Example of convergence theory. Convergence Theory Sociology Explained 2022-10-27

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Convergence theory is a concept in the field of political science that suggests that as countries develop and become more economically advanced, they will also tend to become more similar in terms of their political systems, values, and behaviors. This theory suggests that as countries become more interconnected and interdependent through globalization, they will adopt similar policies and practices in order to better compete in the global market.

One example of convergence theory can be seen in the trend towards democratization and the adoption of liberal democratic values in many countries around the world. As countries become more economically developed, they often also become more politically stable and open to democratic reforms. This can be seen in the transition of many countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America from authoritarian regimes to more democratic systems in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Another example of convergence theory can be seen in the adoption of free market economic policies by many countries around the world. As countries become more integrated into the global economy, they often adopt policies that are more conducive to free trade and investment in order to attract foreign capital and compete in the global market. This has led to the widespread adoption of policies such as privatization, deregulation, and fiscal austerity in many countries around the world.

Convergence theory also suggests that as countries become more economically advanced, they will tend to adopt similar social policies as well. For example, as countries become more developed, they often invest more in education, healthcare, and social welfare in order to provide for their citizens and improve their quality of life. This can be seen in the expansion of social welfare programs and the increasing availability of education and healthcare in many countries around the world.

Overall, convergence theory suggests that as countries become more economically developed and interconnected, they will tend to adopt similar policies and practices in order to better compete in the global market. This can be seen in the trend towards democratization, the adoption of free market economic policies, and the expansion of social welfare programs in many countries around the world.

Cultural Convergence: Definition & Examples

example of convergence theory

The group of friends become cohesive and was able interact with each other sharing the same fantasy theme. It was developed by Ernest Bormann. Basically, the more that cultures interact, the more that their values, ideologies, behaviors, arts, and customs will start to reflect each other. Of course, the existence of this space may be part of the cultural values these two communities learn to share, but cultural convergence may not always necessarily equate to loss of local identities as well. In the 1990s, industrial convergence is the Viacom-Paramount 1994 and Disney-ABC 1995. An individual who becomes part of a crowd and then becomes angry due to the crowd's anger would be exhibiting contagion theory.


Convergence Theory Sociology Explained

example of convergence theory

Understanding theories will help individuals to further their knowledge of communication with individuals in their life. The principle of rapid implosion asserts that an inflexible rhetorical vision will not decline incrementally but will implode on itself when the combination of problems, inability to explain the rapid change, and contradictory motives become too much for the vision to deal with. This paper explores the definition of symbolic convergence theory, the aspects that make up the theory, and how this theory relates to the everyday life. Rich democracies are moving toward the Swedish model, even Japan and Switzerland, the developed countries most resistant to gender equality. Yet, again, all market economies are not democracies. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Cultural convergence is a trend where two cultures that interact a lot start to appear more similar to each other.


Symbolic convergence theory

example of convergence theory

When technology is introduced to nations still in the early stages of industrialization, money from other nations may pour in to develop and take advantage of this opportunity. Finally, an obvious and well-traveled road to social peace is expansion of the franchise and a well-developed, universalistic welfare state. According to convergence theory. Henry Jenkins introduced media convergence theory in 2006 via his book Convergence Culture: Where Old and new media collide. Pluralist and democratic systems channel mass grievances and group protest into electoral politics while delivering abundant material benefits; communist or other centrist authoritarian regimes could keep the lid on for decades by comprehensive agencies of political and social control, including one-party domination of secret police, armed forces, mass media, schools, and workplaces. Related to the instinct theory is the idea that you have frustrations and difficulties in your life that you are unable to act upon. The principle of critical mass, when a rhetorical vision begins a period of rapid growth, is central to consciousness-raising.


Sociology QUIZ 15/16/17 Flashcards

example of convergence theory

The group seems to take on its own mind, and acts automatically, because of the collective desires of its members. The doctor performed a few diagnostic tests to help determine if her baby had any disorders. A few people get excited about the idea of hurting someone, and their energy spreads to others. Workers join unions to become part of a group that together demand a better working environment. The two speeches both played on those underlying causes, and the crowd responded in a way that represented the instincts and feelings of the people involved. This theory is a form of rhetorical criticism. The essence of the welfare state is government-protected minimum standards of income, nutrition, health and safety, education, and housing assured to every citizen as social right, not as charity.


