Electoral college persuasive essay. Electoral College Essay Examples 2022-10-27

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The electoral college is a system that has been used in the United States to determine the president and vice president since the country's founding. It is a complex system that has been the subject of much debate and controversy over the years. In this essay, I will argue that the electoral college should be abolished and replaced with a more democratic method of choosing the president.

One of the main arguments for the electoral college is that it ensures that small states and rural areas are not overlooked in the presidential election. However, this argument is flawed because the electoral college actually gives disproportionate weight to these small states. For example, each state is allotted a number of electoral college votes based on its population, but these votes are not distributed proportionally within the state. This means that a small state with a low population can have a greater impact on the outcome of the election than a large state with a high population. This is not fair because it means that the votes of people in small states are worth more than the votes of people in large states.

Another argument for the electoral college is that it prevents candidates from focusing solely on large urban areas, which would leave rural areas without representation. However, this argument also has significant flaws. First, there is no evidence to suggest that candidates would ignore rural areas if the electoral college did not exist. In fact, candidates already campaign in both urban and rural areas in order to secure votes from all parts of the country. Second, even if candidates did focus more on urban areas, this would not necessarily be a bad thing. Urban areas tend to be more diverse and have more people, so it makes sense that candidates would want to reach out to these voters.

The electoral college also creates the possibility of a "faithless elector," where an elector chosen to cast a vote in the electoral college goes against the wishes of the voters in their state. This has happened a few times in history and is a clear violation of the democratic process. It is also possible for a candidate to win the electoral college but lose the popular vote, as happened in the 2000 and 2016 presidential elections. This means that the candidate who received the most votes nationwide did not become president, which is clearly undemocratic.

In conclusion, the electoral college is a flawed system that should be abolished. It gives disproportionate weight to small states and rural areas, creates the possibility of faithless electors, and allows candidates to win the presidency without winning the popular vote. Instead, the president should be chosen through a nationwide popular vote, which would ensure that every vote is equal and that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide becomes president. This would be a more democratic and fair way of choosing the leader of the country.

Electoral College Essay Examples

electoral college persuasive essay

The following months saw recounts, protests, and anger, as many Americans, especially Democrats, were upset and incredulous that Trump became president, despite Clinton winning almost three million more votes. I believe that it should go. With the electoral college, a candidate could win over all thirty-nine small states and win the entire election. Choosing electoral college adds to the cohesiveness of the nation by obliging an appropriation of popular support to be elected President, improves the status of minority interests, contributes to the political dependability of the country by promising a two-party system, and keeps up an elected arrangement of government and representation Kimberling, W. Although it may protect the interests of small states, the electoral college has troubling origins, allows for the misrepresentation of voters, and treats voters unequally. The electoral college creates the probability of a 269-269 tie vote. On the other hand, a popular vote for the president could lead to many runoffs if neither candidate reaches a majority, creating a bigger opportunity for voter fraud and manipulation of the vote, which would not truly represent the will of the people, states, or country.


Persuasive Essay: The Electoral College

electoral college persuasive essay

They thought it would prevent bribery and corruption along with secret dealings. Many Americans think when they go to the polls in November, they are voting for the President of the United States; but really, they are voting for a group of electors who have pledged to support a nominee for the President. Overall I feel that the electoral college should be abolished but not where it would cause chaos. Despite the contravery, we still use the electoral college today because it is written in the constitution. . Instead of using the electoral college to pick the president, the United States should instead move to using the popular vote to pick the president.


Persuasive Essay: Electoral College Vote

electoral college persuasive essay

The effects of the electoral college can make or break you in an election. This is different from a monarchy or dictatorship where as one person, like a king or a dictator have all the power. However, some 21st century voters may be amazed to learn that when they enter a setting to select their candidate for president, they actually cast a ballot for representatives that vote on their behalf. The founding fathers believed that most people were uneducated and therefore make uninformed decisions… Electoral College Benefits Currently, the Electoral College consists of 538 members. Instead, they indicate their preference of candidate. Many of its aspects portray biases and favor certain groups of people and certain states.


Electoral College Persuasive Essay

electoral college persuasive essay

Electoral voters are decided by the equal number of members in its Congressional Representatives plus two for your senators. Worse, the electors may vote however they wish; it is not required for them to vote according the popular vote of their states. Voting is the foundation of America and represents one of the biggest things that America has to offer to people who are already citizens or wanting to become citizens. Then millionaires would jump at the chance of presidential contrast, or bullying smaller parties. It is deemed archaic, undemocratic, complex, ambiguous, indirect, and dangerous by many scholars and is in direct need of reforming Kura, p.


Persuasive Essay on Electoral College Should Be Abolished

electoral college persuasive essay

I have three reasons why the Electoral College should be either get rid of. Today, however, most of our citizens are better-educated and far more informed than citizens were in the 18th century. In class, it was discussed that Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota together, though their combined population is less than that of Oklahoma, each of those states has three electoral votes, whereas Oklahoma just has seven votes. Electoral voting is tied in with the states popular voting. Essay On The Electoral College Should Be Abolished The Electoral College was created by the framers at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.


Electoral college. a persuasive essay on reasons why the electoral college should be changed.

electoral college persuasive essay

As campaigns have grown more expensive, candidates have come to rely increasingly on their own fundraising abilities or personal fortunes to win public office. . The Electoral College is a fair process of government for everyone. Electoral College is just a way for the voting process to go by faster instead of having to tally vote by vote everyone just votes under a representative. With a representative for each candidate it makes everything fair and each voice is equally heard. Some disagree on the topics that Electoral College discusses, and some agree. There are two main types of democracies, direct and representative.


Persuasive Essay Electoral College

electoral college persuasive essay

Citizens were also complaining that Donald Trump did not win the popular vote and Hillary Clinton did so she should have won the presidency. S electors would cast a vote to elect a President. Although the popular votes do not determine the elector votes, it almost always happens where the electors vote for whom the popular votes resulted in. With the Electoral College, it is a winner take all system which makes some voter feel that their vote is practically useless. Our country is supposed to be a symbol of democracy, but to this day, American elections are not truly democratic, for there are no direct Presidential elections. The electoral college is unfair,outdated, and irrational.


Persuasive Essay: The Electoral College Debate

electoral college persuasive essay

The second is the access strategy. The essential reason that the originators made the Electoral College is hard to see today; because the establishing fathers feared undeviating choosing of the Presidency. Pierce, two experts on the electoral college and Harvard teachers, agree wholeheartedly with Jefferson's statement. The electoral college is a method in which representatives from states vote on a presidential candidate, not the state as a whole. And even if I were to accept the. Yes, I understand that the electoral college might have worked when it was first proposed and then created by the founding fathers. The voting system for presidential elections established as a compromise between the congress and the popular vote by qualified citizens- is deemed unfair.
