Essay on result day in school. Free Essays on Celebrate National Day At School through 2022-10-20

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Result day in school is a day that every student looks forward to with a mix of emotions. On one hand, there is the excitement of finding out how well they have done in their exams, but on the other hand, there is also the fear of not having done as well as they had hoped.

For many students, result day can be a stressful and anxious time. They may have spent countless hours studying and preparing for their exams, and the thought of not getting the grades they want can be a source of worry.

However, result day is also a day of celebration and accomplishment. It marks the end of a long and hard-fought journey, and for those students who have done well, it is a time to celebrate their hard work and dedication.

On result day, the school is typically abuzz with excitement as students gather to find out their results. Some students may choose to open their results in the privacy of their own homes, while others may prefer to do so in the company of their friends or teachers.

Regardless of where they choose to open their results, the moment of finding out can be a nerve-wracking one. Students may feel a mix of emotions as they wait for the envelope to be opened or the online portal to load.

Once the results are revealed, there are often a range of reactions. Some students may be overjoyed and relieved to have achieved the grades they were hoping for, while others may be disappointed and upset.

Regardless of the outcome, it is important for students to remember that result day is just one step in their academic journey. It is a time to reflect on what they have learned and to set new goals for the future.

For those students who may not have done as well as they had hoped, result day is an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and to develop a plan for improvement. It is also a chance to seek support from teachers and mentors, who can offer guidance and encouragement as students work towards their future goals.

In conclusion, result day is a significant event in the academic calendar. It is a day of excitement, anxiety, and accomplishment, and it marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Whether students are celebrating their hard-earned success or looking for ways to improve, result day is an important milestone that will stay with them long after they have left school.

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I braid her hair into two french braids then tie them off into a bow with some rope. The classrooms were decorated with them. I was full of mingled feelings of joy and sorrow. I was having fun messing around and playing board games with my friends. In the past decade there has been a growing interest in Forest schools within Britain.


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Pulled out a pair of leggings and a short floral dress. . My teachers saw my lack of interest in pre-algebra to be a sign of disinterest in school as a whole. School is one of the places about which everyone has different opinions. In the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel.


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How many distinctions would I obtain? Celebrated American author and journalist Joan Didion. I went to my second period class and the bell rang as I entered. He advised the students to cultivate discipline and regularity. . Let us view this issue in five psychological perspectives and determine why this feeling among students arises.


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I went to classes ready to get my last final over with. With block scheduling you, have 85 to 90 minutes of class each day for a one semester. In reality, majority of parents and teachers over emphasis the importance of academic result as the only ways to obtain the higher education, and unfortunately, many students loss confident and self- esteem among highly competition. ¨ he calls back. When I point this out to the teacher another student already distracts her. . I hurried to here ask about her preparation.


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My First Day Of School like this: as school days come and go I reflect, on how my education began. Personal Narrative: Going Outside For Recess 520 Words 3 Pages I could feel my mouth start to water as I saw the chicken patties and nuggets in the kitchen. . That is when Last Day Of School last day of school was a good day. I grab my uniform. My previous night was just an express train of college applications and studying. My bed squeaks as I sit up and sigh.


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It is not hard to be college student but it is not easy to get through and graduate from college. The students look worried and anxious as the examination draw near. . When students study, they will feel tired, and they will also feel that they have not studied enough, which leads them to not having enough sleep. While I was nervous because of my result, I was also nervous because of my skit which I was going to perform that day and I had written it myself, titled Emperor Akbar in the 21st Century.


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My eyes misted over. Like the building, the students also looked very attractive. After I graduated middle school, I decided to go to high school. I walked into Sparkman, following my older sister Hannah, I made it my mission to attach myself to her and clutch her side making every move that she did. I heard the name of my friend being called out as the third position holder. These are the things that I am hoping to carry over into high school-my next chapter. Students, especially those in the adolescence stage suffer in many indescribable emotional stresses that could affect their day to day behaviour and social relationship to others, and thus, makes the individual nervous on the outcome every time they take examinations.


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A Day in School Life The day begins with a high-pitched yell, "moooooooorninnnnng" from my mother. Schools should switch to a four day school week because it will benefit the students. Students were asked to raise their hands regarding the truth or. . Students who go to school year-round showed better attitudes towards school.


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My mood is lifted as I make quite a few people laugh. It is the most important day. When I was going to get ready I noticed a blue collared shirt and a plaid skirt, I was thinking to myself Bookman never had clothing like this it was a public school we Dustun Lee Madosh Short Story 1385 Words 6 Pages I was so mad I mean I had just taken it so I had to take it over because I was lazy and didn't want to do my homework I tried again and passed and went to second grade and got the worst teacher ever her name Mrs. . The performance went well and our efforts were appreciated by all parents, teachers and the chief guest.
