Features of sentimental comedy. Sentimental comedy 2022-10-18

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Sentimental comedy is a genre of theater, film, and television that focuses on eliciting strong emotions, particularly feelings of sentimentality and sentimentality, from its audience. This type of comedy often centers around themes of love, family, and relationships, and often involves characters who are kind, empathetic, and generally good-natured.

One of the key features of sentimental comedy is its focus on creating a sense of nostalgia and longing in the audience. This is often achieved through the use of setting and costumes, as well as through the use of music and other sensory elements that evoke feelings of nostalgia and longing.

Another important feature of sentimental comedy is its emphasis on character development. Unlike many other types of comedy, which often rely on caricatures and stereotypes for their humor, sentimental comedy tends to feature well-rounded and fully realized characters who are allowed to grow and change over the course of the story. These characters are often depicted as likable and relatable, and the audience is often asked to invest emotionally in their struggles and triumphs.

Another hallmark of sentimental comedy is its use of romantic and familial relationships as a source of conflict and resolution. Love and family are often depicted as powerful forces that can bring people together and help them overcome adversity. In sentimental comedy, characters often struggle with issues related to love and family, such as misunderstandings, communication problems, and conflicts of interest, and these issues are typically resolved through the power of love and the bonds of family.

Finally, sentimental comedy often features a strong moral message or lesson, which is often woven into the plot and themes of the story. This message may be related to themes of forgiveness, understanding, or acceptance, and is often delivered through the actions and choices of the characters.

Overall, sentimental comedy is a genre that seeks to evoke strong emotions in its audience, often through the use of nostalgia, character development, romantic and familial relationships, and a strong moral message. Through its focus on creating a sense of warmth and emotional connection with its audience, sentimental comedy has the power to bring people together and encourage feelings of hope and optimism.

Sentimental Novel: Definition, Types, Example

features of sentimental comedy

The style too led men away from realism. This made his plays appear more convincing because no human life is completely tragic or completely comic. Dunciad, Book the First, in The Rape of the Locke and Other Poems. The climax part of his comedies is always full of music, dance and merrymaking. According to Goldsmith a tragedy represents the misfortunes of the great people while a comedy represents the frailties of the common people.


Sentimental Comedy

features of sentimental comedy

In order to paint, as they thought, more truly the humane qualities of mankind, they had recourse to the ideal. As soon as the characters got under way they began expressing themselves in long sententious speeches which are not artificial enough for the illusion of realism. Shakespeare comic plays are full of creativity and imagination and his concern was just to make his audience laugh and feel good. It is a combination of both. Tony, on the other hand, would rather marry the poor Bet than the wealthy Constance. Classical comedy Classical comedy strictly follows the rule laid down by ancient Greek and Roman. It was the avowed intention of sentimental dramatists to turn the stage into a delightful school of morality, Cibber, Steele and Kelly - their major comedies suffer much in this respect, i.


Sentimental Comedy: of 18th Century in English Drama

features of sentimental comedy

The qualities which Goldsmith discovers in the works of Cumberland are in fact the very qualities of a sentimental comedy. The exuberance of the Elizabethan poetic romances is supplanted by a polish and intellectual control. Key Features: Egregious sexual jokes Wit focussed predominantly on excrupulous debauchery and sexual promiscuity of early 18th century post-Rennaissance aristocratic society Typically features a plethora of elopement plots Violence and nudity abundant 'PG' by Ovidian standards Considered second rate to Aristophanes. Ben Johnson cannot be forgotten because he freed the English comedy from the shackles of romantic extravagances of Beaumont and Fletcher. He does not aim to correct human follies.



features of sentimental comedy

For example, some find that a knee-slapping comedy is the perfect escape while others turn on a mystery or crime series to distract from the stresses of the day. If sentimentalism brought something new to the theatre, it at the same time proved fatally easy of execution. They were didactic and maudlin. The chief features of the Comedy of Manners were frivolity, obscenity and vulgarity, all of which found their expression in satirical dialogues, full of wit and humour but most biting wit and humour. Sentimental Comedy 1 Introduction Comedy;- is defined by Aristotle to be a picture of the frailties, of the lower part of mankind to distinguish it from tragedy, which is a an exhibition of the misfortunes of the great When Comedy, therefore, ascends to produce the characters of princes or generals upon the stage, it is out of its walk, since low life and middle life are entirely its object.


What are the features of anti

features of sentimental comedy

It has no tragic motive. In these plays almost all the characters are good and exceedingly generous: they are lavish enough of their tin money on the stage and though they want humour, have abundance of sentiment and feeling. There can be an argument on the genre of the plays. The best-known sentimental comedy is The Conscious Lovers 1722 , which deals with the trials and tribulations of its penniless heroine Indiana. The general lines separating the tragic and comic genres began to break down, and that which is high, serious, and capable of arousing The Conscious Lovers continued to represent the affairs of private life, as comedy had always done, but with a seriousness hitherto unknown; and the traditionally low personages of comedy now had a capacity for feeling that bestowed on them a dignity previously reserved for the personages of tragedy. It might have been expected that after the thirties of the eighteenth century, sentimentalism, thus possessed of inspiration and a definite purpose, would have produced some masterpieces of serious comedy.


Shakespearean Comedy: Main features of Shakespeare comic plays

features of sentimental comedy

The immorality of the Restoration drama was the object of fierce Puritanical attacks. Shakespeare mingled happy and sad theme, mixed comic elements with tragic elements. Sometimes, they were not prepared, to go beyond the enunciation of well-intentioned platitudes, sometimes, they proceeded further towards the expounding of social concepts and the diverting of messages, sometimes, during later years, they indulged in the presentation of humanitarian views and in encouraging pity for the distressed. In plays such as The Tender Husband 1705 he extolled the domestic to which he appeals from that of Wycherly or Congreve. Disguise and misrepresentation run rampant. The general perception of a comic play is that it ends happily for the protagonists and also have elements that may produce laughter. A genre of 18th-century British drama, the sentimental comedy featured middle-class characters who triumphantly overcame a series of moral trials during the course of the play.


Comedy of Humours

features of sentimental comedy

The Rise of Sentimental Comedy. He is witty and sometimes the mouthpiece of Shakespeare. Shakespeare broke all rules of comic plays and wrote what suited his style and fancy. . Sentimentalism arose in the midst of Restoration license and flourished quite independently of continental examples.


Sentimental Comedy: Definition & Examples

features of sentimental comedy

The sentimental drama became pre-eminently the drama of middle and upper class society, with conversations and scenes to match. Humour appeared as forced and cheap. The West Indian 1771 to find how every human issue can be obscured in the welter or emotion. Wit and humour which give liveliness to a comedy absent in a sentimental comedy. The life, very conversation, full of oaths, finds place in the comedy of humours. Middle-class morality was ridiculed and the writers made an attempt to bring virtue and virtuous characters were satirized.
