Dental hygiene research paper topics. Dental Hygiene Research Papers 2022-11-02

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There are countless interesting topics that one could choose to write a research paper on. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

  1. The impact of social media on mental health: This topic has gained a lot of attention in recent years, as more and more people spend time on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Researchers have looked at how social media use can affect people's mental health and wellbeing, including topics like cyberbullying, FOMO (fear of missing out), and the comparison trap.

  2. The psychology of persuasion: Understanding how people are swayed by arguments and marketing messages can be a fascinating topic for a research paper. You could explore the different techniques used by advertisers and politicians to influence people's behavior, and examine how effective these techniques are.

  3. The environmental impact of fast fashion: The fashion industry is a major contributor to environmental degradation, with fast fashion brands producing cheap, low-quality clothing that is quickly discarded. This topic could explore the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion, and look at ways to reduce its negative impact.

  4. The role of genetics in human behavior: There is ongoing debate about the extent to which genetics plays a role in determining human behavior. Some researchers believe that genetics plays a major role in things like intelligence, personality, and even criminal behavior, while others argue that environmental factors are more important. This topic could examine the latest research on the genetic basis of human behavior, and consider the ethical implications of this research.

  5. The effectiveness of alternative medicine: Alternative medicine practices like acupuncture, chiropractic, and herbal remedies have gained popularity in recent years, but their effectiveness is often disputed by mainstream medical professionals. A research paper on this topic could explore the scientific evidence for and against the use of alternative medicine, and consider the potential benefits and risks of these practices.

These are just a few examples of the many interesting topics that could be explored in a research paper. Whatever topic you choose, be sure to do thorough research and consider multiple perspectives on the issue.

Dental Hygiene Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

dental hygiene research paper topics

One can still find the same formula of Listerine which was used six decades back, in the market. Jeff, Official ebsite, 2004 A new area of the site could be redefined -- instead of the clinical picture of the globe that adorns the site, clickable icons of the different flavors could add color to the 'other side' of the whitening white strips. I think that promoting and educating others on good oral health is very important because it A Career As A Dental Hygienist 455 Words 2 Pages There are many different career paths and so many jobs for people to choose. Dental Hygiene is a desirable profession due to its duties, competitive wages, education, flexibility. The clinic might not have enough funds to employee more people Alternating sites Currently,… References Vissers, J. Health: the Basics 6th ed. My aspiration comes from the privilege to an education.


Dental research topics

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Dental Hygienist Careers 451 Words 2 Pages Although this is the case I have hope I will be among the lucky ones that are hired to work full time. More 2005 Web-based vs. The program helps participants to limit their children's exposure to sugars other preventative measures can create lifelong oral health habits for the next generation. Gerontology Experiment Simulation 1 -- Degenerative Arthritis and Macular Degeneration In this simulation, I placed Band-aids around the middle joints of my fingers and I wore an athletic wrist support on one hand that severely limited my wrist motion. Dental Hygienist Experience 819 Words 4 Pages When I walked in through the door of the dentist 's office, I was a little bit nervous.


Dental Hygiene Research Paper Examples That Really Inspire

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All of these act as reasons that make me want to choose dental hygiene as my profession. Some of their oral hygiene practices are the same, due to poverty, or education. Additionally, continual administration of liquid drugs containing sucrose as sweetener may cause caries and gingivitis cases in children Andersson et al. The hygienists reported pain in the neck and shoulder region, hands, fingers, and lower back. Soon, I began to organize and to be patient, things I had to learn very quickly. I think good dental hygiene is very important and I take pride in keeping my teeth clean and healthy. My family told me to settle for something that would just get the bills paid, even if it meant living a life without Research Paper On Becoming A Dental Assistant Name: Gabaghi Agbede Sunday Career Prospect Essay The vocation that I have decided for my future is to turn into a dental specialist.


Dental Hygiene Research Papers

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Journal of Dental Hygiene, 75 1 , 90-129. . Promotions through dental vehicles would lead to extra costs such as repairmen of vehicles and fuel costs for which the clinic might not have funds. Health disparities: Impact on Business and Economics Summit. Specialty toothpastes created for customers with sensitive teeth, gums or other medical conditions, with customer experience being the most critical 5.


Dental Hygiene Research Paper

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Often permanent correction is practiced such as reshaping teeth coronoplasty , building crowns or bonding, orthodontics, or surgery that installs a permanent appliance for the… Bibliography Forssell, H. Rate of reformation of tongue coatings in young adults International Journal of Dental Hygiene 2008 January; 6 :371 -- 375 Collins FM. It can… References Al-Asfour, a. The supporting bone holds the dental implant in the jaw. It is great for those with people skills, most dental offices is to make the patient feel relaxed at possible during their duration of the visit. Department of Health and Human Services. Participants also learn about the role the dentist plays in their lives, and thereby develops trust.


Research Paper Dental Hygienist

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As a future dental hygienist, I felt… A few general observations are called for now. I would show photographs of what infections look like, both on the human body and also in microbial form. A dental hygienist is a stressful job, but it helps a lot of people. Big Benefits, Big Commitments The idea of being a dentist or doctor generates images of a comfortable lifestyle. The research that I have already done on this profession is a dental hygienist annual salary and required hour of work. Demand for dental profession: Demographic trends It has been estimated that "roughly 60 to 70% of the adult American population seeks routine dental care -- a rate that is believed to be holding stable," indicating that there will be a sustained need for the profession in recent years Lavers 2013.


Dental Hygienist Research Paper

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Inflammation is a situation where a tissue gets swollen, red, and frequently hurts. An Unhealthy America: The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease -- Charting a New Course to Save Lives and Increase Productivity and Economic Growth. Effectiveness of methods used by dental professionals for the primary prevention of dental caries: A review of the evidence. Dental Hygiene Research Papers bristle, I would get ideal teeth cleaning. Therefore, I am sure I will need a career that allows me to have personal interaction with others.


dental hygiene research paper topics

Journal of Dental Hygiene, 74 1 , 41-58. Conclusion This methodology section is designed to produce the most pure results with regard to the research question. Pinnacle also has an ethical responsibility to ensure that students to not accrue more debt than they can conceivably pay off in a reasonable period of time. Their color and uses that they are meant for, are also different. Currently, the Crest hite strips website asks individuals if they would like to participate in a survey regarding the project, upon entry, when accessing the part of the website known as "Ask Dr.
