Essay on earthquake in haiti. Haiti Earthquake Essay 2022-10-15

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On January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, killing an estimated 300,000 people and leaving 1.5 million homeless. The earthquake was the worst disaster in Haiti's history, and it had a devastating impact on the country's already fragile infrastructure.

The earthquake's epicenter was just 10 miles west of the capital city of Port-au-Prince, which was home to over 2 million people. The quake caused widespread damage to the city, with many buildings collapsing and roads becoming impassable. The quake also damaged hospitals, schools, and other critical infrastructure, making it difficult for people to access medical care and other essential services.

The disaster had a disproportionate impact on Haiti's poorest residents, who were more likely to live in poorly constructed homes that were more susceptible to damage. Many of these people lost their homes and possessions in the earthquake and were left with nothing. In the aftermath of the disaster, thousands of people were forced to live in makeshift camps, where they faced challenges such as lack of access to clean water and sanitation, and inadequate shelter.

In the years following the earthquake, Haiti has struggled to rebuild and recover. The government and international organizations have worked to provide humanitarian aid and support to those affected by the disaster, but progress has been slow. Many people are still living in camps, and the country faces ongoing challenges such as political instability, corruption, and economic inequality.

Despite these challenges, there have been some positive developments in Haiti since the earthquake. The country has made progress in improving its infrastructure, including the construction of new roads and the expansion of access to electricity. Additionally, the disaster brought attention to Haiti's needs and led to an increase in international aid and investment in the country.

Overall, the earthquake in Haiti had a catastrophic impact on the country and its people. While there has been some progress in the years since the disaster, much work remains to be done in order to fully rebuild and recover. It is important for the international community to continue to provide support and assistance to Haiti as it works to overcome the challenges it faces.

Essay On Haiti's 2010 Earthquake

essay on earthquake in haiti

Especially since they were not required to follow strict rules that could enable the country to withstand the effects of fierce winds and Climate Change In Haiti 924 Words 4 Pages Haiti, a sovereign state located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea, is one of the world 's poorest and least developed countries. Oxfam reached 300,000 people with aid in the first three months after the earthquake. Pitts uses a diverse vocabulary when he is talking about the Haitians and the scary disasters that they face all the time. This was due to poor building structure and little warning. The Economical Journal, 120, F298 -- F312. The country was recovering from previous tropical storms and two hurricanes before the 2010 earthquake. To me I think that we are never given more than we can handle.


The Earthquake In Haiti

essay on earthquake in haiti

Immigration Policies In Haiti 1266 Words 6 Pages Conditions for the small country worsened as a devastating earthquake struck Haiti in 2010, and over 300,000 people were killed, and 1. The fracture comes about when the strain goes beyond the strength which the brittle lithospheric rock can hold. The Haiti earthquake had MINUSTAH: The Earthquake In Haiti deadly, infectious disease; These are all things MINUSTAH has been accused of. The total number of casualties was 700 deaths and more than 2 million people were made homeless. So why was there such severe damage in Haiti? To make matters worse there …show more content… I can only think of the word desolation to describe the situation in Marie Ange Azor and her family lives.


Earthquake In Haiti

essay on earthquake in haiti

Putting up new schools and equipping them is a long-term activity. The volunteers are a large part of how these haitians get the opportunity to rebuild their homes, this takes us back to the fact that it is sometimes cruel because the Haitians are given these lovely people that have given their time to help them Modern Day Issues In Haiti 1759 Words 8 Pages Haiti is prone to many kinds of natural disasters due to many reasons one of which being deforestation leading to Haitians leaving and becoming independent. The whole world was took by surprise as the phenomenon occurred and people across the globe were filled with horror as it was watching Haitians struggling to provide an effective response to the disaster. These usually naturally occurring phenomenon have been responsible from wiping out entire towns throughout history and until today continue to produce major loss of life and infrastructure. Thousands of buildings collapsed, leaving unknown numbers of people trapped, and hundreds of thousands of people homeless in the streets. . The Haitian schools do not have everything they need and sometimes they do not even have teachers Basinger.


Haiti earthquake

essay on earthquake in haiti

So much was destroyed. Its history is not known due to harsh conditions in the past centuries. Comparison And Contrast Essay: Haitian Culture Vs. It is located next to Dominican Republic, which covers over half of the island. In Haiti, you would use whatever is left of your money for the week to buy a single cinder block sometimes you might have enough to buy two.


The Haiti Earthquake Essay

essay on earthquake in haiti

Haiti having access to the United States market has created a good opportunity for stable growth in the economy. The government should be in a position to come up with a state-level sensitization program on earthquake risk management. If not, let me introduce you to the Haiti Earthquake. Disasters have a very bad effect on the increasing prevalence of psychological sicknesses Bolt, 1992. And also communicate on designated state rescue centers. The January 12 quake demolished almost every major building in Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital. Truth : The Dilemma Media Outlets Face sometimes be unsettling for readers.


Essay On Earthquake In Haiti

essay on earthquake in haiti

People that tried to take back these liberties were severely punished often by death. This earthquake was 7. As millions watched the world news, Haiti was destroyed by a natural disaster once again. Then the Earth does something cruel, like the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. The Haitian people feel as if you do not have to pay for school then the education must be no good. An exact death toll proved elusive in the ensuing chaos.


Earthquake in Haiti and Its Ramifications

essay on earthquake in haiti

ABC news, 2016 Many hospitals were unusable; people forced to wait days for treatment. It struck the country on October 4th 2016 and passed on the 5th. They raise their children to be independent different from Haitian that make their children to depend on them. Like many other disasters, earthquakes happen to be not only destruction to property, but also detrimental to the health and wellbeing of those who live in affected areas. S government added Haiti to the list of Temporary Protected Status TPS designated countries Migration Policy Institute, 2017. The use of certain diction and the connotation that word choice creates can offend some people while not even phasing others. It also has a population of approximately 10 million.


Essay On Haiti Earthquake

essay on earthquake in haiti

Over one million people was left homeless in the immediate aftermath. Effects of the Earthquake on the society Experiencing an earthquake is a stressful experience with typical effects like fear, sadness, grief, helplessness, anger, and anxiety. The effects of an earthquake that happened five years ago have probably been solved by now. It is very expensive and families would rather have their children work than get an Sometimes The Earth Is Cruel Analysis 867 Words 4 Pages They get their houses destroyed time after time and yet they get a enough courage and want to rebuild everything, there are kind people that Pitts says that donate their money and there are times that when there are many injury that people even donate their blood. Although it was not the largest earthquake of the year, that honour going to an 8. Partlow, Essay On Haitian Earthquake 888 Words 4 Pages Understanding How the Haitian Earthquake of 2010 Affected the Number Orphans and How We Can Help Have you thought about a natural disaster that happened years ago, leaving no effect on you at all? In the devastated urban areas, the displaced were forced to squat in ersatz cities composed of found materials and donated tents.


Essay On Haitian Earthquake

essay on earthquake in haiti

Secondary impacts were the lack of food, homelessness and landslides caused by liquidation in the soil. They Drink dirty water and eat mud cakes to keep their stomachs full. The sudden release of energy from volcanoes or displacing of earth plates can result in disasters of extreme magnitude. There were more than 1,000,000 Haitians with physical injuries that necessitated immediate medical attention. I picked Japan and Haiti as it allowed me to compare how a developed and undeveloped country coped when faced with a natural hazard.
