Driscoll model of reflection in nursing. Driscoll Reflective Model & Its Significance in Nursing Career 2022-10-22

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A journal article review is a critical evaluation of a published research study. It provides a summary of the main points of the article and assesses the strength of the research methods and findings. Writing a review of a journal article can be a helpful way to familiarize yourself with the latest research in a particular field and to develop your critical thinking skills. In this essay, I will provide an example of a journal article review and explain the steps involved in completing this type of assignment.

The journal article that I will be reviewing is titled "The Effect of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis." This article, published in the Journal of Gerontology, reports the results of a meta-analysis of previous research studies that examined the relationship between social support and mental health outcomes in older adults. The authors of the article conducted a comprehensive search of the literature and selected studies that met certain inclusion criteria. They then analyzed the data from these studies using statistical techniques to determine the overall effect of social support on mental health outcomes in older adults.

To begin my review of this article, I will start by providing a summary of the main points. The authors found that social support was significantly related to better mental health outcomes in older adults, with a moderate-to-large effect size. They also found that the strength of this relationship varied depending on the type of social support and the mental health outcome being measured. For example, the effect of social support on depression was stronger than the effect on anxiety, and instrumental support (e.g. help with practical tasks) had a stronger effect than emotional support.

Next, I will assess the research methods used in the study. The authors conducted a thorough literature search and used appropriate inclusion criteria to ensure that the studies included in the meta-analysis were relevant and of high quality. They also used appropriate statistical techniques to analyze the data and reported the results in a clear and transparent manner. Overall, the research methods used in this study were well-conducted and appropriate for the research question being addressed.

Finally, I will evaluate the findings and implications of the study. The results of this meta-analysis suggest that social support is an important factor in the mental health of older adults and that interventions that aim to increase social support may be effective in improving mental health outcomes. However, the authors also note that the strength of the relationship between social support and mental health outcomes varies depending on the type of social support and the mental health outcome being measured. Therefore, more research is needed to understand the specific mechanisms through which social support influences mental health and to determine the most effective types of social support for different mental health outcomes in older adults.

In conclusion, the journal article "The Effect of Social Support on Mental Health Outcomes in Older Adults: A Meta-Analysis" is a well-conducted study that provides important insights into the relationship between social support and mental health in older adults. The research methods used in the study were appropriate and the findings have clear implications for the development of interventions to improve mental health outcomes in this population. Overall, this article is a valuable contribution to the field and would be of interest to researchers and practitioners working in the area of mental health and aging.

In the Odyssey, omens play a significant role in the story as they provide hints and clues about the future events that will unfold. These omens can take many forms, including dreams, bird sightings, and natural phenomena.

One of the most prominent omens in the Odyssey is the dream that Odysseus has while he is held captive on the island of Calypso. In this dream, an eagle with a dove in its claws tells him that he must leave Calypso and return home to Ithaca. This dream serves as a sign that Odysseus' long journey is finally coming to an end and that he will soon be reunited with his loved ones.

Another important omen in the Odyssey is the sight of a pair of eagles fighting over a hare. This omen is interpreted by the suitors as a sign that they will soon be victorious in their quest to win Penelope's hand in marriage. However, the eagles are actually a sign that Odysseus is on his way home and will soon reclaim his throne from the suitors.

There are also several instances of natural omens in the Odyssey, such as the appearance of a rainbow, which is seen as a sign of good fortune. Similarly, the sight of a shooting star is seen as a positive omen, indicating that a new era of peace and prosperity is about to begin.

Overall, the omens in the Odyssey serve as an important narrative device, helping to foreshadow future events and add a sense of mystery and suspense to the story. They also highlight the role of the gods in the lives of the characters, as it is believed that the gods are responsible for sending these signs and predicting the future.

Driscolls Model Of Reflection In Nursing

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

John Driscoll created the model while keeping clinical practice situations in mind. This model has three phases: What? Mezirow explains that reflection is helpful only when it leads to a change in self or learning from a dilemma. Analysing helps to understand what, how and why the missed event occurs. Ask yourself these three simple questions to yourself, then you can start to analyse your experiences. Research has shown that some clinical quality measures are strongly related to good nursing care NorthWestern Memorial Hospital, 2014.


A Guide to John Driscoll's Reflective Model in the Nursing Sector

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

Even though she knew that recapping the used needle increases the likelihood of a needle-stick injury, the registered nurse on duty kept on ordering her to recap the needle. They also make sure to keep complete transparency by providing a  How Experts Help in Understanding the Driscoll Model? I will describe the care of one of the client. This reflective essay will help me demonstrate how my experience in practice has helped me achieve one of the learning outcomes in my learning plan, appendix 1. At the beginning I found it difficult to place the new stoma bag in the right place which I found very frustrating, however I remained calm until I got it right. Students and academicians hugely use the Driscoll model of reflection in nursing to assess their performance and evaluate their overall improvement in learning based on their experiences.


