Definition of the word controversial. Controversial Definition & Meaning 2022-10-13

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The word "controversial" refers to something that is likely to cause disagreement or debate. It is often used to describe ideas, actions, or events that are disputed or debated because they are seen as problematic or offensive by some people, while others may see them as acceptable or necessary.

The root of the word "controversial" is the Latin word "controversia," which means "a turning about," or "a disagreement." This reflects the fact that when something is controversial, it often involves conflicting opinions or perspectives that are being passionately argued for or against.

There are many different things that can be considered controversial. These may include political issues, social policies, scientific theories, artistic expressions, and personal beliefs. Some examples of controversial topics might include abortion, gun control, climate change, immigration, and racial equality.

The controversy surrounding a particular topic or issue may be due to a variety of factors. It may be related to fundamental differences in values or beliefs, or it may be based on a lack of understanding or misinformation. Controversy can also arise when different groups or individuals have conflicting interests or goals.

Regardless of the cause, controversy can be a highly charged and emotional issue. It can lead to intense debates, protests, and even violence. At the same time, however, controversy can also be a source of progress and change. It can bring attention to important issues and stimulate critical thinking and dialogue.

In conclusion, the word "controversial" refers to something that is likely to cause disagreement or debate. It can be applied to a wide range of topics and issues, and it can have both positive and negative consequences. Regardless of whether we agree or disagree with a controversial idea or action, it is important to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to listen to different perspectives.

Controversial Definition & Meaning

definition of the word controversial

But ignorance, and especially willful ignorance which accounts for maybe most cases can be more damaging and even harder to stop than hate, because it's so evasive. Sometimes they don't have to give up anything at all, because righting the injustice helps everybody. In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for controversial, like: contestable, arguable, open to doubt, subject to controversy, uncontroversial, polemic, open to discussion, debatable, open to debate, doubtful and in-question. Recently she was involved in the Kim Kardashian West 40th birthday drama, although she had nothing to do with it. . It was actually a running joke. Unfortunately, the truth is that you have to address misconceptions of each group one by one, which is a much longer and more tedious slog than making vague Facebook posts about how hate is such a terrible disease -- but in the end, the slog is far more productive.


Why a controversial definition of the word “woman” doesn’t necessarily mean the dictionary is sexist.

definition of the word controversial

Continue Reading Below Back in my day, we called it "political correctness," but no one will use that term now because old people do. Nah, that'll just get stolen by the jerks again to mean "normal people. It no longer works as an insult because people get called that and go, "A social justice warrior? Lexicographers, on the other hand, say their function is descriptive; they seek only to reflect the language that we, the people, have made. It turns out it stands for "Social Justice Warrior," and once upon a time was used it sarcastically to refer to overenthusiastic people who thought they were fighting for social justice and defending the oppressed but were actually ineffectually jerking themselves off on Tumblr. Article III's limitation of the judicial power to cases or controversies requires that an action brought in the federal court involve parties with standing to sue and questions that are ripe and not moot.


What is the root word of controversial? Explained by FAQ Blog

definition of the word controversial

Social Justice Warrior Wannabes SJWW? Is there really an epidemic of people feeling sorry for themselves? Sometimes the thing they have to give up is not a really big deal, like not using a certain word. Every time someone told them, "That's gross," or, "Haven't you ever heard of a Kleenex? Social justice is a good thing! You can't change a person's idea if you can't get them to admit they have it. The self-aggrandizement implied by that phrase perfectly sums up a person who champions social issues only to get a high from self-righteousness and the excitement of imagining Internet drama as a "battle" they are fighting in. Getty "I Photoshopped that racist's head onto a hippopotamus! We've used them to mean so many different things that other people no longer have any idea what that combination of letters means when we use it. It really makes it hard to draw attention to people who are truly getting screwed over. So that's why they won't admit real obvious things, like that women getting raped is a big problem. They look for high-fives every time they drop a zinger on someone from the other side, even if that zinger changed no one's mind and didn't get any new info out there.


