Freedom writers critical analysis. Freedom Writers, Directed by Richard La Gravanese: an Analysis 2022-10-12

Freedom writers critical analysis Rating: 5,9/10 1221 reviews

Freedom Writers is a 2007 drama film directed by Richard LaGravenese and starring Hilary Swank, Scott Glenn, and Imelda Staunton. The film is based on the real-life story of high school English teacher Erin Gruwell, who inspires and teaches a group of at-risk students at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, California.

One of the most striking aspects of Freedom Writers is its portrayal of the diverse and troubled student body at Woodrow Wilson High School. The film presents a nuanced and complex portrait of the challenges faced by these young people, many of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds and have experienced trauma, violence, and poverty.

The film also tackles difficult issues such as racism, prejudice, and discrimination, which are shown to be deeply entrenched in the school and the wider community. Gruwell’s students, who come from a range of ethnic and racial backgrounds, face significant barriers and challenges in their efforts to learn and succeed. Gruwell herself is initially ill-equipped to deal with these issues, but she ultimately becomes a powerful advocate for her students and helps them to overcome the obstacles they face.

Another key theme of Freedom Writers is the power of education to transform lives. Gruwell’s approach to teaching is innovative and dynamic, and she encourages her students to think critically and to express themselves creatively. She also helps them to develop a sense of self-worth and purpose, and to believe in their own abilities. Through her efforts, the students begin to see the value of education and to recognize its potential to change their lives for the better.

The acting in Freedom Writers is universally strong, with particularly standout performances from Hilary Swank as Gruwell and Patrick Dempsey as Scott Casey, Gruwell’s supportive and understanding husband. The film also features a number of talented young actors, many of whom were making their feature film debuts.

Overall, Freedom Writers is a powerful and inspiring film that tackles difficult and timely issues with intelligence, sensitivity, and compassion. It is a testament to the transformative power of education and the potential of young people to overcome adversity and achieve their goals.

(PDF) Freedom writers film

freedom writers critical analysis

To the rest of the world it's just another dead body on a street corner. Allocated time, engaged time, and academic learning time are all beneficial when it comes to increasing academic learning time and student achievement. Even to the end of the movie, Ms. Many people underestimate the work that goes into this profession. The core of this approach is not only recognizing but celebrating diversity in the classroom. As a teacher I should know my student and understand that all students possess diverse backgrounds, by knowing your students, I will be able to decide which teaching style and strategies are needed to maximize their learning.


Critical analysis of freedom writers Free Essays

freedom writers critical analysis

The movie Freedom Writers is a movie that contains ALL the social theories, and they are really easy to spot. Campbell continued to have no faith in them. Many would have balked at what seemed like an insurmountable, Sisyphean task. I think these two films were particularly interesting to view back to back because of their difference in style, content, and execution. By holding them to high standards and presenting them with countless opportunities, Gruwell gave these students a chance to overcome the limitations imposed on them by society.


Analysis of Freedom Writers Essay

freedom writers critical analysis

Label can lead to an individual becoming deviant which can change teacher expectations and even lead to a prophecy that might have otherwise never existed had the label not existed. There is no such concept of individuality. A Class Divided Documentary Analysis 1170 Words 5 Pages The first and most important display of diversity is when Mrs. The new teacher must also feel comfortable with their own knowledge of the content they are teaching. He and my mom had me when they were teenagers.


Sociological Theories In The Movie Freedom Writers: [Essay Example], 1128 words GradesFixer

freedom writers critical analysis

The deviance then leads to a creation of tension between the two subcultures. Despite the difficulties she faces and the consequences she faces, nothing dulls her spark to improve the lives and mindsets of her freshman, and eventually sophomore, English class. The film is based on an inspiring true story that encourages teachers to be passionate about their work. What changes his life is reading the Anne Frank's Diary, and meeting Miep Gies, who he finds to be a hero. Every year teachers format their material to fit what they have seen on previous tests. She gives them the hope that never received from another teacher. Ultimately, I have become destined to be an effective teacher and help every possible student that I can to reach his or her highest academic and personal achievement.


Sociological Analysis Of Freedom Writers

freedom writers critical analysis

The Freedom Writers was first a book made by Erin Gruwell in 1999 and turned into a movie in 2007, directed by Richard LaGravenese. He doesn't get in fight, he doesn't seem to be in a gang, and has never been shot like most of his classmates have. During this time education was changing and it wasn 't for the better, kids were dying on the streets due to gun violence and because of the gangs they were involved in. One major educational concept mentioned in both the text and the film is different ways of learning. Stereotypes are a very unfortunate part of education that teachers should fight to change. But is it persuading us in a wrong way? From this activity, students realise that everyone has faced the same difficulties in their life because of their race and background.


Analysis Of The Movie ' Freedom Writers '

freedom writers critical analysis

Books and movies are just two ways that people entertain themselves nowadays, but books made into movies make reading and watching them ten times better. From this, Mrs Gruwell gets to understand more about them and their feelings, such as what they are feeling inside that no one knows. . Unlike social order theory or functionalism, the society is not built on shared norms and values, instead a society can rise against a dominant force that powers or controls weaker parties. Her request is met with an apathetic response that due to the nature of the children in her class, the students would have to use the inexpensive booklets they were accustomed to.


Freedom Writers, Directed by Richard La Gravanese: an Analysis

freedom writers critical analysis

The movie continues from there with a select class that she teaches and how she gets through to them, along with how they begin to open up. With the stereotypes formed, portrayed, and passed down, oppression continues in obvious and subtle ways. Margaret, on the other hand, does not consider that the children may benefit from utilising proper books if given the chance and that giving them booklets can be interpreted as a degrading act. Plus, at the end, she argues that the government should not be cutting the school programs and art related activities. Gruwell faces resistance from her colleagues, the school board, and even her husband. The use of the comparison of visuals what something the producers seemed to commonly use. He also explains the injustice between slavers and slaveholders.


A Movie Analysis of Freedom Writers by Richard LaGravenese: [Essay Example], 989 words GradesFixer

freedom writers critical analysis

The optimistic young teacher Erin comes up with her confidence to try her best to get the kids to learn more about themselves and the world around them, finding the meaning of their lives in journals, while fighting with fellow teachers and the school principal about her techniques. Shelley Reid, Kevin Roozen, and Anne Lamott all write about important writing concepts that are being depicted in films, like Freedom Writers. Typically, conflict theory is applied large scale, but in this particular instance conflict theory can be applied to the microcosm that is Room 203 at Wilson High. The author, Erin Gruwell, shares the stories of her students who have experienced things from gun violence to emotional abuse, to show that the students will unite if they are understood, respected, and given an opportunity. Gruwell manages to get the students to speak more formally and respectfully and successfully pulls the students out of their gangs. The students main characters played by April Lee Hernandez, Jason Finn, Kristin Herrera, Jamal Hill, ect. Currently, there are thirty-two Freedom Writer Teachers implementing the Freedom Writer Method across the country.



freedom writers critical analysis

She will protect her own family or gang with her life because she believes dying for this will bring her honor. I liked how each person told their own story, but there was also a common theme of how they came to live in America and the struggles their families faced. Gruwell allows them to do. As a result, the classroom united and no one saw the color of his or her classmates skin anymore. She then joined a gang.
