Existentialism in the plague. Existentialism and The Plague Essay 2022-10-20

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A journal article review is a critical evaluation of a published research study. It provides a summary of the main points of the article and assesses the strength of the research methods and findings. Writing a review of a journal article can be a helpful way to familiarize yourself with the latest research in a particular field and to develop your critical thinking skills. In this essay, I will provide an example of a journal article review and explain the steps involved in completing this type of assignment.

The journal article that I will be reviewing is titled "The Effect of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis." This article, published in the Journal of Gerontology, reports the results of a meta-analysis of previous research studies that examined the relationship between social support and mental health outcomes in older adults. The authors of the article conducted a comprehensive search of the literature and selected studies that met certain inclusion criteria. They then analyzed the data from these studies using statistical techniques to determine the overall effect of social support on mental health outcomes in older adults.

To begin my review of this article, I will start by providing a summary of the main points. The authors found that social support was significantly related to better mental health outcomes in older adults, with a moderate-to-large effect size. They also found that the strength of this relationship varied depending on the type of social support and the mental health outcome being measured. For example, the effect of social support on depression was stronger than the effect on anxiety, and instrumental support (e.g. help with practical tasks) had a stronger effect than emotional support.

Next, I will assess the research methods used in the study. The authors conducted a thorough literature search and used appropriate inclusion criteria to ensure that the studies included in the meta-analysis were relevant and of high quality. They also used appropriate statistical techniques to analyze the data and reported the results in a clear and transparent manner. Overall, the research methods used in this study were well-conducted and appropriate for the research question being addressed.

Finally, I will evaluate the findings and implications of the study. The results of this meta-analysis suggest that social support is an important factor in the mental health of older adults and that interventions that aim to increase social support may be effective in improving mental health outcomes. However, the authors also note that the strength of the relationship between social support and mental health outcomes varies depending on the type of social support and the mental health outcome being measured. Therefore, more research is needed to understand the specific mechanisms through which social support influences mental health and to determine the most effective types of social support for different mental health outcomes in older adults.

In conclusion, the journal article "The Effect of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis" is a well-conducted study that provides important insights into the relationship between social support and mental health in older adults. The research methods used in the study were appropriate and the findings have clear implications for the development of interventions to improve mental health outcomes in this population. Overall, this article is a valuable contribution to the field and would be of interest to researchers and practitioners working in the area of mental health and aging.

Existentialism in Camu's The Plague (Autosaved).docx

existentialism in the plague

They have ruthlessly exposed the fictive idols constructed by modern man to replace God. Do you create meaning in every day actions, even though you know you're doomed? Meursault is an outcast who does not show much emotion to the world around him. The summers and winters were harsh not helping with the crop harvesting. As I remember it, Camus dealt more with the absurdity of the situation. New York: Abdingdon Press, 1975. He lacks concern for social conventions and is deprived of the physical bounding from people around him. The people are totally resigned for their tedious life-style; in fact rarely a soul stirs on the curious view of rats dying in masses inside the streets.


'E's Not Quite Dead Yet: Existentialism and The Plague

existentialism in the plague

The others who flee do not receive names because they amount to, in Camus' understanding, nothing: they have done nothing to bring meaning to their lives. This is exactly what happened just 700 years ago in Europe. One such hero is Dr. Valentine's Day, February 14, 1349—About the Great Plague and the Burning of the Jews" This document talks about how the Jews were blamed for the spread of the plague by putting poisons into water and wells. In accordance to his personal beliefs, an existential hero designed by Camus resists the despair of a life hurtling toward death and instead rises above death to do good works in the manner of a painfully cautious optimist. In this way, the terror visited on Oran perfectly perpetuates this existential idea.


Existentialism and The Plague Essay

existentialism in the plague

Eventually, the number of deaths starts to decline because of the new serum. Washington 2007 Hygienic Modernity by Ruth Rogaski 2014 4. Essay Topics: Category: Words: 1786 Published: 01. It is in these situations, that people must control their emotions the most so that they can focus on solving the problem. The masses of Oran find meaning in their businesses, card playing, and cafe going. The Plague can be read as an allegory of World War II, of the "No, I am not an existentialist" Doubrovsky 345. .


