Four sources of arguable issues. Argument: Claims, Reasons, Evidence 2022-10-10

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An arguable issue is a topic or idea that is open to debate and can be disputed by different individuals or groups. There are many sources of arguable issues, and these can often be the source of conflicts and controversies in society.

One source of arguable issues is cultural and societal values. Different cultures and societies often have different values and beliefs about what is important and what is acceptable behavior. For example, some cultures may place a high value on individual freedom and self-expression, while others may prioritize community harmony and group conformity. These differing values can lead to conflicts and debates about issues such as censorship, freedom of speech, and social norms.

Another source of arguable issues is politics and government policies. Political parties and governments often have different ideologies and agendas, and this can lead to disputes and debates about issues such as taxation, healthcare, and foreign policy. Political issues can also be influenced by the media, which can shape public opinion and contribute to the formation of arguable issues.

A third source of arguable issues is religion and spirituality. Different religions and spiritual beliefs often have different teachings and practices, and this can lead to conflicts and debates about issues such as abortion, marriage, and the role of religion in society.

Finally, arguable issues can also arise from scientific and technological developments. For example, advances in genetic engineering and artificial intelligence have raised ethical questions about the consequences and potential risks of these technologies. Similarly, debates about climate change and the use of fossil fuels have emerged as significant arguable issues in recent years.

In conclusion, there are many sources of arguable issues in society, including cultural and societal values, politics and government policies, religion and spirituality, and scientific and technological developments. These issues can lead to conflicts and controversies, but they can also inspire important discussions and debates that help shape our understanding of the world and our place in it.

Issue and Argument Definition

four sources of arguable issues

A logical argument takes a stance on an issue, with the purpose of persuading the reader to agree. Use the thesaurus tool to use the databases' keywords. Such case can be apparent in countries in which abortions is totally restricted. Part One: After exploring the library databases and reviewing your brainstorming activity, select two potential issues that are related to your career or degree. Example Junk food is bad for your health is not a debatable thesis. Identify two arguable sides about your second issue related to your career or degree field The first issue that I will discuss that is related to my degree field is how secure or private cloud storage data is. In a public speech, they offer audiences a way to see an idea illustrated in a particular case.


Argumentative Thesis Statements

four sources of arguable issues

Critical thinking 8th ed. Example Federal immigration law is a tough issue about which many people disagree is not an arguable thesis because it does not assert a position. Statistics include raw numbers 117 million visitors to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, , averages 'women's bowling teams drink on average two pitchers less then men's' , statistical probabilities 'crossing North Main during rush hour increases your chances of death 20%' , and statistical trends 'applications have risen 40% over the past three years'. What sections of those tax codes? For instance, sometimes the goal is to persuade the reader to accept an interpretation or to adapt a course of action, and other times the goal is to explore several possible interpretations or courses of action without settling on any one in particular. With an example as evidence, someone arguing against seat belt use might say "Last year my cousin crashed her car off a bridge and would have drowned if she were wearing her seatbelt" as evidence the answer to "Why do you believe that? Learn how to use OneSearch to find books, ebooks, articles, and other media that are housed within the LBCC Library, academic databases, and even at external publisher sites.



four sources of arguable issues

Formats include books, articles, dissertations, videos and blogs. Selecting three or four grounds for appeal is best. In an argument, we reason forward from the premises to the conclusion; in an explanation we reason backwards from a fact to the cause or reason for that fact. Passing those tests, however, does not insure that arguments are sound and compelling. Focused An argumentative thesis must be focused and narrow.



four sources of arguable issues

An opponent might challenge whether this example was a representative one: surely there are many more car crashes that do not end in water, so this one instance is not a fair gauge of the relative safety of not wearing seat belts. Abortion and human rights. Reasonable people could agree or disagree with the statement. The right to terminate abortion is as personal as the right to conceive a child, as well as any other reproductive right. To me I feel that is an invasion of my privacy. California 1967 386 U.


Identify two arguable sides about your first issue related to your career or degree field.

four sources of arguable issues

Most people would agree that junk food is bad for your health. Argument: Claims, Reasons, Evidence Critical thinking means being able to make good arguments. After all, librarians and scholars have spent decades curating credible resources for students like you to easily access and use. Identify two arguable sides about your first issue related to your career or degree field. Authored by: Randall Fallows, University of California Los Angeles. Both of these ideas are excellent, but I could actually see the second one folded into the first quite easily. House of Representative should vote to repeal the federal estate tax because the revenue generated by that tax is negligible is an effective argumentative thesis because it identifies a specific actor and action and can be fully supported with evidence about the amount of revenue the estate tax generates.


Argument: Claims, Reasons, Evidence

four sources of arguable issues

What about for developing nations? Identify why your topic would be meaningful to your audience people connected to your career or degree field. Analysis Analysis refers to breaking down an issue — which is usually a large, complex, integrated mix of ideas — into distinct pieces, and then re-forming those pieces into a focused thesis that presents your informed interpretation of the issue. So, nothing is private when I am giving them my data to protect my data when whoever works for their company can easily see what I have. The burden of carrying the baby and raising a baby in case of separation lies on the woman. Provided by: Saylor Foundation. New York: McGraw Hill. Again, ensure that you are selecting and writing about two different issues.


Identify two arguable sides about

four sources of arguable issues

When using testimony in arguments, you should always make sure the authority you are appealing to is in fact qualified to speak on the topic being discussed. There are simply too many cases of when forced carriage of the baby lead to negative consequences, on the mother as well as on the baby whose right is claimed to be protected. Arguable Issue Medical topics, specifically concerning issues that involve life and death decisions, are often viewed controversially in the society. Reasonable An argumentative thesis must make a claim that is logical and possible. First-hand testimony can help give the audience a sense of being there. In each of those cases the enforced decision of becoming a mother can negatively affect the mother, in terms of academic performance, career, psychological condition, and financial situation, as well as the child, in terms, of adequate care, poor environment, and other outcomes. Spectrum of Credibility The LBCC Library, like many academic libraries at colleges and universities, lives within the credible web domain of.


What is an arguable issue on appeal?

four sources of arguable issues

By giving them access you can store as much of your information in the cloud as much as you want because in my field, I will have to upload people information to the cloud or install security measures to protect your information. The second letter in the second component examples helps create the acronym AXES, which is the plural form of both axe and axis. Part Two: After exploring both sides of each issue, choose one to write about in your final persuasive essay. Second, if successful, the issue must be such that, if resolved favorably to the appellant, the result will either be a reversal or a modification of the judgment. Claims are potentially arguable. Identify two arguable sides about your second issue related to your career or degree field.