What is convergence theory in sociology?

example of convergence theory

And lastly, the two first points combined will create a sustaining fantasy chain that will last. They are not, though, all rich or near rich, because the number includes poor Bangladesh, India, Costa Rica, Uruguay, and Botswana. Some promoters of convergence theory, such as Andrei Sakharov, a Russian dissident, human rights activist, and nuclear physicist, advocated the development of convergence theory as a way to lessen tensions between Russia and the United States. Growth Of The Welfare State For more than a century, since Bismarck in Germany, there has been gradual institutionalization of the social and labor market programs comprising the welfare state. Rhetorical vision reality link A rhetorical vision reality link allows for a viable rhetorical vision that chronicles an authentic account of the phenomena along with tangible evidence. Get your paper price 124 experts online But it also meets the humanistic standards considering the community agreement and the reform of society. Finally, the advocating of certain behavior by dictation of functional consequences, pragmatism.


Symbolic Convergence Theory Strengths & Weaknesses, Example

example of convergence theory

It brings the similarity between political parties and policies inside the parties. The symbolic-convergence theory is also known as the fantasy-theme analysis, which can be created in small groups or interaction between two people, thus creating a similar perspective. There will always be individuals who fall outside of this spectrum, as there will be countries who chart their own course. Overall, there have been moments in history that were powerful enough to have an impact on communities, whether it is fear or power. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1986. While the convergence of cultures towards these Western and particularly English values may be obvious to people of European cultures, convergence is not simply a one-way street. In the 2000s, the example of the biggest company merger is America On-Line AOL and Time Warner, Viacom-CBS 2000 , NBC-Universal 2004.


Hybrid Economic Systems: Convergence Theory

example of convergence theory

Journal of Economic Surveys, 17 3 , 309—362. SCT is a communication-related theory introduced by Ernest Bormann who is a Professor at the University of Minnesota in the United States. If so, do you live in Japan? Despite national differences in the control, financing, and organization of the media, which persisted for decades, there is an unmistakable—recent and swift—convergence toward the commercialization and privatization of public broadcasting with a concomitant but somewhat slower shift toward American style and content. Convergence theory is also known as the catch-up effect. With both group and public sharing the tendency for fantasies to be embellished, reconfigured, reworked, and evolved increases.


Convergence Theory Essay ⋆ Political Science Essay Examples ⋆ EssayEmpire

example of convergence theory

This is called a fantasy chain reaction because they are adding information to the same subject matter. Can you think of any cultural norms that they share? Encyclopedia of Political Communication. What are 3 examples of cultural convergence? For example, the classic 'lynch mob' mentality is used to explain contagion behavior. Which of the following best defines convergence theory? New York, NY: McGraw Hill. We need to understand its three main perspectives, functionalist perspective, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism.



example of convergence theory

This theory states that as nations develop, they will take a path to industrialization similar to the one Western nations took. SCT achieves this portion of qualifying to be an objective theory. Thus, the economic stimulus plans aim at converging capitalism and communism ideologies so that hybrid economic systems can stimulate stalled economic growth. However, as the range of per capita income from developing to developed countries narrows, sheer levels of well-being fade as an explanation for national differences in structure, culture, politics, and policy. Among scholars analyzing lengthy lists of conditions favorable to the democratic transition, such as Huntington, all note the importance of economic level or material conditions for the emergence and the consolidation of democracy.


What is an example of convergence theory?

example of convergence theory

The Passing of Traditional Society: Modernizing the Middle East. Fantasy theme artistry Fantasy theme artistry is the rhetorical ability to present situations in a form that appears attractive to people so that they will share them. Interpersonal exchanges are analogous to economic exchanges where people are satisfied when they receive a fair return on their expenditures. There is less agreement about the metatheoretical concepts that would allow us to compare the anatomy muscles, bones, arteries of one theory with the anatomy of another. The group's energy becomes the common element, and the group's behavior reflects the emotions of its members, often targeting a 'scapegoat' figure as a subject of violence.
