Effect of population on indian economy. (PDF) IMPACTS OF POPULATION EXPLOSION ON INDIAN ECONOMY 2022-10-16

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India is the second most populous country in the world, with a population of over 1.4 billion people. Its large population has had a significant impact on the Indian economy, both positive and negative.

On the positive side, India's large population provides a large domestic market for goods and services. This can be a major advantage for domestic companies, as they have a ready-made market for their products. The large population also provides a large pool of labor, which can be a major source of economic growth.

However, India's large population also presents challenges for the economy. One of the major challenges is the issue of overpopulation. With such a large population, there is increased competition for resources such as land, water, and food. This can lead to resource depletion and environmental degradation.

Another challenge is the issue of unemployment. Despite the large labor pool, India has a relatively high unemployment rate, particularly among the youth. This is due in part to the country's inability to create enough jobs to keep pace with population growth.

Additionally, India's large population puts a strain on the country's infrastructure and public services. The country's roads, hospitals, and schools are often overcrowded and underfunded, leading to poor quality of life for many citizens.

Overall, the effect of population on the Indian economy is mixed. While a large population provides a domestic market and labor pool, it also presents challenges such as overpopulation, unemployment, and strain on infrastructure. To address these challenges and maximize the potential benefits of its large population, India will need to invest in education, job creation, and infrastructure development.

What are the effects of growing population on the Indian economy?

effect of population on indian economy

Retrieved 22 May 2020. By 2017, inflation had slowed to 3. Only if there is life there will be livelihood. The study was conducted on youth migrated from suburb districts to Debre Markos town, East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia. Retrieved 21 May 2020.


India's Economy: Challenges and Opportunities

effect of population on indian economy

In addition to this India has also gained the global managerial skills which were required to sharpen the managerial skills for Indian industry. Education is important and may be considered a prerequisite to other opportunities. Retrieved 6 April 2020. Retrieved 28 April 2020. A high birth-rate accompanied by a low death-rate cannot adjust population to the means of living.


Economic impact of the COVID

effect of population on indian economy

Retrieved 12 June 2021. Kolkata has one third of its population living in slums which is only second highest share of slum population after Mumbai. African politics is not independent and the foreign aid was one of the ways the intervention of African politics by invisible hand has taken place. Thus, with no other extension to avail, this land cannot handle a population as large as this. In India, the population has outgrown its capacity and is now a liability. Retrieved 2 June 2020. Retrieved 15 May 2020.


Impact of Population on Indian Economy

effect of population on indian economy

Populace development and improvement, discovered that with rapid development of populace and workforce, more assets should be utilised for extension of social consumption on parks, medical clinics, streets, houses, and so on, and little assets are left for expansion. These disputes will not be solved by one friendly free trade agreement. Retrieved 25 March 2020. Retrieved 30 July 2020. By mid-May India had already filled its strategic storage including storing oil on ships across the world. Retrieved 12 May 2020. With increasing prices of goods in India, exports have seen a further decline.



effect of population on indian economy

How does increasing population affect environment? And the entire economy suffers. Retrieved 4 April 2020. Retrieved 6 June 2020. No doubt, this population rise can be disastrous if we don't use them properly. Retrieved 4 April 2020.


Effect of Population growth on Indian webapi.bu.edu

effect of population on indian economy

With India as an example we will discuss Malthus, the population growth theory and see if Malthus theory was maybe mistaken in the past but has some valid aspects today. Retrieved 2 June 2020. The regions where the rate of the population growth is significantly high should be noted off, and proper action should be taken for them in particular. Sizable portion of agricultural land is turning into urban areas to build homes, cities, roads, and other infrastructure. In 1991 this percentage has gone up to 62. Final Consumer The person most affected by rising inflation is the final consumer of goods.



effect of population on indian economy

Out of its total population of more than 1 billion, 350 to 400 million people are living below the poverty line. Mukherji 23 March 2020. Foreign direct Investment has provided ample opportunities as far as technological up gradation is concerned. SUGGESTIONS The population of India is enormous and growing quickly. Retrieved 31 May 2021. The average annual per capita income is very low. At the same time, the lockdown restrictions put a stop on the movement of buses and trains.



effect of population on indian economy

Retrieved 16 May 2020. And the population in the lowest income group are the most affected. So inflation also indicates the loss of purchasing power of the consumer. India is now looking at storing oil in other nations including America. Larger investments are required to reach a specific rate of increase in per capita income. In 1991 this percentage has gone up to 62. It denotes low labor productivity.


Effects of Inflation on Indian Economy: Results of Inflation, Investments

effect of population on indian economy

Retrieved 22 April 2020. Retrieved 26 March 2020. Different antipoverty, work era and essential administration programs have been in operation for a considerable length of time in India. However, a country finds it challenging to offer gainful employment to the entire working population due to a lack of capital resources. The Government is encouraging family planning by introducing new and innovative schemes and education the people about the pros of less number of children like less number of children means greater care for them, good education for them, sufficient food for them, and a much better future for the children as well as their parents. Opponents say that Modi has not fulfilled his campaign pledges. Retrieved 13 April 2020.
