Essay on hijab in english. Definition Of The Word "Hijab" Free Essay Example 2022-10-12

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The hijab is a head covering traditionally worn by Muslim women in public and in the presence of men outside of their immediate family. It is often seen as a symbol of modesty, religious piety, and cultural identity.

In recent years, the hijab has become a topic of controversy and debate in many parts of the world. Some people view it as a symbol of oppression, arguing that it is imposed on women by men and used to control and limit their freedom. Others see it as a personal choice, a way for women to express their faith and cultural identity, and a form of resistance against the sexualization and objectification of women's bodies.

One of the main arguments against the hijab is that it is a form of discrimination against women, as it is only required of female believers. Critics argue that it is a way for men to exert control over women's bodies and reinforce traditional gender roles. Some opponents of the hijab also point to cases where women have been forced to wear it against their will, or have faced discrimination and persecution for not wearing it.

However, many Muslim women who wear the hijab do so willingly, as a way to demonstrate their faith and cultural identity. They argue that the hijab is a personal choice and a form of empowerment, rather than a form of oppression. For these women, the hijab is a way to assert their autonomy and agency, and to resist the sexualization and objectification of their bodies.

There are also cultural and historical factors that contribute to the wearing of the hijab. In some Muslim-majority countries, the hijab is a longstanding tradition that is seen as a symbol of respect and honor. In other cases, it may be worn as a way to express solidarity with one's community or to demonstrate commitment to one's faith.

Ultimately, the decision to wear the hijab should be left to the individual woman. It is important to respect the choices and beliefs of others, and to recognize that the hijab, like any other form of clothing, can be a matter of personal expression and identity.

Hijab Case Study

essay on hijab in english

Most Muslim women at the age of puberty,wear the hijab in the presence of adult males outside of their immediate family. The concept of modesty in Islam covers many different inter- social acts, and is addressed in Islamic teachings from a variety of different angles: Physical modesty, marriage, humility, and dress, all of which make reference to the use of clothing discussed in the Quran and the Hadith. It has empowered me beyond any measure. Syria Ghiyath Barakat, Syria's minister of higher education, announced that Syria would ban women from wearing full face veils such as the niqab, but not other forms of hijab that do not cover the entire face , at universities stating that the veils ran counter to secular and academic principles of Syria. The generalisation that women wearing burqas are oppressed is merely an assumption with no supporting evidence.



essay on hijab in english

Most women wear abayas. Many Saudi women use a headscarf along with the niqab or another simple veil to cover all or most of the face when in public, as do most foreign Muslim women i. She was peacefully resting on a beach in Nice with her family. Muslims live in western countries for a reason, they need to start acting like they want to live there. If you asked me a few years ago how I felt about my hijab, I would truthfully answer that I was embarrassed. The way the outsiders and the insiders view the Islamic dress code for women in the Islamic culture is very different. Hence, we cannot say that wearing the Hijab is a degrading attribute for women and that Islam is infesting the world with this garment promoting a mockery of liberation.


Hijab Speech

essay on hijab in english

The purpose to why they dress the way they do is,hence they want to protect themselves from harm and to keep their lovely beauty for their husband. Muslims have repeatedly shown that they prefer not to participate in society in western countries, which is not doing anyone any good. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms under Equality Rights, in Section 15. Many traditions have distinctive religious symbols, such as Sikhs wearing the turban and Catholic nuns wearing the black veil. In February 2007, soccer player Asmahan Mansour, part of the team Nepean U12 Hotspurs, was expelled from a Quebec tournament for wearing her headscarf.


Hijab in History and Nowadays

essay on hijab in english

Although many nations encourage modesty, others do not. The Islamic dress code for women is viewed very differently by the outsiders and the insiders. I would tell you that I wore it for show, and if it were up to me I would have taken it off without a second thought. Our nation's laws and services are beholden to no particular belief system, and when religious doctrine runs counter to those policies every effort should be made to accommodate. I would wake up every morning and, as I pinned the cloth that sat on my head and put on the abaya that covered my body, I would groan, thinking of how much I wanted to be like everyone else. In the Islamic culture, women beyond the age of puberty are required to wear what is known as the hijab, in public. The first article of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States protects people against discrimination based on several matters including religion, ethnic origin and national origin.