Existentialism and The Plague Essay

existentialism in the plague

From this time onwards, Tarrou has spent his life as an "agitator. How do we make sense of the sheer contingency by which one is or is not? Bernard Rieux, one of the main characters, describes it as an ugly town. In a universe overseen with a benevolent, merely maker, in which is there space for the murders of innocent large numbers, or as an example, the invasion of plague in a tired little community? Known as the Plague of Justinian. In his own ways, Grand does what he can to contribute to the fight against indifference. Most people seem to stay in this second phase. These words come from Albert Camus himself. They have trouble naming the disease at first, and refuse to accept it for what it is.


(PDF) The Elements of Existentialism in Albert Camus's The Plague: Elements of Existentialism in Albert Camus' The Plague

existentialism in the plague

As the number of dead rats subsides, the citizens notice signs that plague has now struck among themselves, as many become afflicted with ganglia and pustules, reminiscent of the bubonic plague. And because they believe in being individuals, the struggle against the plague begins with individuals. The woman he loves lives beyond the city walls, and he believes this is where he should be. Our citizens work hard, but solely with the object of getting rich," according to the narrator Camus, 4. Camus rejected himself as a philosopher and did not want to be grouped with existentialists such as Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, or Kafka Payne, 1992. Such language will result in a ban. Nothing he could have done would have made it any easier to bear witness to the death of an innocent child.


Existentialism In Albert Camus 'The Plague'

existentialism in the plague

His aim was greater. Many readers would find Camus difficult to understand especially his philosophy. Through these three works of art, some aspect of them address the concept that life is meaningless and that nothing in the world has real existence. The Great Plague: The Black Death 731 Words 3 Pages The reactions from the Christians and the Muslims to the greatly feared disease, known as the Black Death or the Great Plague were different in several ways. Although man should not be seen as responsible for the outbreak of the plague, we are accountable for how we respond. Camus: A Critical Examination. Monsieur Meursault is an existentialist which he shows his lack of emotion and translation towards Maman and her death.


Existentialism and Albert Camus' The Plague Essay

existentialism in the plague

What, then, do Existentialists believe, and of this, what does Camus reject and what does he accept? To console him, I said, 'But, you know, everybody's in the same boat. Key to understanding this is that the integrity is unasserted. He lays her on her bed, when Mrs. Riuex, like the plague bacillus, lives on as the disease slows and the epidemic ends, for the time being, anyhow. What does it mean to inhabit a body? What Caused The Plague Dbq Essay 451 Words 2 Pages This Primary Source is an excerpt from "The Cremation of Strasbourg Jewry, St. There was the invariable back and forth, between the narration and objectivity and the subjectivity and perceptions of the characters.


Plague Existentialism

existentialism in the plague

I have little doubt he was guilty -- of what crime is no great matter. In such a globe, one could believe the town of Oran really should have escaped in to happy obscurity. These two characters are seen as the epitome of evil. Camus alters Existentialism to fit into this ideal of his. Written in French, the novel became extremely popular and has since been translated numerous times into many languages. The Historical and Cultural Aspects in The Plague The Plague French, La Peste is a novel written by Albert Camus that is about an epidemic of bubonic plague. Everyone agreed that considering their somewhat extraordinary character, they were out of place there.


Any ELI5 explanation of 'The Plague' and Existentialism : Existentialism

existentialism in the plague

Providing an answer to the question of existence would constitute a paradox. Yet in all these events, Meursault remains aloof and ambivalent, with little to no reaction at all. Because it still has not stopped after a few days, the government addresses the problem by cremating the bodies of the rats in order to allay the fear of the public. It is true; Camus was not an Existentialist. It is only when he resigns himself to helping the townspeople that he feels some form of contentedness. First of all, old Salamano is one of the minor characters in the novel, where the relationship between he Salamano and his dog found special yet complex, he act as a symbol to reflect the relationship between Mersault Diction In The Stranger 932 Words 4 Pages What if life contributed to no meaning and the only point which matters is the existence happening during the present? Though he was and continues to be considered as one, Camus made a point of rejecting the label of an existentialist. Most, however, fall into the category of those who, at least eventually, join the struggle against the plague.
