Down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary. Down the Santa Fe Trail and Into Mexico: The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin ... 2022-10-24

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The Santa Fe Trail was a 19th-century transportation route that connected Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was used by traders, settlers, and military personnel to travel through the Great Plains and Southwest regions of the United States. The trail was also a major thoroughfare for trade between the United States and Mexico, with many merchants and travelers using it to bring goods and supplies from the United States into Mexico.

The Santa Fe Trail was established in the early 1820s, following the signing of the Adams-Onis Treaty, which set the boundary between the United States and Mexico at the Arkansas River. The trail was initially used by Santa Fe-based traders to bring goods from Missouri and other eastern states to Santa Fe, which was then a part of Mexico.

As the Santa Fe Trail became more popular, it attracted a diverse group of travelers, including settlers, military personnel, and adventurers. Many of these travelers used the trail as a way to explore the Southwest and to seek out new opportunities in the region.

The Santa Fe Trail also played a significant role in the expansion of the United States westward. In the mid-19th century, the United States began to acquire new territory in the Southwest, including parts of present-day Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. This expansion was facilitated in part by the Santa Fe Trail, which provided a transportation route for military personnel and settlers moving into the region.

Overall, the Santa Fe Trail was an important transportation and trade route that connected the United States to Mexico and played a key role in the expansion of the United States westward. It was a vital link between the two countries and helped to shape the history and culture of the Southwest region.

Down the Santa Fé Trail and Into Mexico: The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin ...

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

He made an unprovoked attack on Mexican troops outside In February 1843, Colonel Jacob Snively had received a commission to intercept Mexican caravans along the Santa Fe Trail, similar to that received by Warfield the year prior. During the battle John Brown shoots Rader for betraying him. With the development of rail transport, traffic on the Trail soon dropped to merely local trade. Stuart, with his guides "Barfoot" Brody Alan Hale and "Tex" Bell Guinn "Big Boy" Willliams , posing as civilians , are caught spying on the Brown followers and captured by Rader. Stuart and Custer are sent out on patrol but before they leave the stop for supplies and to flirt with Miss Carson.


Santa Fe Trail

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

I bought this book from amazon. The two flip a coin to see who gets first crack at her and Stuart wins. Retrieved November 24, 2022. After one of the cadets reads from a tract by abolitionist John Brown they discuss the issue of slavery in the United States and what should be done about it. Stuart and Custer then flirt with Kit Holiday who is also along for the ride with her father, who intends to extend the railway West, through the troubled territory of Kansas. Custer and Stuart are acting as part of the military escort for a railway freight shipment and meet John Brown. The final scene is of Stuart and Carson being married on a train.


Down the Santa Fe Trail and Into Mexico: Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin 1846

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

Louis, giving McDaniel the rank of a Texas captain. An occasional look at the West, wild and otherwise, in fiction and nonfiction, comics, moving pictures, radio, music, and in ways yet determined or created. Many of the Fur Trappers had nothing but negative comments about the people of the Southwest. On the trail for fifteen months, moving from house to house and town to town, she became adept in Spanish and the lingo of traders, and wrote down in detail the customs and appearances of places she went. A box falls off the wagon and breaks open, revealing that the 'Bibles' are actually rifles.


Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico: The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin, 1846

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

In June 1846 Susan Shelby Magoffin, eighteen years old and a bride of less than eight months, set out with her husband, a veteran Santa Fe trader, on a trek from Independence, Missouri, through New Mexico and south to Chihuahua. Fax Orders and Customer Service: 800-272-6817 Foreign Orders and Customer Service: 919-966-7449 Foreign Fax Orders and Customer Service 919-962-2704 Customer Service E-mail: Journals Customer Service E-mail: © 2021 University of Nebraska Press 1225 L Street, Suite 200 Lincoln, NE 68588-0630 Created and Powered by. John Brown then leads everyone in prayer. Copyright 1926, 1962 by Yale University Press. The cadets are then shown graduating. John Brown gets away but the wagon with the rifles is wrecked.


Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

The Santa Fe Trail to California, 1849—1852. They are not to be called cowards; take them in a mass they are brave, and if they have the right kind of a leader they will stem any tide. Indians, Alcohol, and the Roads to Taos and Santa Fe. The floor coverings, furniture and decorations. During the ceremony Stuart and Custer catch sight of a pretty girl Kit Carson Holiday Olivia deHavilland whose father is a railway baron.


Down the Santa Fe Trail and Into Mexico: The Diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin ...

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

The journal is such great reading. Focus then shifts to the camp of John Brown, who is setting out orders for the conduct of his followers. The Santa Fe Trail. In June 1846 Susan Shelby Magoffin, eighteen years old and a bride of less than eight months, set out with her husband, a veteran Santa Fe trader, on a trek from Independence, Missouri, through New Mexico and south to Chihuahua. The country, people, villages, Santa Fe, meals and the soldiers she and her husband are traveling with.


Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico : Nebraska Press

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

One of the boxes breaks open and the contents to be rifles. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis future president of the Confederacy gives a speech and the cadet's sing a song. Eventually Rader comes to Jefferson Davis to discuss betraying John Brown to them. Water flows in the Pecos, Arkansas, Cimarron, and Canadian rivers that drain the region vary by 90 or more percent in their flows during an average year. The natural weather was and is continental: very hot and dry summers, coupled with long and bitterly cold winters. One of the branches, called the Mountain Route or the Upper Crossing follows the :93 :133 The other main branch, called the Cimarron Cutoff or Cimarron Crossing or Middle Crossing :93 :133 :144 cut southwest across the Cimarron Desert also known as the Waterscrape or La Jornada :148 to the valley of the From Watrous, the reunited branches continued southward to Santa Fe. Her trip coincided with that of the US invasion and occupation of New Mexico.


Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico : the diary of Susan Shelby Magoffin, 1846

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

On the trail for fifteen months, moving from house to house and town to town, she became adept in Spanish and the lingo of traders, and wrote down in detail the customs and appearances of places she went. Maps of the Santa Fe Trail. An example of just such an observation is found on page 157. The Road to Santa Fe. Orders and Customer Service: 800-848-6224 U. . It turns out that the man with the slaves is an operative of John Brown.


Why read Down the Santa Fe Trail and into Mexico?

down the santa fe trail and into mexico summary

But another wonderful part of the book is that every person that she meets and names there is a footnote that gives a brief history of that person. Her travel journal was written at a crucial time, when the Mexican War was beginning and New Mexico was occupied by Stephen Watts Kearny and the Army of the West. This man who goes for mi alma her husband tomorrow is a sample. Retrieved 31 March 2019. Brown ends up trapped at Harper's Ferry and the military is sent to capture him. Stuart and Custer's patrol meets Brown.