Controversy Definition & Meaning

definition of the word controversial

We've added two implied meanings to it, both of which turn conversations into fiascos left and right. It makes people think that a vague, blanket call for "acceptance" is a panacea for racism, misogyny, sectarianism, xenophobia, homophobia, discrimination against the disabled, and what have you. Recent Examples on the Web The boys at Barstool, the guys that create a rabid level of controversy while simultaneously offering a quality product, entered the Ohio pre-launch game a little later than the competition. The exact same delusions as the racists and misogynists they're arguing with. . We just need to ignore that stupid word -- no more labels and badges for decent people just doing the right thing. .



definition of the word controversial

Continue Reading Below This is one of the most annoying acronyms I have ever seen, and I lived through ROTFLOL. But there sure is an epidemic of complaining about it, to the point that there is no way of saying someone is "the real victim" in a situation without sounding sarcastic or corny. But society can never leave a simple word alone. Someone writes an essay about sexism in the tech industry and engages with people who disagree with her by providing further reasons to back up her argument. It's someone that something bad has happened to. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. This level of anger and obsession is what most people think of when you talk about "hate," and most racists or sexists or whatever do not feel that emotion.


3 Controversial Words We've Drained of Meaning

definition of the word controversial

Who is the most controversial person on the Internet? Yes these words share the three letters -bat- and both can be traced back the same root: the Latin verb battuere, which means 'to beat or knock'. What is the root word of debatable? But, hey, why take chances? It was picked up by racists and sexists, who had a much lower bar for who was being overzealous on behalf of the oppressed. It's easy to just think the Smurfs are dumb, because they are, but we've done the same thing to a lot of our most popular words. If the term "SJW" hadn't been ruined, it would have fit these people perfectly. It described an overly zealous liberal type who was oversensitive to any hint of racism or sexism and would accuse you of genocide if you called a black person "African-American" when the current popular term was "person of color. In Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy To Invent Jesus, author Joseph Atwill Jesuit trained, founder of the Roman Origins Institute in New York City, and co-worker with Robert Eisenman on the dating of the Dead Sea Scrolls advances the controversial but intriguing theory that Jesus of the New Testament Gospels was basically an invention of a Roman emperor for his own imperial purposes.


definition of the word controversial

Basically, if you were against racism or sexism at all, you were going waaaay overboard. It's safest not to give an inch. Even worse, some people on the "right side" actually buy into this narrative, that fighting racism or sexism automatically makes them part of a monolithic club, or a team. Internet people decided to sarcastically call these people Social Justice Warriors because they seemed to visualize themselves as mighty crusaders fighting for justice when they were actually typing quietly on computers on behalf of minority groups that probably didn't even care. Fast-forward to the present day, when you can pretty much guarantee that anyone who calls you a SJW is not only a racist or sexist but a fairly nasty one. His new book is very controversial.


definition of the word controversial

What is the meaning of controversy in the Bible? What is the noun form of controversial? The other terrible meaning we've added to the word is " just a victim. That's why rape survivors often call themselves survivors instead of victims, because "victim" has been saddled with the unfortunate baggage of meanings like "coward" or "weakling" and the implication that they're too passive to fight for justice or healing or whatever their next step is. Like, they would tell humans that "the smurf smurfed the other Smurfs" in order to say that someone had kidnapped the other Smurfs, which made absolutely no sense to the humans, and the other Smurfs I assume eventually starved to death in captivity. As long as you are on the "right" side, you get lazy about keeping an eye on your attitudes and your tactics. Controversial is the adjective form of the noun controversy, which is a prolonged dispute, debate, or state of contention, especially one that unfolds in public and involves a stark difference of opinion. In other words, exactly how well are dictionaries keeping up with the evolving contemporary conversation around the language of gender and sexuality? Getty Continue Reading Below Nobody, man or woman, deserves to be compared to a professional soccer player. Because they think that Step 1 is them admitting there is an injustice, which doesn't sound so bad, but then you have a secret Step 2 where you take things away from them, and then more secret steps later where you start setting yourself up above them.


definition of the word controversial

They proudly hitch their identity to everyone cool on that "team. Dear Jack Black: Have you considered how your last name co-opts the experience of people of color? Controversial is used to describe someone or something that causes people to get upset and argue. Getty "Now to change the world! You feel like you can leech off the prestige and identity of people genuinely fighting for civil rights and equality if you just insult the same people they are arguing with. Continue Reading Below The other problem with the umbrella word is that the "haters" keep trying to sneak under the umbrella themselves, calling denunciation of white supremacists "hate speech," leading to very confusing arguments. Allen Jr, Rome correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter, will be delighted by his latest book, Opus Dei, billed as an "objective look" at "the most controversial force in the Catholic Church. In English, a debate was originally a fight or an argument, but it has also become the standard word for a formal discussion between people with opposing views.
