Dust bowl sentence. Use "dust bowl" in a sentence 2022-10-25

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The Dust Bowl was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s. The phenomenon was caused by a combination of drought and poor farming practices, such as the overuse of land and the failure to rotate crops.

The Dust Bowl affected a large area of the Great Plains, stretching from Texas to South Dakota and from Colorado to Kansas. The region was hit particularly hard by drought, which dried up the topsoil and made it susceptible to erosion. At the same time, farmers were using poor farming techniques, such as plowing up native grasses and planting crops year after year without allowing the land to rest. These practices stripped the land of its natural protective cover, leaving it vulnerable to the strong winds that frequently sweep across the Great Plains.

When the winds blew, they picked up the loose topsoil and carried it for hundreds of miles, creating huge clouds of dust that blotted out the sun and made it difficult to breathe. The dust storms were so severe that they were dubbed "black blizzards." They caused extensive damage to crops and livestock, leading to widespread hunger and poverty in the region.

In response to the crisis, the government implemented a number of programs to help farmers. These included the Soil Conservation Act, which provided funding for soil conservation practices, and the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which paid farmers to leave some of their land unplanted in order to reduce the demand for crops and stabilize prices. These programs, along with improved farming techniques and the end of the drought, helped bring an end to the Dust Bowl.

However, the damage had already been done. The Dust Bowl had a devastating impact on the economy and the environment of the Great Plains, and it took many years for the region to recover. It remains a stark reminder of the importance of sustainable farming practices and the need to protect our natural resources.

500 Sentences With "dust bowl"

dust bowl sentence

Governor Murray faced the beginnings of both the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. This new work force of unskilled migrant families from the Dust Bowl now took their place and helped coin the term pea-pickers. Out of the Dust is a story of a girl living through the dust bowl of the Depression. Important figures and movements include Shelford and the ESA, National Environmental Policy act, George Perkins Marsh, Theodore Roosevelt, Stephen A. Nature, Class, and New Deal Literature: The Country Poor in the Great Depression.


Dust bowl Definition & Meaning

dust bowl sentence

Thousands of people left the Midwest after their lands literally blew away. As you know, however, wisely or otherwisely, this region has permitted wheat growing to become its main concern. He notes the song was supposed to have yodeling in it, but he was unable to yodel because of the dust in his lungs. At statehood in 1907, the population was reported as 686. Her letters about the events of the Dust Bowl period were published in Practical Farmer and in The Atlantic Monthly.


Dust Bowl Flashcards

dust bowl sentence

The family moved to Southern California to escape the Dust Bowl. There have only been four recorded specimens of T. Zellickson also: Zelickson , first name unknown, who immigrated in 1891 and wrote extensively about life on the prairies in 1925, especially about the role of women in it. Cattle are also causing water to be pillaged at rates that are depleting many aquifers of their resources. Ox was formed in Vancouver in 2003 after Browning and Bishops moved there from Sudbury. The combination of fresh paint with a real dust storm is not pleasing to contemplate.


Use "dust bowl" in a sentence

dust bowl sentence

Many think it can never be restored. Yukon with 95 other passengers and went into the local real estate industry. McDonald was heavily influenced by Guthrie since he was a child. In contrast with Worster's pessimism, historian Mathew Bonnifield argued that the long-term significance of the Dust Bowl was "the triumph of the human spirit in its capacity to endure and overcome hardships and reverses. The Panhandle was severely affected by the drought of the 1930s.


the dust bowl in a sentence

dust bowl sentence

The lack of any defining marks from the middle to the background create a desolate, empty and barren space. Gabriel drew inspiration from Dorothea Lange's images such as this, her most famous: "Migrant Mother". Both Rita Blanca National Grassland and Kiowa National Grassland KNG , farther west in New Mexico, are the result of the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Dust Bowl Ballads by CityDance Ensemble Maslow's choreography includes: " Dust Bowl Ballads" which depicted the Depression of the 1930s and the people of the Southwest's endurance during these droughts, "Folksay" based on Carl Sandburg's poem of the same name, "Poem," with music by Duke Ellington and words by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the off-Broadway musical "The Big Winner" about a poor tailor and his winning lottery ticket. He also studied at Phillips University.


dust bowl in a sentence

dust bowl sentence

Paintings and photographs are often sold at high prices for their aesthetic beauty. Her letters, written to a friend in Maryland, open a vivid and pathetic chapter of American agriculture. Retrieved on December 5, 2007. The drought and erosion of the Dust Bowl affected that centered on the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma and touched adjacent sections of New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas. Farmers also used farming techniques which were unsuited to the dry, windy climate and the frequent droughts of the Great Plains. Much of rural America has seen steady population decline since 1920. The Burlington Northern Railroad had a depot in Northome until the 1980s, although passenger service discontinued in 1960.


DUST BOWL in a sentence

dust bowl sentence

Of course no one can predict yet the result of these experiments, but they seem to me abundantly worth while. This kind of pitch is colloquially known as a ' dust bowl' or 'minefield'. He landed in this area more than 2300 years ago, when he came out of the Dust Bowl looking for work. Holland presented cost-effective plans to complete the church. Many farmers relocated here from the Dust Bowl conditions in the Dakotas at that time. Farming rose in importance after the 1890s. It is important to note, however, that after volunteerism failed, Hoover developed ideas that laid the framework for parts of the New Deal.


Use dust in a sentence

dust bowl sentence

While the population of the Great Plains did fall during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression, the drop was not caused by extreme numbers of migrants leaving the Great Plains but because of a lack of migrants moving from outside of the Great Plains into the region. Later, in amended returns, the taxpayer reversed itself. The concurrent massive drought resulted in the U. The history of ecology is intertwined with the history of conservation efforts, in particular the founding of the Nature Conservancy. Because banks failed in the Dust Bowl region at a higher rate than elsewhere, farmers could not get the credit they needed to obtain capital to shift crop production. Very little of the old town was ever rebuilt, and only a handful of buildings remain.


Letters From the Dust Bowl

dust bowl sentence

Thus, the Dust Bowl and Great Depression did not trigger a mass exodus of southern migrants, it simply encouraged these migrants to keep moving where in other areas the Great Depression limited mobility due to economic issues, decreasing migration. By 1933, inappropriate crop cultivation had left the Great Plains susceptible to erosion and dust storms turning it into a Dust Bowl. This progress toward more nearly normal conditions of employment occurs in the face of the most critical farm situation that we have ever encountered. The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act loaned funds to farmers in danger of losing their properties. When I dip out a pail of water to carry to the hen-house, it looks almost as if it were covered with a film of oil.


Use bowl in a sentence

dust bowl sentence

In the house the poinsettia and Christmas cactus are blooming a second time and the geraniums blossom in spite of the dust. That there was anything at all to harvest we attribute to the new planting methods encouraged by the Soil Erosion Control service, of listing on contour lines and laying up terraces to check the run-off in whatever rains might come. In the treasury of the cathedral is a magnificent silver monstrance dating from 1553, and an octagonal bowl, the Sacro Catino, brought from Caesarea in 1101, which corresponds to the descriptions given of the Holy Grail, and was long regarded as an emerald of matchless value, but was found when broken at Paris, whither it had been carried by Napoleon I. In our county the FERA force is being cut down. Glacken was born and raised in Sacramento, California, attending Sacramento Junior College now Sacramento City College. All hope of a wheat crop had been abandoned by March or April.
