Epistemological approach to research. Methodology And Epistemological Approach Of My Research Essay 2022-10-24

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Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge and how it is acquired. In the context of research, an epistemological approach refers to the assumptions and beliefs about the nature of knowledge and how it can be obtained that guide the research process.

One major epistemological approach is positivism, which holds that knowledge can be objectively and scientifically obtained through empirical observation and experimentation. Researchers who adopt a positivist approach believe that the external world can be studied objectively and that there is a single, objective reality that can be discovered through research.

Another epistemological approach is constructivism, which holds that knowledge is actively constructed by individuals through their experiences and interactions with the world. Researchers who adopt a constructivist approach believe that knowledge is subjective and shaped by the individual's personal experiences and cultural context. They also believe that multiple perspectives and interpretations of reality can exist, and that research should aim to understand these subjective experiences.

A third epistemological approach is interpretivism, which emphasizes the role of language and culture in shaping our understanding of the world. Researchers who adopt an interpretivist approach believe that meaning is culturally and socially constructed, and that research should focus on understanding the ways in which people interpret and make sense of their experiences.

Regardless of the epistemological approach taken, all research involves some level of subjectivity and bias. It is important for researchers to be aware of their own assumptions and beliefs about the nature of knowledge and to be transparent about them in their research. This allows for a more rigorous and unbiased approach to research, and helps to ensure that the findings are accurately and fairly represented.

In conclusion, the epistemological approach taken in research can have a significant impact on the way that knowledge is obtained and understood. It is important for researchers to be aware of their own assumptions and beliefs about the nature of knowledge, and to be transparent about them in their research in order to ensure a rigorous and unbiased approach.

Epistemological Approach In Research

epistemological approach to research

From quantitative ontological perspective the researcher is objectively detached from the research participants, exercising careful controls so as to not bias the results in any way. Ethnography Ethnography originated from the need to have the voices of minority groups heard. So thank you for explaining so concisely. The paper was intended to encourage natural scientists to consider alternative ways of generating knowledge, particularly about the human, as opposed to natural, world. Jones and Barlett Publishers. Educational Researcher l3: 20-30.


epistemological and ontological consideration in Research

epistemological approach to research

This implies that in undertaking positivist research, observed occurrences in the studied phenomenon should be able to explain what can be expected elsewhere in the world. Understanding behaviors of a constructive memory agent: A Markov chain analysis. Jacqueline Doyle for her work in developing the Mapper algorithm Authors Contributions Regarding this manuscript, AG conceptualized the idea for research, supervised all aspects of the research, conducted post-TDA analyses, wrote portions of each of the sections, and edited the document for flow and consistency. We provide a few but not exhaustive examples of these approaches. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 52 3 , 377—389. Literature Review On Celebrity Culture 1515 Words 7 Pages Chapter two; Literature Review The entire research journey is based on few important steps which can also be recognized as research process involving certain measures; to be carried out effectively.


What is Epistemology in Research

epistemological approach to research

Conclusion Educational research makes use of a qualitative approach. However, it should be noted that the positivist approach does not reject inquiry into any unobservable causes of phenomenon but rather those that are only inaccessible to human knowledge as pointed out by Hammersley 1993. Therefore, based on these core assumptions there are several philosophical approaches that exist along the continuum such as positivism, critical realism, feminism, and constructivism. Quantitative researcher tends to take great pains to avoid introducing extraneous influences into the study and seek to isolate from process as much as possible by controlling for process efforts McNabb 2013:303. The third option of knowledge relies in the idea of particularism that pertains to what we already know Chisholm, 1973.


