Dissertation on consumer buying behaviour. Financial Crisis effect on Consumer Buying Behaviour 2022-10-15

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A dissertation on consumer buying behavior can be a complex and interesting topic to explore. Consumer buying behavior refers to the actions and decisions made by individuals or households when purchasing goods or services. It is influenced by a range of factors, including personal, psychological, social, cultural, and economic factors.

There are several approaches to studying consumer buying behavior. One common approach is to use qualitative methods, such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, and case studies, to understand the subjective experiences and motivations of consumers. Quantitative methods, such as surveys and experiments, can also be used to collect and analyze data on consumer behavior.

Personal factors, such as age, gender, income, education, and occupation, can impact consumer buying behavior. For example, younger consumers may be more likely to make impulsive purchases, while older consumers may be more financially conservative. Gender can also influence consumer behavior, with some research suggesting that men and women may have different buying preferences and decision-making processes.

Psychological factors, such as motivation, perception, attitude, and personality, also play a role in consumer buying behavior. Motivation refers to the underlying drives that influence consumer behavior, such as the need for security, status, or social acceptance. Perception is the process by which consumers interpret and make sense of information about products and brands. Attitude refers to a consumer's overall evaluation of a product or brand, and personality refers to an individual's unique characteristics that influence their behavior.

Social and cultural factors, such as family, reference groups, and culture, can also impact consumer buying behavior. Family and reference groups, such as friends and colleagues, can influence consumer decisions through social norms and expectations. Culture, which includes values, beliefs, and customs, can shape consumer behavior by influencing attitudes and preferences.

Economic factors, such as income, price, and availability, can also influence consumer buying behavior. For example, consumers with higher incomes may be more likely to make luxury purchases, while those with lower incomes may be more price-sensitive. The availability of products can also impact consumer behavior, as consumers may choose to purchase a product if it is readily available, even if they are not necessarily interested in the product itself.

In conclusion, consumer buying behavior is a complex and multifaceted topic that is influenced by a range of personal, psychological, social, cultural, and economic factors. Understanding consumer buying behavior can be useful for businesses, as it can help them develop marketing strategies and design products that better meet the needs and preferences of consumers.

Luxury Goods Consumer Purchasing Behaviour

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

By understanding consumer behavior deeply, different authors have given different information about the consumer behavior, how consumer buys the products, it involves four steps they are: need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post purchase behavior, the marketer can pick up many clues as and how to meet the buyer need and develop an effective program to support an attractive offer to the target market Kanuk, 1990. The results indicate that about 2 times male goes for other sources of information. In this process of preference product, the consumer prefers the products, after preferring the product, consumer select the particular product that is called choice. There are three research philosophies recognised in the literature — philosophies of positivism, interpretivism and realism. These questionnaires will consist of an average of 12 questions which will structured in such a way that one question will be leading to the other.


Customer Buying Behaviour Dissertation

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

The funneling strategy aims to provide greater clarity in the research boundaries as it gradually tightens the research focus by outlining the specific research variables to be explored and examined. The complexity of the processes with which consumer purchasing can be associated has made the phenomenon considerably difficult to be predicted and controlled. The complexity of the processes with which consumer purchasing can be associated has made the phenomenon considerably difficult to be predicted and controlled. Along with this, informational society factor may affect the product evaluations and decision procedure of consumers Keller, 2016. In other words, the most successful marketing strategy is the one which is not only focused on one aspect of the consumer buying behaviour, but provides a mix of unique selling propositions, innovative promotions, adequate pricing, attractive in-store environment, high quality of customer service and physical evidence for good product quality.


Financial Crisis effect on Consumer Buying Behaviour

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

Personal sources appear to be even more important in influencing the purchase. Maslow hierarchy needs model Simons, Irwin and Drinnien, 1987 Maslow's given the hierarchy needs for consumer behavior, before starting about the consumer behavior, the consumer needs are important; usually every consumer have some hierarchy needs, they are; self actualization needs, esteem needs, belonging needs, safety and security needs and psychological needs Simons, Irwin and Drinnien, 1987. Their purchasing abilities and priorities will depend mainly on the price of the commodities making it difficult to conduct the research. Chapter 1 introduces the readers to the topic by outlining the aim of the dissertation, the primary research question, the research objectives and the value of the examination. It is therefore necessary for brand marketing teams to understand consumer priorities of package design so as to develop an original package design for a commodity which is attractive and will easily establish its identity in the mind of the consumer biasing his decision making to purchase the product over other brands.


