Effects of caning. flogging 2022-11-03

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Caning, also known as corporal punishment, is the act of physically punishing someone, usually by striking them with a cane or other implement. This practice has been used in various forms for centuries, and while it may seem like a quick and effective way to discipline someone, it is actually a harmful and ineffective method of punishment.

The effects of caning can be physical, emotional, and psychological. Physical effects can include bruises, cuts, and other injuries. In severe cases, caning can even result in permanent physical damage or disability.

Emotionally, caning can cause feelings of fear, anxiety, and trauma. Children and young people who are subjected to caning may feel scared and anxious about being punished in this way again, and may even develop phobias or anxiety disorders as a result.

Psychologically, caning can have long-lasting effects on a person's self-esteem and sense of worth. It can lead to feelings of shame and worthlessness, and can even contribute to the development of mental health issues such as depression and low self-esteem.

Caning is also an ineffective form of punishment. Research has shown that it does not effectively change behavior and can even lead to more aggressive or rebellious behavior. Instead of teaching people to make better choices, caning simply punishes them for past mistakes.

There are many alternatives to caning that are more effective and humane. Positive reinforcement, setting clear boundaries and consequences, and teaching positive problem-solving skills are all more effective methods of discipline that can help children and young people learn and grow in a healthy way.

In conclusion, caning is a harmful and ineffective form of punishment that can have long-lasting physical, emotional, and psychological effects on those who are subjected to it. Instead of using caning, we should look to more positive and effective methods of discipline that help people learn and grow in a healthy way.

A First Caning

effects of caning

Pull that chair out and get your blazer off right now! The prisoner is stripped naked and shackled by strong leather straps to a trestle or A-frame. Then I really thought I was going to die. Only five of these men had been given six strokes. This behavior increases the risk of physical abuse within the classroom, at home, and even in public situations. There are extreme instances of corporal punishment practiced in schools that use tasers, chemical sprays, and leather straps. Corporal punishment is legal to varying degrees, for different causes and up to different ages in 23 states: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming.


The Caning of Charles Sumner

effects of caning

They were split and bloody. In our above example, the mother, being the guardian or governing individual , deemed corporal punishment necessary for the son's actions while they were in the supermarket. Others have described waiting their turn in groups of ten or even twenty men. As soon as she was outside the door Julie stood still and clamped her hands to the seat of her school skirt. These are the tissues you are going to thrash, and the tighter they are against the bone, the more damage you can do, and the more pain you can inflict.


To Settle The Debate on Caning, We Caned Our Writer IRL

effects of caning

THE DIMENSIONS OF THE CANE Punishment canes are made of rattan. It can be a way to teach respect for some children. Their choices become based on deciding whether or not they want to receive the corporal punishment. When it does, the smaller cane is used and the mode of infliction is much less severe. She bore the infliction in silence but there was certainly no sign of amusement on her face as she made her way back to her place afterwards. . A senior officer stands by, with the doctor.


The Effect of Spanking on the Brain

effects of caning

The dimensions of Singapore's light rattan are not known. Kids will still need guidance and appropriate discipline from their parents and teachers, but it can be done with patience and respect, through a non-violent approach without even using a single stroke of the cane. Julie jerked her head back and shrieked loudly. It is defined as a physical punishment which involves hitting someone. For instance, maybe you witness a young man violently striking his female companion in the heat of an argument. Although canings are inflicted out of sight of other prisoners, there are several prison officers in attendance, including the superintendent, a superintendent warder, prison officers, the doctor and male nurse or assistants, and the officers administering the caning. But I couldn't walk properly and my T-shirt was wet with sweat.



effects of caning

During this period about 360 sentences inflicting a total of approximately 3,200 strokes were reported in the English-language local press. Unlike bamboo, rattan is very flexible when wet. A separate Malay sultanate on Borneo, the small oil-rich state of Brunei, has, like Singapore, chosen to become independent rather than be part of the new post-1963 Malaysia. One former caning operative has said that in the 1960s he was paid SGD 1 for each prisoner caned. I think that will remind you to do your lines in future! Donations to the Trust are tax deductible to the full extent allowable under the law. Then he stepped backwards, lifting the cane behind him, and spoke to her. Once the caning officer is in position and the order given to proceed, the strokes are called out: "One! Then it was all over.


Experts: Corporal Punishment Harms Girls

effects of caning

This time the stroke was laid on slightly diagonally, crossing marks left by earlier strokes. The Chief Justice's letter concluded: "I am convinced that the power to whip is essential to the judiciary for dealing with the particular types of crime that are prevalent in Singapore". She had never seen Miss Osbourne looking at her with such an angry expression. The officers are put though a period of training before they are accredited. This time Julie took it in silence, although a shudder passed through her whole body as the sting made itself felt.


The Disciplinary Wives Club (DWC)

effects of caning

Julie resumed her rubbing, now through the material of her skirt. Retrieved 17 November 2019. This form of discipline pretends to be educational but is actually a way for parents to vent their own anger. Baumrind did not return calls for comment. Spare the rod, spoil the child?. Julie had never been so mortified.



effects of caning

Of course, he has chosen a mistress… who, though ugly to others is always lovely to him, though polluted in the sight of the world, is chaste in his sight; I mean the harlot Slavery. I have no experience so I sat on the floor to cool the buttock. The boy must remain clothed, and the person administering the cane must not raise his hand over his head, in order that the skin is not cut. The officer who was administering the whipping was not supposed to hit me on the same spot twice, but he did. Retrieved 18 May 2011. Tears still trickled down her face and the ends of her long blonde hair were wet.
