Elementary classroom observation report sample. Classroom observation in elementary school Free Essays 2022-10-25

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An elementary classroom observation report is a document that summarizes the key findings of a formal observation of a teacher in an elementary school setting. The purpose of this report is to provide feedback to the teacher and school administration about the effectiveness of the teacher's instructional practices and the overall learning environment in the classroom.

The observation should be conducted by a trained observer who has a clear understanding of the teacher's goals and objectives for the lesson, as well as the developmental stages and needs of the students. The observer should also be familiar with best practices in elementary education and be able to recognize effective and ineffective teaching strategies.

A typical elementary classroom observation report includes the following elements:

  1. Introduction: This section provides an overview of the purpose of the observation and the context in which it was conducted. It should include the date and time of the observation, the grade level and subject being taught, and the name of the teacher being observed.

  2. Description of the classroom and students: This section provides a brief overview of the physical setting of the classroom, including the layout and arrangement of the furniture and materials. It should also describe the students present during the observation, including their age, gender, and any relevant background information.

  3. Observation notes: This section provides a detailed account of the lesson and the teacher's instructional practices. It should include a description of the teacher's goals and objectives for the lesson, as well as the strategies and methods used to deliver the instruction. The observer should also note any interactions between the teacher and students, as well as the students' participation and engagement in the lesson.

  4. Summary and analysis: This section summarizes the key findings of the observation and provides an analysis of the teacher's effectiveness. It should include a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the teacher's instructional practices and the overall learning environment in the classroom.

  5. Recommendations: Based on the observations, the report should provide recommendations for improving the teacher's instructional practices and the overall learning environment in the classroom. These recommendations should be specific and actionable, and should take into account the teacher's goals and objectives for the lesson as well as the developmental needs of the students.

Overall, an elementary classroom observation report is a valuable tool for providing feedback to teachers and school administrators about the effectiveness of instructional practices and the learning environment in the classroom. By highlighting the strengths and areas for improvement, it can help teachers to refine their teaching practices and create a more positive and engaging learning experience for their students.

Observation webapi.bu.edu

elementary classroom observation report sample

Dominic could not find the item at his desk, so he headed to a shelf and grabbed a paper. An observation is the What Is a Report? She teaches 3rd grade language arts. It should be as it makes children feel comfortable returning them to their proper places and it helps the classroom to look neat, comfortable and organism. The main source of light are the windows. At first, I did not understand some of the techniques that were being used, but then I would ask Ms.


Essay on Classroom Observation Report

elementary classroom observation report sample

Fellow teachers, administrators, or instructional specialists typically perform these observations to provide According to gathered information coming from the National Assessment of Educational Progress NAEP , testing results from 2015 shows that 60 percent of sixth-grade students, 57 percent of eighth-grade students, and Different Observation Techniques For educators to implement changes from Student Assessment: Student assessment is in the form of written Close Ended Questionnaires: When it comes to close-ended questionnaires, these are questions with constraint responses, commonly in a multiple-choice setup. This is called reinforcement, a key term that was used by Skinner in his behavior modification theory. The teacher starts the lesson by asking the class what they know about the subject and go from there. The children seemed to feel very comfortable around each other; they all appeared to be communicating well. The four basic factors that affect body temperature are air temperature, radiant temperature, humidity, and air movement. The class became a little wild, so she said if they calmed down they could each bring in a healthy snack on Wednesday.


28+ SAMPLE Classroom Observation Report in PDF

elementary classroom observation report sample

The student was identified by staff as being Coreyon Williams 190169228. She values and appreciates her students. As the children arrived, they removed their belongings and placed them in the cubbies. Children and young adults rely on learning new information and skills to function in a society that emphasizes success through knowledge, expertise, and accomplishments. Lockport Middle School is currently ranked an A school from the Louisiana Department of Education. The school is receiving federal aid for the lunch and breakfast programs. This elementary school has a total enrollment of 966 students most living within the Palm Springs North and Miami Lakes area.


Classroom Observation Report

elementary classroom observation report sample

This elementary school has a total enrollment of 966 students most living within the Palm Springs North and Miami Lakes area. Lastly, it provides researchers with information on current educational techniques and practices to identify and solve problems. When the students were well behaved and listened to the teacher it was a positive and beneficial… Classroom Observation Paper In this paper I will discuss an observation and the developmental needs of a small group of older twos. Classroom evaluation reports are a bundle of information made through observing your students. This is one way of using your classroom evaluation report. The only difference was that both teachers I observed had different college information placed in their rooms. According to Spencer Kananga, learners should play an active role in setting classroom rules.


Elementary Classroom Observation

elementary classroom observation report sample

May, 1 937 found that people who cooperate and work gather to achieve shared goals, were more successful in attaining outcomes, than those who strives independently to complete the same goals. She kept parents informed by a weekly newsletter that was written by students. This elementary school has two of each grade level from Kindergarten to sixth Classroom Observation Report Observation Tami Lesser June 4, 2017 Observation Report: I observed a girls second grade classroom in Arie Crown Hebrew Day School. Elementary school 217 R. All educators should be able to maintain group alertness, as well as hold each member of the group accountable for understanding the content of the lesson. This is another key idea of Skinner in his Operant Conditioning Theory. I observed that this allows for the students to feel like they belong with the rest of the classroom despite the fact they do not speak the same language as most of the other students.


Classroom observation in elementary school Free Essays

elementary classroom observation report sample

To do this, ask questions regarding the application of these concepts through daily activities or situations. She has only taught elementary and has been a teacher now for close to 10 years. This class has a special place in my heart and I only been in there two times. This causes less traffic and confusion than all students ongoing at once to pick up materials and uses less time than having the teacher distribute all materials. I joined them Premium Education Teacher Knowledge Observation In Elementary School Imagine being called on by your elementary school teacher to stand and read out loud in front of the whole class.


FREE 10+ Classroom Observation Report Samples [ Elementary, Teaching, Narrative]

elementary classroom observation report sample

Classroom management includes the skills of organization, classroom layout, discipline, teaching strategy and respectful interaction among teachers and students. It is used mostly by teachers as a way to see and to use as an intervention report. Observing has made me realize that there is more to teaching, the classroom, and what goes on inside. For example, one student from each row might be assigned to pick up materials and distribute them to the other students in the row. It is important that the student be taught to follow this procedure and have ample opportunity to practice carrying it out correctly.


Classroom Observation and Reflection Paper

elementary classroom observation report sample

Remember that responses are qualitative in nature and must undergo thorough interpretations and collection. In regards to the rules, they knew to raise their hands to be recognized by the teacher. Remember to be yourself, exude confidence, and stick to your teaching style to maintain effectiveness in the classroom. Prieto needs to dedicate some of her class time to her E. As they were completing the worksheet she walked around to answer any questions and to make sure they were on task.


Examples Of Classroom Observation

elementary classroom observation report sample

The packet is utilized in the case a student does not pass the FCAT. It was a great set up for the kids because they could easily see her and she could easily see them. To avoid disorientation, teacher may develop places for convenient storage of frequently used materials. My cooperating supervisor for my internship was able to go on these walk-throughs with me in order to have a productive reflection meeting afterwards. I realized that in a small classroom versus a larger one students engage more with the teacher and the classroom is much easier to manage.
