Factors that affect the resistance of a conductor. Factors That Affect The Resistance Of An Electric Conductor 2022-10-27

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There are several factors that can affect the resistance of a conductor, which is a material that allows electricity to flow through it. These factors include the material of the conductor, its cross-sectional area, its length, and its temperature.

One of the most important factors that determines the resistance of a conductor is the material it is made of. Different materials have different electrical resistivities, which is a measure of how easily they allow electricity to flow through them. Metals, such as copper and aluminum, tend to have low resistivities, which means they have low resistance and are good conductors. Non-metals, such as rubber and glass, tend to have high resistivities, which means they have high resistance and are poor conductors.

The cross-sectional area of a conductor also plays a role in its resistance. The larger the cross-sectional area, the lower the resistance. This is because a larger cross-sectional area allows more electrons to flow through the conductor at the same time, reducing the resistance.

The length of a conductor also affects its resistance. The longer the conductor, the higher the resistance. This is because a longer conductor has more atoms for the electrons to collide with, increasing the resistance.

Temperature can also affect the resistance of a conductor. Generally, the higher the temperature, the higher the resistance. This is because an increase in temperature causes the atoms in the conductor to vibrate more, which increases the number of collisions between the atoms and the electrons. This, in turn, increases the resistance.

In conclusion, the resistance of a conductor is affected by the material it is made of, its cross-sectional area, its length, and its temperature. Understanding these factors can help in choosing the appropriate conductor for a given application and in designing electrical circuits and systems.

What are 4 factors that affect resistance?

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

The number of collisions increases with the increase in the length of the wire. So, the temperature rises, causing the insulating cover around it to melt and start burning. Wear safety goggles to protect eyes from the power supply. The third factor temperature we will not be investigating and the temperature throughout the investigation will remain the same so there is no need to explain this factor in detail and is sufficient to say that as temperature increases resistance increase because the atoms in the wire move faster and so electrons have more collisions with the atoms and so increasing resistance. Resistance is the opposition to the movement of electrons.


Factors Affecting Resistance of a Conductor

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

Answer: The specific resistance of a wire depends on the temperature and the material that is used in the wire. Why do we wear rubber slippers and gloves when working with electricity? Tungsten is a metal that has a very high melting point, so it does not melt quickly. What factors affect the resistance of a conductor quizlet? The more the collisions suffered by electrons in a conductor, the more is resistance offered by the conductor. Cross-sectional Area: The resistance of a conductor increases as the area of the conductor decreases, which reveals that the resistance of a wire or a conductor is inversely proportional to the area, i. C power pack of power 0-12V , this will be used to provide electricity, crocodile clips which will be used to change the wires which are to be tested for resistance, and this is useful as we will not need to make a different circuit for each wire but can use the same circuit.


Factors affecting Resistance

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

Thicker the wire, lower the resistance. Resistance Definition Resistance is defined as the measure of the opposition of a material to the flow of electric current through it. As the arteries constrict, the resistance increases and as they dilate, resistance decreases. For some alloys like constantan, manganin, etc. Therefore, with high temperature, resistance increases as the electrons collide more with the atoms surrounding them. It is dependent on certain factors.


What are the 4 factors that affect the resistance of a conductor?

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

Conductor resistance is a property of a conductor at a specific temperature, and it is defined as the amount of opposition there is to the flow of electric current through a conducting medium. If a graph of current against p. As we can see from the graph, both the lines have almost exactly the same value and so their resistance must also be the same. If the two objects are connected by a conducting wire then electrons will flow from one object to the other until both are at the same potential. What do you understand by resistance What are the factor which affect the wire resistance What is the effect of temperature on the resistance of conductor? Mechanical stressing distorts the crystal structure of the metal which tends to harden the material. The increase in the area of the cross section of a wire decreases its resistance and enhances the conductivity of electric current.


factors affect the resistance of a conductor

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

The circuit is in ON mode as the key, K is plugged in. Hence, they offer very high resistance to the flow of electric charge at normal temperatures. This is the cause that thick copper wire creates less resistance to the electric current. Copper has the least resistance as it has the most free electrons so there is more conduction and less resistance. It is important to note that electrical conductivity and resistivity are inversely proportional, meaning that the more conductive something is the less resistive it is. It is given by the following relation.


Resistivity and the Factors Affecting Resistivity

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

What are the four factors affecting the resistance of an object? If a wire was thicker then there are more free paths for the electrons to move through so there is less resistance so as thickness increases resistance decreases provided the length, temperature and material of the wire remain the same. Note the reading of the ammeter. What happens to the resistance of a wire if its area is doubled and length is halved? For example if an object is at a steady potential of 1V then 1J of work must be done to move 1C of charge from earth. The electrical resistance is denoted by the symbol R and is measured in Ohms Ω. Age hardening Due to age hardening the resistivity of the metal increases. What is resistance and what factors affect it? The fourth factor is the conductivity of the material that is used. Good conductors are associated with low resistance and poor conductors are associated with high resistance.


What are the factors affecting resistance of a conductor?

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

These collisions oppose the movement of free electrons from one end to the other end of the conductor. The potential difference, V is 220 V. What are the factors that affect the resistance of a conductor explain? Component that is used to resist the flow of electric current in a circuit is called resistor. Potential can be found out by dividing work done by charge moved. Graphite has the least free electrons and so the resistance is highest. The cross section of a wire also affects the resistance.


Factors affecting the resistance of a metallic conductor

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

Let us see what factors affect the resistance in this article. How does the material affect the resistance? An electric conductor has the capacity to allow electric current pass through it. There are four main factors which affect the resistance in a metallic object. The resistivity of metals increase with increase of temperature. Hence, the resistance increases with the length and the conducting ability decreases of a wire.


Factors Affecting Electrical Resistance Of A Conductor

factors that affect the resistance of a conductor

In other words, the resistance stays low in good conductors having a high number of free electrons. Sample Problems Problem 1: Find the resistance of a conductor if the current flowing through it is 0. As the area of the conductor increases, the resistance also increases. So, if you take two wires of the same material with different lengths, then the shorter one has less resistance. The Nature: The nature of material of the conductor also affects the resistance of a conductor.