Dissertation The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Buying Behavior

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

The subprime crisis, which burst in the USA in 2007, infected a number of well-developed Western economies such as the United Kingdom. Moreover, the non-probability sampling technique, which the researcher employs, is the purposive sampling. As the present project aims to analyse the financial crisis effects on consumer behaviour it can be suggested that the in depth scrutiny which the current examination would establish could transform into a valuable source of marketing direction. Qualitative analysis of the impact of loyalty schemes on consumer purchasing decisions and loyalty. Also the reccommendations of the previous studies will be considered in the current work. The below is saying about the research and planning, now a days the products are many, the consumer is attracting towards new products and its features. How many times have somebody passed himself a plain looking private brand eatable product Shaw et al.


An Investigation on the Impact of Social Media on Consumer Buying Behavior A Case Study of Cosmetic Retailer

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

Secondary data can be disadvantagious if they do not have a direct relationship with the topic of study. Mintel Oxygen 2008a Food Retailing UK. Fishbein's 1967 attitudinal model has also been widely used in the marketing context Lilien et al. References Aribarg , A. At each extreme of the continuum, there can be recognised two distinctive types of buying behaviour — planned and unplanned — which are to be researched and discussed in the succeeding section of the present literature review. Most the respondents are satisfied Male-88%, Female-90% Yet a few are dissatisfied though the reasons are not known. I am writing a dissertation on the luxury goods sector in China and what are the key characteristics that drive the purchase of luxury goods.


Effect of the Financial Crisis on Consumer Buying Behaviour

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

After the research has been done we will be able to know whether the design of packaging influences consumer behavior from the random purchase of the brand or not. Evaluating the country of origin effects on consumer buying behaviour. However, Fishbein's model stops at the adoption level and does not capture other important factors that explain and predict consumer continuance behaviour repurchase. This research is beneficial to understand the family members, thecircle of friends and working piers is highly affected by digital marketing. Other 59 13 11 01 70.


57 Best consumer behaviour dissertation topics (Ideas & Examples)

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

The internal and external stimuli of consumer behavior means that the consumer, which product should purchase, how much wants to purchase and externally which products are more reliable and usable. Why do people believe popular brands? A Companion to the History of Economic Thought. The decision process model in the consumer market contains five stages since consumer decision was suggested as a response to a problem Solomon, 1991 , and in most cases consumers facing more than two or more alternatives in the market place which requires evaluations Schiffman and Kanuk, 1978. Furthermore, the current economic sluggishness is likely to predispose to greater consumer interest in hard discounters, which makes such retailers believe in market share expansion and prosperity. . The manufacturing companies are designing the products, before manufacturing of new products the researchers are taking the samples for research from the consumers, after taking the samples from the consumers, researchers are doing the research about the products, it encourages companies to constantly innovate better ways to serve the consumer needs Yeowzah, 2003.


Consumer Behavior Dissertation Topics: A List Of Great Ideas

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

How often do people follow their intuitions in product choice? A review of twenty-five years research of the consumer behaviour study in different markets. Moreover, Sproles and Kendall 1986 identified characteristics of eight decisionmaking styles as follow: Characteristics of eight decision-making styles 1. The finding and analysis from the collected data shows that even though website factor is a significance factor that affect to consumer buying behavior but the other three factors are not which are brand and characteristic of product,consumer experience or consumer skill and clickstream behaviorOverall,this dissertation is beneficial to online seller to gain a deeper understanding of online consumer buying behavior and apply for marketing strategy in order to compete with competitors within this online marketplace era. The essentiality of packaging has made many businesses to spend a lot of time and money to package their products in an exellent way. Furthermore, the inductive research approach, which provides greater flexibility, provides the researcher with the opportunity to modify the research emphasis depending on the accumulated findings throughout the research process Easterby-Smith et al.


Consumer Purchasing Behaviour Social Media

dissertation on consumer buying behaviour

Consumer behaviour models i. On the other hand a poor quality package will make the consumer to assume that the product is of low quality although this might not be the case Geistfeld et al. On the other hand the indirect aspects of the credit crunch on customer behaviour can be outlined as the challenges of credit financing and investment capability which commercial organisations face and which make these organisations unable to continue with producing high quality products and customer service The Economist, 2008. Can habits acquired in the family influence your choice? Moreover, food retailing, on which the present research question is focused, is seen to be the most stable part of the retailing industry and it is predicted to be gaining market share by the production of efficient marketing strategies. However, there are some instances where secondary data is really not helpful. The author provides a number of suggestions, which were extracted from the conducted secondary and primary investigation.