Reflection On The Management Of Care

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

It has four main stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation, and active experimentation. Reflection is a vital learning tools which can progress on innovative knowledge O'Carroll, Park and Nicol, 2007 and enables the nurses to mirror on their practice effectively Johns and Freshwater, 2009. It can help demonstrate everyday learning and is also useful for processing thoughts after a critical incident. Pressure reliving gels was provided to protected Helen and others clients aligned with pressure ulcers caused by long-term procedures. Business Bliss Consultants FZE. Personal Development Plan NU1449 Personal Development Plan — Jade Fraser Learning Needs To be able to put your own values on health aside when providing personal and family centred care to people who have their own option about their health.


Driscoll Reflective Model & Its Significance in Nursing Career

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

Even Driscoll so what model of reflection disadvantages The one and only criticism or disadvantage of Driscoll model of reflection is that it cannot provide you with a deeper reflection. This helps to determine what interventions will lead to increased independence as well as what ongoing support is needed to offset any dependency that still exists. However, as time passes, she starts acquiring more experience with different patients. It is the first stage of Driscoll reflective model. He usually came to the hospital in a poor state, but eventually recovered and went home after a week or two, only to return in a few months. Driscoll connected the above three components to a different phase of the experiential learning cycle. This gives the user a more complete idea of what is going on.


Content tagged as: Driscoll Model Of Reflection

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

In nursing, reflecting on the experience and applying practical knowledge to the field helps all learners. The experts are known for their quality and for adhering to the guidelines and requirements of the tasks given. McCormack and McCance 2017 suggest that that creating relationships its essential when creating person centred care. To provide patient-centered care, I had to educate the patient when administering medications on why the patient was taking the medication and side effects. Person-centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care is a comprehensive and practical resource for all nurses and healthcare practitioners who want to develop person-centred ways of working. Alfred is a 65 years old man and was admitted with diarrhoea and generally unwell to the hospital. It covers 6 stages: Description of the experience.


Driscoll: Reflection In Nursing

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

It has seven components that correspond with the letters of the word REFLECT, and are meant to help an individual judge their behavior 1,2. These fields are not restricted to teaching, business, earth sciences, and even in situations where the need arises to operate with others Loo and Thorpe, 2002. It is more than the bookish knowledge students try to memorise. The Schon model also asks you to consider the strengths and areas of development in your own practice as a nurse questioning why learning experiences might be this way and considering how to develop them. . After the experience, reflect on what has happened. But good communication can avoid these feelings if the patient is able to still take charge of their own life.


Driscoll Model of Reflection for Nursing Students

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

I had no idea how to distract the child, and the request to keep him occupied took me by surprise. However, while giving the patient his injection, she noticed that she forgot to bring a kidney dish to dispose the needle and was unaware about the closest sharp container. So, to omit the stress of it, you can avail the most reliable and authentic help from our team of skilled professionals. Consequently, the patients who experienced them became dissatisfied, as they felt that they were not treated well enough. Or is the status quo sufficiently positive, which means no changes are needed? Firstly, explain the main incident, situation, experience, or event which was to set it in context. The term "duty of care" alludes to the lawful commitment on a health expert, to work out sensible consideration and ability in the arrangement of health treatment.  We aim to provide the premium nursing assignment help and we do not believe to compromise on any aspect.


Driscoll Model of Reflection

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

Is it crucial to introduce a new thing? The process slows down activity providing time to process material of learning and link to previous ideas. Step 3- Now What? But, it is worth noting that John Driscoll developed the Driscoll Method of Reflection with clinical practice situations in mind. If yes, then you have landed on the right page. Brookfield model 2005 The Brookfield model of reflection has a kind of similarity to the Driscoll Model of Reflection. Reflective Practice For Healthcare Professionals: A Practical Guide. Helen was placed in the left lateral position with her arm placed in traction for better access to the shoulder joint. The male child, aged 4, was upset and appeared extremely scared of the needle.


Driscoll Model Of Reflection In Nursing

driscoll model of reflection in nursing

I also need to practice keeping a smile and watch for the signs that a child may be getting distressed, especially if their parent is occupied. Why Is Driscoll a Good Reflective Model in Nursing? The points for criticism of this model also exist. However, once post-experience, one will surely begin to reflect on the same to comprehend what happened. In the process of his admission he was isolated in a side room to prevent and reduce any risk of spreading infection. But, what students do not realise is that they practice reflection all their life, not as a development model but as a way of living. He was a 34-year-old woodworker with a wife and two daughters who died in the collision with a semi-truck.
