Essay on mohenjo daro. Ancient History of Babylon and Mohenjo 2022-10-17

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Mohenjo Daro, also known as Mound of the Dead, was an ancient Indus Valley Civilization city located in what is now modern-day Pakistan. The city was one of the largest and most advanced urban settlements of its time, and it is believed to have been inhabited from 2500 BCE to 1900 BCE.

Mohenjo Daro was a highly organized and planned city, with a grid system of streets and a sophisticated sewage and water management system. The city was also home to a variety of public buildings, including a Great Bath, which was used for ritual cleansing and possibly even swimming, and a large granary that may have been used to store and distribute grain.

One of the most striking features of Mohenjo Daro was its advanced system of weights and measures, which was based on a standardized unit of weight known as the "ratio." This system allowed for the creation of a uniform system of trade and exchange, which likely played a key role in the city's economic success.

Despite its impressive accomplishments, Mohenjo Daro ultimately declined and was abandoned by its inhabitants. The exact cause of the city's decline is not known, but it is thought to be related to a combination of environmental factors, such as drought and floods, and political and social changes within the Indus Valley Civilization.

Today, Mohenjo Daro is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is a popular tourist destination in Pakistan. Its remains offer a unique window into the past and provide insights into the daily lives and culture of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization.

In conclusion, Mohenjo Daro was a highly advanced and organized city that played a significant role in the development of the Indus Valley Civilization. Its impressive system of weights and measures, as well as its sophisticated sewage and water management system, demonstrate the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its inhabitants. Despite its eventual decline, Mohenjo Daro remains an important and fascinating site that continues to captivate visitors and historians alike.

Paragraph, Essay and Speech on “Harappa and Mohenjo

essay on mohenjo daro

Europe was in the hunters-gatherers stage, and would be tribal for a long time. In support of this view it is pointed out that Rig-Veda contains a reference to the conflict between the Aryans and non-Aryans and the destruction of the walled cities of non-Aryans. These bricks are the backbone of the architecture industry. A two or three line linear. Certain sacred animals, cows and bulls are worshipped even today. However, as much as the Arabs did, there was and still is much more to be done. The history of art in ancient India begins with prehistoric rock paintings.


Mohenjo daro Free Essays

essay on mohenjo daro

The artist wanted to people see the work and admire the site he created. A number of standing and semi-nude female figure, wearing a girdle or band round her loins, with an elaborate head dress and collar, etc. Scholars have given different answers to the question as to why did the civilization end? Increasing interest in increases 4. In the studies of Al — Battani you again can see the seeking out of science. Website provides authentic information and notes from experts.


Ancient History of Babylon and Mohenjo

essay on mohenjo daro

Looking for essays on mohenjo daro? New York, NY: Rowman Altamira names. Another important feature of the houses which deserves mention was that the people were very fond of baths. The buildings were generally erected on high platform to protect them against floods, which seem to have been quite common. We can form an idea about the dress used by the people from the various sculptures of the age. The Hindu religious Comparing The Governing Structure Of The Indus River Valley Civilization Although the Governing Structure of the Indus River Valley Civilization is unknown, archeologists have suggest three major theories on what it could be.


Free Essays on Mohenjo Daro through

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Thirdly, the dead bodies were left for the wild animals. Causes for the Destruction of Indus Valley Culture 10. Both men and women were in the habit of using ornaments. This is why his astronomical tables were so extraordinarily accurate. The worship of trees and plants is also in vogue in many parts of the country.



essay on mohenjo daro

. Municipal authorities who are responsible for the whole of the valley also regularly maintain a highly efficient drainage system. It is not certain that the girl is a dancer, much less a temple dancer. But improvements on Al — Khwarizmi were only a relatively small part of all his contributions to mathematics. In addition they also knew about similar animals like mongoose, squirrel, parrot, peacock, cat etc.


Essay On A Visit To A Historical Place Mohenjo Daro

essay on mohenjo daro

These buildings were probably supposed to be temples, municipal or assembly halls. Each house had a wall and drain which were connected with the main street drain. The earliest anatomically modern human. These people were the greatest of their time. Household Articles: A number of household articles have been unearthed at Mohenjo-Daro. . There was much work done before them, the most prominent by the ancient Greeks and the Hindus.


Essay on the Indus Valley Civilisation

essay on mohenjo daro

The ruins of some especially spacious buildings have been excavated which are found to possess elaborate structure and design. Some scholars suggest that the animal images may reflect the clans to which they belonged. But probably the most important of these industries was weaving. The thickness of the outer walls has been estimated as 1. Some of these possessed large pillared halls about 80 ft. Mohenjo-Daro was able to eat many types of fish, even ones that exist today. The sculpture is displayed at the National museum at Karachi, 50.


Analysis Of The Great Bath In Mohenjo Daro

essay on mohenjo daro

Fishing was used both as game as well as regular profession. Careful study of the above features of town planning viz. So since this was relatively early, not a lot of the Hindus converted to Islam. It can be words, paragraphs, or pages given as a range 300—500 words or a particular number 5 pages. Water played an important role in the religious beliefs of the people, as is evident from the presence of the Great Bath. In the early 20th century The Indus Valley Civilizations Ancient Economy Indus Valley Report The Indus Valley civilization, which lasted from 5,500 B.



essay on mohenjo daro

It appears the people wrote from left to right but in some cases they first wrote from right to left and then from left to right and so on. It is note­worthy that during this period the copper and bronze replaced stone models for the manufacture of household objects. When archaeologists attempted to investigate the civilization, one key aspect that was never resolved was its mysterious disappearance. Some sun-baked bricks were used for the foundation. They preserved their identities on stone seals and using the seals their names and fame could be deciphered.



essay on mohenjo daro

This is a pure example of the Arabs seeking out science. But people believed that the holy water in the bath was all it needed to help them make The Role Of Bathing In Ancient Roman Culture Offerings were brought by people from surrounding areas as a gift to the gods and after bathed in the water as they hoped to get cured. Ancient Indus rulers unlike most ancient urban societies rulers did not glorify their power using erected monuments. Oxford University Press, 2016. Sports and Games: The people had great love for sports and games and a number of evidences are available to this effect. The animals were not only worshipped but were also regarded as Vahana of the gods viz.
