Fracking argument essay. Argumentative Essay On Fracking 2022-10-25

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Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is a process used to extract oil and natural gas from shale formations deep underground. It involves injecting a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals into the ground at high pressure to create fractures in the rock, allowing the oil and gas to flow more freely and be pumped to the surface.

There are strong arguments both for and against fracking. Proponents of fracking argue that it can provide a domestic source of energy that is relatively cheap and abundant. It can also reduce our dependence on foreign sources of oil and gas, which can be politically and economically unstable. Fracking has also been credited with boosting local economies by creating jobs and increasing tax revenues.

However, there are also significant concerns about the environmental impacts of fracking. The process uses large amounts of water, which can strain local water supplies and lead to drought. The chemicals used in the fracking process can also contaminate both surface and ground water, posing a risk to human health and the environment. There are also concerns about air pollution from the burning of natural gas and the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.

Another major concern about fracking is the potential for earthquakes. The process can cause small, largely insignificant earthquakes, but there have also been instances of more significant seismic activity that can be harmful to communities.

In conclusion, the debate over fracking is complex and multifaceted. While it can provide economic and energy benefits, it also has the potential to cause significant environmental and health impacts. It is important to carefully consider the costs and benefits of fracking and to implement safeguards to minimize any negative impacts. Ultimately, the decision to use fracking should be based on a balanced assessment of all of these factors.

FREE The Fracking Argument Essay

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Perhaps the strongest argument that Faulkner gives for this claim relies on three claims that 1 subsurface contamination from fracking is almost impossible, 2 low concentrations of any harmful chemicals used in fracking would be negligible and 3 earthquake activity caused by fracking are nearly moderate to small. Industry experts point out that, frack wells are generally drilled thousands of feet below the water table, making the possible chemicals leak into ground water unlikely to be broadly true. Argumentative Essay On Fracking 951 Words 4 Pages 1. It has even been banned in certain parts of the world. . Television commercials are examples, throwing in slang words that act as a 'swear word' such as the phrase, 'don't frack with our water' is used. This has caused earthquakes in a lot of areas like Texas, Oklahoma, and Ohio.


Fracking Argument Essay

fracking argument essay

Fracking may seem unacceptable because of what people say about it, however, when they drill deep into the facts they will see that fracking is actually very beneficial. Public health is at a profound risk while fracking is being practiced. Water contamination is the main issue however. It is very important for the United States oil and gas industry to develop energy resources here in the US in order to reduce their dependence on foreign energy sources. This increase could also bring Georgia jobs and tax revenue.


Fracking Argumentative Essay Examples

fracking argument essay

Moreover, the natural gases extracted from the process are Hydrocarbon. On the other side of the debate are environmental groups, who point to the harm fracking can cause to the environment. One example is the 1980 Québec Referendum where a vote was staged on whether the province should leave Canada. The underlying history that is brought from the beginning of oil fracking relies in polices and the Yom Kippur War. Homeowners who live around a fracking hotspot signs a gas lease with the company, granting them permission to drill and explore on their land. Furthermore water, sand, chemicals and other substances are injected into the rock at a high pressure, in order to allow the gas in the rock to flow out and up to the top of the fracking wells. Fracking has also been a source of local air pollution.


Fracking Essay

fracking argument essay

Sovereign native nations have been under attack since before the United States' founding. Despite the impacts and dangers of this technique, it has been a great development in the extraction of gases and oil. As research furthers, we can begin to weigh the positive and negative effects of oil fracking. But once this keeps happening, it can result in much larger earthquakes. He continues his argument by saying that, with the creation of new jobs, hydraulic fracking increases the U.


Argumentative Essay On Fracking

fracking argument essay

But in order to find the truth, it is important to dive a little deeper into …show more content… The article begins with letting us about torched …show more content… Fracking Oka Crisis Case Study 1023 Words 5 Pages The Canadian government also inappropriately dealt with Aboriginal social justice issues, as seen through the land claims like the Oka Crisis and the Ipperwash. On this specific day in New Brunswick, protesters were protesting in the belief that fracking would cause contamination to their drinking water supply. At the uncompleted part of the pipe, protestors have been persistent in voicing their opinions on the matter. Some of these chemicals formaldehyde, diesel oil, toluene and xylene, have been known to cause cancer Thompson 2013. Also, the fracking process uses millions of gallons of water every year. Because the oil and gas industry is not required under law to disclose the chemicals used in Why Fracking Is Bad 116 Words 1 Pages What is fracking? Each day, fracking is becoming a more and more controversial topic.


Fracking Argumentative Essay

fracking argument essay

The lower class people and the youth who are unemployed will be able to find jobs and the unemployment rate will be decreased. New York: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2011. Each fracking site uses up to 1-8 million gallons of water Fox. When fracking takes place around a neighboring city, the water used by the residence becomes corrupted, brown, flammable and horrid to smell, but somehow is still safe. In conclusion, fracking is an important piece of technology in the drilling industry.


Why Fracking Should be Banned (Argumentative Essay)

fracking argument essay

The difference between these two is the fact that one we cannot exhaust and the other we only have a limited supply of. The fact is that, the hydraulic fracturing process is a safe technique for natural gas extraction. Thirdly, the technique is likely to result in small earth tremors. Landowners and energy companies would make money from hydraulic fracturing. Pierre Trudeau Federalism 1515 Words 7 Pages Institutional and historical analysis often portray the motives of governments, especially in the cases of Quebec separatism and Aboriginal mistreatment. In developed countries such as the United States, the technique has enhanced production of oil and reduction of gas prices Hammer and VanBriesen, 2012. It uses liquefied propane gel instead of water to help release the natural gas Nearing, Brino 2011.


Fracking Argumentative Essay Examples That Really Inspire

fracking argument essay

Overall, fracking had benefited the state significantly by creating jobs, lowering taxes and bills, and having a greater access to more gas and oil. The effects of fracking are causing extreme damage to the earth, affecting water, adding pollutants on land, air quality, an increase of earthquakes, quality of life around sites, and the impact on wildlife. Energy companies use hydrofracking to extract natural gas from the ground. Fracking a destructive force, is it safe, is it reasonable, is it right? I dare you to make it throughout the day without touching a product associated with oil. Currently, more than 60% of gas and oil wells globally are hydraulically fractured The Network for Public Health Law, 2013. In Georgia, a few people have already benefited from mineral lease payments, receiving payments equivalent to one-eighth of the market price of gasoline. Factually considering, natural gas emits half as much as carbon dioxide as coal and less than 30% of oil Brown 116.