Methodology And Epistemological Approach Of My Research Essay

epistemological approach to research

So McNabb sees this as the reason why the two methodologies cannot be combined together. The processes of data The Philosophy Of Social Science and each mode to define a better way of understanding the social world. Constructivist Approach There are different ways by which constructivism is defined in literature, however, Wilson 1996 defines it as an approach which contends that individuals construct their own meaning and knowledge of the world through their experiences. The feminist practice of holisitic reflexivity. Second, the two paradigms are thought to be compatible because they share the tenets of theory-leadenness of facts, fallibility of knowledge, in determination of theory by fact, and a value-laden din quiry process they are also united by a shared commitment to understanding and improving the human condition, a common goal of disseminating knowledge for practical use, and a shared commitment for rigor, conscientiousness and critique in the research process Reichardta and Rallis, 1994. Based on the research type, literature reviews, the problem that the research has to address are always linked to the methodology.


A guide to ontology, epistemology, and philosophical perspectives for interdisciplinary researchers

epistemological approach to research

As such, researchers and research communities must reflect on how they theorize and frame knowledge i. There are numerous books and excellent studies that give a complete discussion of these approaches see Feminist-specific or not, critical quantitative approaches build upon general ideas of the feminist paradigm or feminist ethics, assuming systemic power relations beyond gender rule all aspects of social life through the organization of institutions, structures, and practices FemQuant and QuantCrit are based in these same basic epistemological framings but also advance their individual ethical positions to focus on race and racism QuantCrit and gender and sexism FemQuant. Qualitative research According to Biber and Leavy 2011:4 qualitative research is a unique grounding the position from which to conduct research that fosters particular ways of asking and particular ways of thinking through problems. The figure below shows three main branches of philosophy that are important in the sciences and serves to illustrate the differences between them. For example, one may want to openly disseminate details regarding their political directionality and positionality more broadly, and more specifically as it relates to methods of quantifying experience. In Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences pp.


Epistemological Perspectives In Qualitative Research — Lisa Hautly

epistemological approach to research

As an alternative to such essentializing approaches, this theory paper focuses on the links between novel quantitative research methods in person-centered analyses and non-positivist epistemologies. Furthermore, a paradigm includes an epistemological belief as well as an ontological belief that, when combined together, govern perceptions and choices made in the pursuit of scientific truth. In the current trend towards evidence-based practice and the systematic review of social science research, research that combines qualitative and quantitative methods needs particular attention. In addition, inequality is multiplicative for persons experiencing multiple inequalities, and that multiplicative effect is not representable by simple variable positions, or identities. Research which considers empiricism philosophy must focus on generation of knowledge from experience and through experiments.


Philosophical Approaches to Research Methods

epistemological approach to research

Educational research: quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches. The ontological assumption of the quantitative paradigm is that there is only one truth, an objective reality that exists independent of human perception. Contemporary ethnographers spend short periods of time in the community of study, and focus on one dimension of the community. The study included 20 women between the ages of 44 and 59 in various stages of menopause. Principal Component Analysis Used to collapse correlated multivariate data into smaller composite components that maximize the total variance aka dimension reduction.


Educational Research: Epistemological and Ontological Perspectives

epistemological approach to research

We believe that person-centered statistical analyses offer ways to reimagine quantitative educational research using more common numeric data collection approaches such as surveys and observations. McNabb 2013:302 sates that qualitative approach tend to approach the research process with a willingness to be flexible and to where the data lead them. This is because individuals are born in a certain times defined by certain events, and in certain places and cultures, and therefore, no one is a neutral being. Some of these decisions are based, not always knowingly, on some key philosophical principles, as outlined in the figure below. The importance of these is highlighted by Hammersley 1993 who contends that these bring to the fore competing claims regarding what constitutes knowledge. Sale, Lohfeld and Brazil 2002 Having discussed some of the basic philosophical assumptions of the two paradigms, we are better able to address the arguments given for combining quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study.


Epistemological And Ontological Research

epistemological approach to research

Intrepritivism argues that facts are not generated in such a manner as generated in natural science. Science is characterised by empirical indicators which represent the truth. These approaches often used person-centered analysis in conjunction with qualitative data and have specific tenants and framings that make them unique from general person-centered methods. Data-driven but not person-centered. Person-Centered Approaches Person-centered approaches sit in contrast to traditional variable-centric approaches and assume that the population under study is heterogeneous. Linkography: unfolding the design process.
