Ezra pound essays. Ezra Pound Essay 2022-10-26

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Ezra Pound was an American poet, critic, and translator who was a leading figure of the modernist movement in the early 20th century. Born in 1885, Pound was a prolific writer who produced a vast body of work including poetry, essays, translations, and criticism. He is perhaps best known for his contributions to the development of Imagism, a movement that sought to make poetry more accessible and direct by focusing on the image and the use of language.

Pound's essays reflect his wide-ranging interests and his belief in the importance of art and literature in shaping society. In his essay "A Retrospect," Pound reflects on the role of the artist in society and the importance of tradition in the creation of art. He argues that the artist must be able to draw upon the past in order to create something new and meaningful, and that this requires a deep understanding of the tradition and history of one's art form.

In another essay, "The Serious Artist," Pound discusses the role of the artist in society and the importance of honesty and integrity in the creation of art. He asserts that the artist must be true to themselves and their vision, and that this requires a level of commitment and dedication to one's craft.

Pound's essays also touch upon issues of politics and social justice. In his essay "The Social Credit," Pound advocates for a system of social credit in which the government would provide citizens with a basic income and resources to meet their needs. He believed that this would promote economic stability and social justice, and would allow people to focus on their creative pursuits rather than worrying about financial survival.

In his essay "The Cantos," Pound explores the role of history and tradition in the creation of art. He asserts that the artist must draw upon the past in order to create something new and meaningful, and that this requires a deep understanding of the tradition and history of one's art form.

Overall, Ezra Pound's essays reflect his belief in the importance of art and literature in shaping society, and his commitment to honesty and integrity in the creation of art. His wide-ranging interests and his willingness to engage with controversial topics make him a significant figure in the modernist movement.

Ezra Pound: Poems Essays

ezra pound essays

Living with each other in America, writing, teaching and farming, they become close, which is vital to each H. He often refused to talk to psychiatrists with Jewish-sounding names, would refer to people he disliked as Jews, and urged his visitors to read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion 1903 , a fabrication claiming to represent a Jewish plan for world domination. Hulme, killed in Flanders in 1917 during the First World War to Pound's great distress. Faber, London poems 1934 ABC of Reading. Cantos of Ezra Pound for the Beginning of a Poem of some Length now first made into a Book.


Ezra Pound

ezra pound essays

He has also written prose and has done translations. The astonishing thing is that a poet who is so often silly as a thinker, and whose emotional equipment is so unstable and unreliable, could ever have achieved the reputation of greatness. As Pound worked on the Cantos, his emphasis on history gradually shifted. By instinct he was a reformer; he wanted to change society, to change people. During the meeting he tried to present Mussolini with a digest of his economic ideas, but Tytell writes that Mussolini brushed them aside, though he called the Cantos "divertente" entertaining. He saw the Vorticist movement as finished and doubted his own future as a poet.


Literary Essays Of Ezra Pound Part 1

ezra pound essays

Or he may be classed as filling a niche today like that of Keats in a preceding epoch. It was nearly 30 years before he visited the United States again. He wrote in The Japan Times that "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'" and told Oswald Mosley's newspaper the English were a slave race governed by the Rothschilds since Waterloo. To his credit, Pound recognized this and sought a solution. Responsive to tone and nuance, he could recover the sensibilities of others and find a voice for himself through them. He sits up all night with them when they claim to be dying. He was renowned for his enthusiastic advocacy of contemporary works.


Literary Essays Of Ezra Pound : Eliot T.s : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

ezra pound essays

However, his poetry was not the only thing that influenced people and their own writing. Allen Tate, who supported Pound for the Bollingen Prize for the sections of The Cantos known as the Pisan Cantos, writes that the poem is not about anything, and has no beginning, middle, or end. It begins with a satirical analysis of the London literary scene, then turns to social criticism and economics, and an attack on the causes of the war, the word "usury" appearing in his work for the first time. Through Olivia Shakespear he was introduced to Yeats, the artist Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, Wyndham Lewis, and the rest of London's literary circle. Pound's theory proposes the use of these single images in a syntactical sequence analogous … to Eisenstein's use of the single shot in the montage syntax of the film.


Ezra Pound Essays

ezra pound essays

Pound later said they agreed in the spring or early summer of 1912 on three principles: 1. In 1957 several publications began campaigning for his release. He is a difficult poet—although not intentionally so—and his work requires a level of knowledge and sensitivity which some readers cannot bring to the page and which others do not believe worth the effort. When Pound published Homage to Sextus Propertius in 1919, a surprisingly large number of readers apparently thought that the work was intended to be a literal, or at least close, translation of classical Roman poetry. .


Free Essay: Ezra Pound

ezra pound essays

He wrecked his mind with exhibition and competition and improvisation and opposition and destructive criticism and silly self-advertisement and pointless correspondence and a perpetual compulsive self-justificatory monologue which served as a substitute for thought. You never would have believed that a writer and optimist such as Ezra Pound would have been born in Hailey, Idaho in 1885. Laughlin published The Pisan Cantos on 30 July 1948, and the following year the prize went to Pound. Rupert Brooke gave a negative review in The Cambridge Review, complaining that Pound had fallen under the influence of Walt Whitman by writing in "unmetrical sprawling lengths". Rossetti made his own language. These were the men who represented The Little Review with their words, while their valiant leaders: Margaret Anderson, Jane Heap and Ezra Pound were the ones who represented The Little Review through their admonishing of their past lifestyles to take on a new adventure—or maybe an old adventure in a new light.


Ezra Pound Pound, Ezra (Vol. 1)

ezra pound essays

He was a little critical of them because of the fact that he shared so much time with them. In his most celebrated anachronism, Pound even brings in a twentieth century kitchen appliance: My cellar does not date from Numa Pompilius, Nor bristle with wine jars, Nor is it equipped with a frigidaire patent. In 1922 Eliot sent him the manuscript of "The Waste Land", he had arrived in Paris to edit it with Pound who blue-inked the manuscript with comments like "make up yr. In June 1909 another collection, Personae, was published by Mathews, Pound's first publication to have any commercial success. Stephen Adams writes that, just as T.


Free Ezra Pound Essays and Papers

ezra pound essays

The poem is an imitation of other old poetic styles, or epic style; however, it presents ironic meaning. In 1908, after teaching college for Walt Whitman, An Enemy Or A Model For Ezra Pound model for Ezra Pound? He asked her to marry him in the summer of 1907, though her father refused permission, and wrote several poems for her between 1905 and 1907, 25 of which he hand-bound and called "Hilda's Book". Aristotle, for example, termed the proper use of metaphor the supreme test of a writer. In the earlier sections he presented events largely from an outside point of view, sometimes commenting upon them directly but generally using persons beyond his contemporary world. During World War II, he broadcast a pro-Fascist series of programs addressed to the Allied troops on Italian radio. The incident involved a stranded chorus girl to whom he offered tea and his bed for the night when she was caught in a snowstorm; when she was discovered the next morning by the landladies, Misses Ida and Belle Hall, his insistence that he had slept on the floor was met with disbelief, and he was asked to leave the college. He realized with his translation work that the problem lay not in his knowledge of the other languages, but in his use of English: What obfuscated me was not the Italian but the crust of dead English, the sediment present in my own available vocabulary.