Hijab Should Be Banned Essay

essay on hijab in english

Clothing In America Essay As for Muslim women,they wear a headscarf known as the hijab. Hair was meant to be let free. The view of Government As mention above, some countries banned Hijab whereas there is some countries encourage citizens to wear Hijab in their daily life. Another common type of veiling is the chador. .


Essay on Hijab Row explained in english

essay on hijab in english

Banning the veil, like all attempts to create a more homogenous society, is doomed to fail. After the revolution, the maghna'eh has been transformed from a private sign of piety into a compulsory Islamic dress that must be worn by women and girls in nurseries, schools, universities, workplaces, government buildings, cinemas and other public places. Thus, I disagree with Ms. It becomes one of the remarkable symbols of Muslim countries. Muslim dress for females, as Emma Tarlo explains, is a matter of individual choice. Iran The headscarf maghna'eh was traditionally worn as a praying cloth by religious women in their prayer room.


Definition Of The Word "Hijab" Free Essay Example

essay on hijab in english

In Islam, that fight is continuing and many documents, photos, quotes and other sources show the back-and-forth struggle to get women out from under the veils and into the lights. According to "The New York Times Upfront" defenders of the law's reason for passing such a law is because "It could enable crime, or even August 6-9, 1945 one of the biggest acts of terrorism ever committed. Honestly, all I wanted was for my hair to be free. Hence, the vast majority of traditional Saudi women are expected to cover their faces n public. Meckes has mentioned that she lived in a Muslim country and ellaborates her understanding and sympathy towards the Islamic culture, yet still finds these women to be irritating in her sight. They bear much more meaning behind them, and blindly claiming it as a sort of oppression , are just caused by lack of knowledge, confusion or simply ignorance.


essay on hijab in english

The hijab is a very important and powerful Muslim symbol that is worn by billions of Muslim women all over the world. I wanted to be free. The author talks about why the French governments official embargo of wearing conspicuous signs is mainly towards the headscarves for Muslim girls under the age of eighteen in public schools. The supreme court has said that rituals modes of worship and ceremonies all will come under essential practices and also these have to be protected to the extent that they are within the limits of Articles 25 and 26 of the constitution If they are a threat to public morality or other provisions they can be abridged but, what is the opinion with respect to public morality that is yet public order and morality and other provisions because another provision is a very open-ended term so what about that we will see or whenever the judgment will come. It was sometime over the course of my middle school years, that it hit me. As a young woman, only in her early twenties, Mustafa faces racial discriminition in that she receives strange looks from strangers stereotyping her as either a radical terrorist or victimized Muslim woman. Also, many women that wear a hijab are being banned from sporting events in the United States.


essay on hijab in english

Outsiders view the hijab as something backward that suppresses freedom of Muslim women. If successful mortals wear them ,therefore it is a sign of greatness and achievement. . Hijab is a veil that covers the head and chest. Hijab is seen as a symbol of Islam, and the repression against it by the government is due to its vision of creating a secular Bangladesh.


essay on hijab in english

The idea of freedom is pointless if you do not take advantage of your opportunities. They would also suffer from physical violence if they were in the streets and this happened. SURAH AL-AHZAAB - VERSE 59 The hijab refers to both the head-covering traditionally worn by Muslim women and modest Islamic styles of dress in general. The Constitution should be interpreted by the judiciary by the high courts and the supreme courts and the subordinate judiciary in order to understand the larger perspective Because this is not at all political but it has been politicized it is actually not just communal it is a question of law, what do we need to define where the lines are right and wrong. They interpret it as its original purpose of giving themselves final control of their bodies. Only an opening the size of the face should remain.
