:

  1. "Silence, s'il vous plaît!" (Silence, please!) - This is a command that teachers use to signal that it is time for the students to quiet down and pay attention. It is often used at the beginning or end of a lesson, or when the teacher needs to give an important announcement or instruction.

  2. "Levez la main, s'il vous plaît." (Raise your hand, please.) - This command is used to signal that a student should raise their hand if they have a question or comment. It is important for students to raise their hand before speaking out of turn, as this helps to keep the class organized and ensures that the teacher has the opportunity to address everyone's questions or concerns.

  3. "Ouvrez votre livre à la page..." (Open your book to page...) - This command is used to signal that it is time for the students to open their textbook to a specific page. Teachers will often use this command before assigning a reading or starting a new lesson.

  4. "Faites vos devoirs." (Do your homework.) - This is a command that teachers use to remind students to complete their homework assignments. Homework is an important part of the learning process and helps students to reinforce the concepts and skills they have learned in class.

  5. "Ecoutez-moi, s'il vous plaît." (Listen to me, please.) - This command is used to signal that the teacher is about to give an important instruction or explanation. It is important for students to pay close attention and actively listen when the teacher uses this command.

Overall, French classroom commands are a crucial part of the learning process and help to create a structured and organized environment for language acquisition. It is important for students to understand and follow these commands in order to succeed in their French language studies.

French Classroom Commands

french classroom commands

Help Kids Understand the Commands They Hear in Class Giving instructions in the target language is a natural way to incorporate command forms! Où est votre papier? Sortez de la salle! Taisez-vous au fond de la classe! Point to the sign when you use the word—easy-to-read text and helpful illustrations visually support your directions. Comment écrit-on ce mot? Here are 25 classroom instructions in French that you must know. In negative imperatives, it precedes the verb: Ne vous moquez pas de moi! What about you read about my 50 French idioms challenge. Épelez ce mot, cette phrase. Qui veut lire à voix haute? Quelle est la bonne réponse? Travaillez deux par deux. She keeps her class on track and in the target language using visual comprehensible input.


25 must know classroom instructions in French ┃ Learn French

french classroom commands

Please feel free to comment this article, your opinion matters. Suggested Audio Course For All Levels We have known Camille from Frenchtoday. Click on the green logo on your left to access the comment box straight away! The imperatives of avoir, être, savoir, and vouloir are irregular: avoir: aie, ayons, ayez être: sois, soyons, soyez vouloir: veuille, veuillons, veuillez savoir: sache, sachons, sachez Note that the second person singular of -er verbs drops the -s— except when followed by the pronoun y or en: Regarde les enfants! May I invite you if you have not done so yet to download the FREE sensational COLOR-CODED guide to conjugating 24 of the most common verbs in French! She does a great job teaching the "trouble" areas such as pronunciation and verb conjugations. Mon chien a mangé mes devoirs. Comment prononce-t-on ce mot? When imperatives of pronominal verbs including reciprocals and reflexives are formed, the object pronoun is retained. Regardez le tableau noir.


Classroom Commands French Signs, Classroom Décor: Teacher's Discovery

french classroom commands

. About the Author Ellen Shrager teaches level 1 students first, followed by curriculum. Prenez une feuille de papier. Je ne comprends pas. Où est mon manuel scolaire.



french classroom commands

Qui veux corriger le travail? Vous comprenez ce mot, cette phrase? What are the student phrases used in classroom? Welcome back to my site! Ten 6 x 19-inch signs. In affirmative imperatives, it follows the verb: Réveillez-vous! Travaillez en petits groupes. Vous parlez trop vite. . .


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